Everyone present expressed confusion about Lv Yongchang's request.


As the second-in-command of the Academy of Sciences, Fang Xu on the side asked first: "Why do we need to release these hard-earned antimatter?"

"The observation experiment has not been completed yet. If it is completely released, our experimental progress will stagnate for a long time."

Fang Xu's words aroused the approval of many people.

As for Lv Yongchang, he smiled and shook his head: "The data collected in the past few days is enough for us to study."

"When we finish processing the data in hand, a new batch of antihydrogen molecules should also be manufactured."

As he said, Lv Yongchang's expression became a little serious: "On the one hand, the annihilation of positive and negative matter at the macroscopic level is a field we have never set foot in."

"I want to use it to peek into the scene at the beginning of the Big Bang."

"What exactly caused our universe to be composed of matter in the end."

Hearing this, everyone in the laboratory was moved.

For scientists, exploring the mysteries of the universe is like a deadly poison, attracting their attention all the time.

"On the other hand."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang paused for a moment and said again: "Although our efficiency in producing antihydrogen is very low at present, we still need to lay some foundation for the application of antimatter."

"Antimatter engines, or weapons and equipment made with the help of antimatter, all require macroscopic data on the annihilation of positive and negative matter as a basis."

After hearing these two reasons, Fang Xu decisively changed his position and nodded in agreement.

As for other researchers?

When they heard the first reason, they had already decided to support Lv Yongchang's approach.

After all, who can resist the attraction of the proposition of peeking into the origin of the universe?


Of course.

The so-called release of antimatter is definitely not simply closing the [particle trap] and then throwing this precious microgram of antihydrogen molecules directly into the outside world.

If this is really done,

without the help of professional equipment, humans may only see an extremely brilliant and extremely expensive large explosion.

This is too extravagant.

Therefore, in order to obtain as much data as possible, under the order of Lv Yongchang, more than ten [engineering ships] began to build a special space laboratory in the empty space far away from Dawn and Guangwei.

At that time, this microgram of antihydrogen molecules will come into contact with one microgram of hydrogen molecules in this space laboratory, and open a door to a brand new scientific research field that humans have never touched before.


Time flies.

One month later.

The space laboratory was completed.

If Lv Yongchang said, before they finished analyzing all the observation data, the large particle accelerator around the satellite re-produced one microgram of antihydrogen molecules.

However, this time, Lv Yongchang did not order the particle accelerator to stop operating.

If you want to study antimatter in depth, a mere microgram is definitely not enough.

In addition to antihydrogen, he even has to produce antihelium!


October 24, 2450 in the Earth calendar.

In the first laboratory of Dawn.

The expressions of every researcher are nervous and a little excited.

Zero's electronic synthesized voice kept ringing in the laboratory, reporting the progress of various preparations in the space laboratory.


"Professor, all preparations have been completed."

With the sound of the last electronic synthesized voice, the laboratory returned to its original calm.

Lv Yongchang stared at the monitoring data in the holographic projection.

The data showed that the precious microgram of antihydrogen molecules was firmly restrained by the magnetic cage in the center of the high-purity vacuum reaction chamber.

Different from the simple [particle trap] used to restrain antihydrogen molecules, the magnetic cage in the reaction chamber is more complex.

To put it simply, it is composed of two layers of magnetic cages.

The inner magnetic cage is mainly used to restrain antihydrogen molecules.

The outer magnetic cage is used to control the movement of hydrogen molecules.

As for why this is done, it is naturally to better control the contact between the two.

Lv Yongchang checked the data again, and after confirming that it was correct, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Inject an equal amount of hydrogen!"

As soon as the words fell, a slender probe pierced the surface of the magnetic cage, that is, the interlayer between the outer magnetic cage and the inner magnetic cage, and accurately sprayed out a microgram of hydrogen.

"Start the particle cooling device."

Almost at the same time, the second order was issued.

In order to better control these hydrogen molecules and antihydrogen molecules, the experiment needs to reduce their running speed as much as possible.

The high-power laser generator was then started.

Under the irradiation of beams of high-frequency lasers, the molecular movement speed inside the magnetic cage quickly decreased, and the temperature in the vacuum chamber quickly reached near absolute zero.

Looking at the data in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's expression became more and more solemn.

Next, the most critical step.

"Close the inner magnetic cage."

"Change the operating rules of the outer magnetic cage, and at the same time reduce the space of the magnetic cage to control the contact between the two!"

As soon as the words fell.

The inner magnetic cage used to bind the antihydrogen molecules disappeared instantly.

The operating rules of the outer magnetic cage also changed rapidly, consistent with the original operating rules of the inner magnetic cage-the magnetic moments of hydrogen atoms and antihydrogen atoms are the same.

At the same time, the outer magnetic cage began to shrink inward under the control of Zero, "forcing" hydrogen molecules and antihydrogen molecules to get closer!


The two successfully contacted!

At the moment when the two contacted, the annihilation reaction occurred!

The explosion occurred!

Although the total amount of positive and antimatter was only two micrograms, they still generated extremely huge energy by releasing energy according to the mass-energy formula!

Two photon beams with the same frequency and opposite directions burst out instantly from the central area of ​​the reaction chamber, hitting the inner wall of the reaction chamber fiercely!

This is the gamma ray produced by the mutual annihilation of positive and antimatter!

At the same time, countless observation data poured into Zero's optical quantum computer body like a tide!

The annihilation reaction lasted for a short time.

The gamma rays slowly dissipated, and the two micrograms of positive and antimatter in the reaction chamber also disappeared completely.


This is the first time that humans have obtained data on the annihilation of a large amount of positive and antimatter at the macro level.

The first thing that needs to be verified is whether the energy generated by the annihilation of positive and antimatter conforms to the mass-energy formula.

If the energy released after the annihilation of the two is less than the theoretical value given by the mass-energy equation, it means that the annihilation of matter and antimatter at the macroscopic level is not complete.

Simply put, one microgram of antimatter cannot completely annihilate one microgram of matter.

This can explain why the universe is ultimately composed of matter, not antimatter.

This will directly overturn previous human cognition, but it will also bring new research directions to humans.

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