Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 504 Atomic Magnetic Moments and Particle Traps

Faced with Fang Xu's question, Lv Yongchang stood up from his seat slowly, waved his hand, and opened another holographic image.

"I already have some ideas about the storage measures for antihydrogen atoms."

"Particle trap device."

Lv Yongchang pointed to the holographic image beside him and introduced it in a relaxed tone: "This is the name I gave it."

"Particle trap?" Fang Xu frowned, looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar device in the holographic image, and subconsciously asked, "Magnetic field confinement?"

"Antihydrogen atoms are not charged."

Lv Yongchang chuckled: "It is indeed magnetic field confinement."

"But who said that magnetic fields can only confine charged particles?"

As the second-in-command of the Academy of Sciences, Fang Xu had already come up with a plan in his mind when he heard this.

He had a bit of realization in his eyes, and said with some hesitation: "You mean..."

"Atomic magnetic moment?"

Atomic magnetic moment is the effective part of the sum of various magnetic moments inside an atom.

Its source is mainly divided into two aspects.

The orbital motion of electrons around the nucleus and the spin of electrons.

Hearing Fang Xu's hesitant tone, Lv Yongchang's smile became more intense.

He responded in an affirmative tone: "Yes, it is the atomic magnetic moment."

"In the Earth era, it is an extremely difficult task to constrain electrically neutral atoms with the help of the magnetic moment generated by the rotation of atoms."

"But now, our technology for manipulating magnetic fields is becoming more and more sophisticated. Under Zero's control, it is enough to complete the corresponding capture and confinement tasks."

As he spoke, he swiped the holographic image in front of him.

The projection screen quickly turned an angle.

The full picture of the device appeared in front of Fang Xu.

The whole device is like a long tube.

The tube is surrounded by layers of superconducting magnets.

These superconducting magnets, under Zero's control, will form an extremely complex magnetic field in the vacuum cavity of the tube.

When the antihydrogen atom passes through the cavity, the magnetic moment generated by its own rotation will interact with the magnetic field.

In this way, the magnetic field will firmly bind it to the central area of ​​the vacuum cavity.

As long as it is ensured not to contact any substance, annihilation will naturally not occur.

Humans will have the opportunity to observe antimatter.

Next to the equipment drawings, a slowly fluctuating curve slowly appeared.

Schematic diagram of magnetic field used to extract antimatter atoms

"This is the internal magnetic field curve calculated by Zero." Lv Yongchang shrugged, "It's just a theoretical thing at the moment."

"Everything will have to wait until the big guy on Guangwei 1 is completed."

Fang Xu looked at the slowly fluctuating curve in front of him and took a deep breath.

It was that familiar feeling again.

Since the Earth era, as long as he stood next to Lv Yongchang, he felt like a "waste" every moment.

He slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and quickly let go of the sense of urgency that flashed in his heart.

He is no longer the same as the Earth era.

He pondered for a moment, and spoke clearly word by word.

"Okay, listen to you."

"What other arrangements are there, tell me together."

As the saying goes.

If you can't beat them, join them.


Time flies, thirty years later.

Earth calendar year 2450.

In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed since the first batch of public fosters completed the [Coming of Age Ceremony] and entered the surface cities of Dawn to start working.

During these thirty years, the three space foster centers have fostered a certain number of public fosters every year.

However, under the precise control of the Zero-Sum Academy of Sciences, the number of public fosters born each year is basically consistent with the number of deaths in the human alliance.

Therefore, although the number of natural births is still declining year by year, the total population on Dawn has maintained a steady growth.

The proportion of public fosters has also gradually increased over the past thirty years.

Gradually, public fosters have become a unique group in society.

On the one hand, the surface environment of Dawn has not yet been transformed, and humans can only live in the only six remaining surface cities.

After all, the space in the city is limited.

As time goes by, fresh blood is constantly injected, and the originally slightly empty city has gradually become full.

It is not crowded, but the number of people walking on the city streets has obviously increased a lot.

Therefore, the competition in the city is also relatively fierce.

The group of public fosterers who invest educational resources in a targeted manner naturally has an advantage.

But fortunately, there is zero control, and the absolutely fair, open and transparent promotion channels keep the competition in the city in a virtuous cycle.

On the other hand.

Compared with natural persons, public fosterers are more inclined to artificial wombs and social surrogate fostering systems in terms of fertility concepts because of the education they have received since childhood and their personal experience.

Public fosterers of the right age and who are married often apply for quotas and use artificial wombs and social surrogate fostering systems to keep their children.

Unlike natural persons, under the subtle influence of education, public fosterers do not interfere too much with their biological children.

They often only go to the space nurturing center at critical times and offer their care and blessings to the new generation.

Therefore, these new generations are becoming more and more indifferent to traditional family affection.

Although the traditional concept of family affection is gradually lost, under the education of the social foster care system, their inner sense of identity with the human group, or the sense of honor for the Human Union, has increased significantly.

This new concept naturally caused a certain degree of impact on human society.

But no matter what, under the joint efforts of the Parliament, the Academy of Sciences and Zero, the two groups still get along very well.

At the same time.

The transformation project of the Guangwei Planetary Fortress has also come to a successful end.

Although Guangwei can only be regarded as a satellite of the Dawn Star.

But considering its huge size, Lv Yongchang still gave it the name of [Planetary Fortress].

The reason is simple.

Being handsome is a lifelong thing.


The door of the office slowly opened, and Fang Xu's voice came.

"The satellite-ring particle accelerator has been completed."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang, who was sitting at his desk and perfecting the antimatter theory, suddenly paused.

The next moment, a brand new holographic projection automatically unfolded in front of him.

In the picture, it was the Lumina that had been transformed into a steel planet!

He slowly stood up from his seat, subconsciously staring at the intricate pipeline system on the surface of Lumina, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

"Finally done..."

He muttered to himself.

Then, he came back to his senses, with a bit of excitement in his serious expression.

"Prepare for the first test run!"

"From today on, mankind will truly unveil the veil of antimatter!"

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