"Do we really have to choose the social public support system?"

Lv Yongchang's eyes were uncertain, and he muttered to himself with a frown.

The tragic situation of human civilization on Proxima Centauri is still vivid in my mind.

In the past few years, with the help of information from the Human Union Academy of Sciences, human civilization on Proxima Centauri has finally managed to stand firm - the public support system has been activated again.

Because of the problem of resource scarcity, even if the social public support system is adopted, the comprehensive fertility rate of human civilization on Proxima Centauri is only equal to the mortality rate.

In simple terms.

The current human civilization on Proxima Centauri has completely lost all its development potential without the help of external forces.

After the Star Devourer absorbed a large amount of energy, the main star of the Proxima Galaxy has reached its twilight years.

This star system, which is already short of resources, now looks even more desolate.

And after experiencing such wars and wasting so many resources, the human civilization on Proxima Centauri has naturally lost the hope of leaving the Proxima Galaxy.

Now, all their efforts are just a meaningless struggle on the edge of civilization extinction.

It is precisely because he knows this that Lv Yongchang is so entangled.

The social support system is an extremely sharp double-edged sword.

The human civilization of Proxima Centauri has paved a bumpy road for the Human Alliance at the cost of blood.

Although the end of this road is a cliff, the Human Alliance can still learn a lot of necessary experience from it.

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, looked at the holographic interface in front of him with a bright blue light, and slowly stood up from his seat.

"Zero, help me contact Chairman Hong."



Dawn Star No. 1 City, Human Alliance Parliament.

The door slowly opened, and Lv Yongchang looked solemn and walked in quickly.

He walked around several corridors with ease and came to the door of an office.

The office door opened automatically.

"Professor, come in."

Hong Qiming's voice came from the office, followed by the sound of dragging a chair.

Lv Yongchang walked into the office without any hesitation.

Looking at the steaming tea on the desk, and then at Hong Qiming, whose temples were already slightly gray, Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It has finally come to this."

He pulled out the chair next to the desk and sat down while sighing.

"Yeah..." Hong Qiming sighed slightly behind the desk, and asked with some reluctance, "Is there really no other way?"

Lv Yongchang hesitated for a while, and shook his head slowly and firmly: "They are just superficial methods that only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"If you want to cure it, you can only use strong medicine."

Hearing this, Hong Qiming also showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Strong medicine... I'm really afraid that this dose of strong medicine will make the people collapse..."

Lv Yongchang shrugged: "It won't be a cure."

"During this period, the sociology branch of the Academy of Sciences has done a lot of simulation calculations."

"The worst case scenario is that civilization will regress by hundreds of years."

Hong Qiming's expression suddenly froze.

"Regressing a few hundred years? Isn't this a failure?!"

"It's just the worst case scenario." Lu Yongchang chuckled and continued, "Currently, those who have been awakened are all high-quality people. Combined with the current fertility situation, it can be said that now is the best time for experimentation."

"If we miss this time window, when the environmental transformation of Dawn Star is completely completed and a large number of humans wake up from hibernation, the reform will not be so easy to promote."

"By that time, the consequences of failure will definitely be something we cannot afford."

Hong Qiming's bitter smile became more and more intense. He shook his head, stretched out his hand, and gently tapped Lu Yongchang in front of him in the air: "You... always have a point."

"Forget it, since the Academy of Sciences has already completed the demonstration, the parliament can't hold you back."

"As the sociology department said, let's start with trial propaganda."


Xu Ting.

An ordinary, but extraordinary ordinary citizen of the Human Union.

She is ordinary because her job is just a small customer service staff.

She is extraordinary because her workplace is in the Human Union Parliament.

Of course, for the current population distribution in City No. 1, Xu Ting, as a grassroots employee, is still just an ordinary person.

After waking up from hibernation, she soon waited for her husband, a small transport ship driver.

The two met, fell in love, and got married in the Ross 154 star system.

At the same time, they made a lot of contributions to the Human Union, and thus obtained the qualification to wake up early on the Dawn Star.

After waking up, Xu Ting and her husband Qi Yang began their life on the Dawn Star.

At the beginning, because of the strong gravity on the Dawn Star, the quality of life of the two who had to wear exoskeleton armor and sleep in the medical cabin was not high, so they also gave up the idea of ​​raising the next generation.

But with the advancement of the human body enhancement project, the quality of life of the two has greatly improved.


Driven by genetic instinct, Qi Yang and Xu Ting had the idea of ​​raising the next generation.

But it was just an idea.

The high cost of childbirth is something they cannot afford.

Even if there are various fertility guarantees formulated by the Human Union Council, as ordinary employees, they still dare not make this decision.

After all, in twenty years, who knows what will happen?

Your former colleague might become your boss.

Or, twenty years later, when they return to work, they find that they are completely out of touch with the times.

Either way, they cannot accept it.

Therefore, the couple's plans are postponed again and again.

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