Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 510 Who would pick up rags in a proper and civilized manner?

Dawn Star.

Earth calendar year 2451.

Human civilization, immersed in antimatter experiments, naturally has no idea what is happening in the center of the galaxy.

It took a whole year, and under the leadership of Lu Yongchang, the Academy of Sciences successfully established a series of theories about antimatter.

Once the theoretical foundation is laid, the next step is naturally the specific application.

Lu Yongchang has long been coveting the anti-matter engines and anti-matter weapons in the technology tree.

But there is still a huge problem lying in between.

The problem of creating antimatter.

With the manufacturing efficiency of laboratories, it is simply impossible for today’s human civilization to use antimatter on a large scale.

There are two main reasons.

On the one hand, using particle accelerators to produce antimatter is too expensive and can be said to be a loss-making business.

On the other hand, antimatter production is too low.

Compared with the Earth era, humans can indeed produce antimatter countless times faster - it only takes a week to obtain a microgram of antihydrogen atoms.

But this kind of snail-like manufacturing speed is obviously not enough for humans who have already become a level three civilization.

Therefore, a new antimatter manufacturing solution is imminent!

The research goals of everyone in the Academy of Sciences have also turned here.

But this technology, which is located on the dividing line between Level 3 civilization and Level 4 civilization, is obviously not that easy to conquer.

After several setbacks.

Lu Yongchang sat in his office with a solemn expression, pursed his lips and looked at the holographic image in front of him.

In the holographic image, dense experimental data is presented.

"Professor, the experiment failed."

Zero's electronically synthesized sound came from the speakers on the side.

Lu Yongchang's face didn't show much expression, he just nodded slightly.

He was tired of hearing this sentence during this time.

The Academy of Sciences has proposed many plans for producing antihydrogen atoms, but without exception, none of them met Lu Yongchang's expectations.

"Professor, Academician Tao Yuda is visiting."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded again.

"Let him in."

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath, cheered up and said.

The next moment, the office door opened, and Tao Yuda, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, stood at the door excitedly.

Looking at Tao Yuda's expression, Lu Yongchang's originally stable mood fluctuated slightly.

Could it be that... he has a new manufacturing idea?

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang looked at Tao Yuda with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Professor, I have an idea!"

Sure enough, Tao Yuda walked into the office door excitedly and shouted loudly.

Lu Yongchang's heart beat violently several times.

He suppressed his inner excitement, sat up straight in his chair, and pointed to the seat in front of his desk.

"Sit down first."

"Speak slowly."

Tao Yuda nodded hurriedly, hurriedly pulled out his chair, and sat opposite Lu Yongchang.

Then, he raised his wrist, opened his watch, and summoned a small holographic projection.

Under Tao Yuda's operation, the content of the small holographic projection was quickly synchronized in front of Lu Yongchang.

"Feasibility Report on Antimatter Collection Device"


Lu Yongchang's expression froze and he asked subconsciously.

Why does it feel's different from what he expected?

Tao Yuda cleared his throat: "Professor, although the universe is made of matter, in a vacuum environment, there are still many antiprotons and antielectrons mixed in cosmic rays and wandering in interstellar space."

"Since the efficiency of artificially producing antimatter is too low, we can completely change our thinking."

"Create a large number of antimatter collection devices to collect antimatter in the universe."

Looking at the plan in the holographic projection, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

How should he evaluate this report...

It's possible, but not much.

Although there are many antiprotons and antielectrons in the universe, they are too rare.

If we only collect data near the Dawn star, the results that take several years will not even compare to the output of the large particle accelerator of the ring satellite operating at full power for one month.


After all, it is a business without capital.

As long as time lasts long enough and there are enough collection devices, humans will sooner or later be able to collect enough antimatter in the universe for use.

"This...isn't this picking up rags?"

Lu Yongchang subconsciously asked: "Who in a serious civilization picks up rags?"

Tao Yuda's mouth twitched: "..."

"This, how can this be called picking up rags?"

"How can we say that things related to a third-level civilization are just picking up rags..."

Tao Yuda's voice became softer and softer, and he was still mumbling obscure terms such as antimatter collection array and circumstellar system detection array.

"Okay, okay." Lu Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Let's not talk about this plan yet."

"What mankind needs now is a solution that can produce antimatter stably and efficiently."

"We don't have that much time to collect antimatter floating in space."

Even so, he still put this option as a backup plan.

It can also serve as a detector around the star system, and it can also collect antimatter in interstellar space...

Best of all, it doesn't use much energy.

Kill three birds with one stone.

Earn resources, not shabby.

After sending Tao Yuda away, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath again.

"Zero, close the door. No one is allowed to enter unless there is an unexpected situation."

After learning from the last lesson, Lv Yongchang added a precondition to the command.

After all, he couldn't always expect Zero's underlying logic code, right?

After the voice fell, the office door slowly closed.

After Lv Yongchang confirmed it, he leaned back in the comfortable chair and slowly closed his eyes.

At this point, he could only ask for help from the technology tree space.

With a thought, his consciousness came to that familiar space.

The fluorescent green background and the technology tree with bright white light.

Unlike the last time, after completing the construction of various antimatter theories, the technology tree, which was originally barren in the upper half, now looked full.

Lv Yongchang looked up.

One after another white cursors came into view, but none of them attracted his attention.

A few seconds later.

His eyes stayed on the top of the third-level technology tree.

It was a dim cursor with a brightness of 50%

[Antimatter mass production plan]

Looking at the clear font on the cursor, Lv Yongchang's consciousness became more serious.

Without any hesitation, he focused his attention on the dim cursor.

A dizzy feeling came over him.

Following that, a sense of clarity as if transcending came.

Various theories related to antimatter were integrated in Lv Yongchang's mind, and some of the original difficulties were quickly resolved.

As time passed, a plan slowly emerged in his mind.

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