Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 512 Megastructure - Dyson Sphere

In the office.

Lv Yongchang sat on the chair, frowning, his tangled eyes fixed on the holographic projection in front of him.

Tao Yuda was right.

He had just performed a simple calculation. According to the current energy supply efficiency of the fusion reactor, humans need to transform the light satellite into an energy planet with a fusion reactor on its surface to meet the human demand for antimatter in the war.

Antimatter is not obtained out of thin air.

When matter and antimatter come into contact, energy will be released.

And making antimatter from matter requires the same or even more energy.

After all, energy loss is inevitable in the production process.

In other words, the current [Phoenix 1] is similar to a large and efficient energy storage device.

Perhaps someone will ask.

What is the role of antimatter?

Isn't it good to use the energy of the fusion reactor directly?

This involves a question of energy conversion efficiency.

Compared with antimatter, fusion reactors are too "gentle" and the rate of energy release is too "slow".

1g of antimatter can directly release all the energy equivalent to 2g of matter in a very short time by annihilating with 1g of matter.

The energy released by 2g of fusion raw materials is far less than the energy generated by the annihilation of matter and antimatter - both in terms of quantity and rate.

Even for hydrogen bombs, the energy conversion efficiency is only 0.7%.

The energy conversion rate of antimatter energy is more than 140 times that of antimatter!

Therefore, even if it takes more energy to make it, it is the undisputed choice of the fourth-level civilization!

"Da... Da... Da..."

Lv Yongchang's right hand half-clenched into a fist, and his knuckles gently tapped on the desk in front of him, making a rhythmic tapping sound.

Transforming Guangwei into an energy planet is definitely not in line with his expectations.

Then... transforming the other planets in the Gliese 555 star system into energy planets?

This is not a small project!

The subsequent mining of fusion raw materials alone is also a large project!

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly.

He suddenly raised his hand and patted his forehead gently.

"I know!"

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he said repeatedly: "I know what to do!"

Tao Yuda trembled slightly, and he was startled by Lv Yongchang's fierce action.

But after hearing what Lv Yongchang said, he hurriedly leaned forward slightly and asked hurriedly: "Professor, have you thought of any good way?"

Facing Tao Yuda's eager questioning, Lv Yongchang showed a mysterious smile on his face.

"Planetary-level nuclear fusion, what do you think of?"

Tao Yuda was stunned.

Gradually, an incredible idea emerged in his mind.

His eyes widened slightly, and he muttered to himself: "The sun?"

"No, I'm wrong, it should be the main star!"

"Professor, you want to use Gliese 555 as an energy source?!"

"Of course." Lv Yongchang smiled and nodded, "Have you heard of the Dyson Sphere Project?"

"An idea in the Earth Age."

"An artificial celestial body with a diameter of 200 million kilometers, used to wrap around a star to mine stellar energy."

"To put it bluntly, it is actually a giant structure built around a star to obtain energy."

Tao Yuda swallowed hard, and then he nodded gently.

As an old man in the Earth Age, he naturally knew this term.

"In the past, we might not be able to complete such a grand project."

As he said, Lv Yongchang stood up from his chair, reached out to open the holographic projection next to him, and called up the star map of the Gliese 555 star system.

"But now, humans already have the technology to build a Dyson sphere."

"Transform a red dwarf into an antimatter production base."

"I think this should be enough to meet the needs of human civilization."


Time is money.

For human civilization in rapid development, time is the most precious thing.

Therefore, after deciding on the research direction, Lv Yongchang did not hesitate, and even did not take a break, and convened the Academy of Sciences meeting again.



"In terms of materials, the main frame of the Dyson sphere uses carbon yne material."

In the conference room, Lv Yongchang said while reaching out to make a slight adjustment on the holographic projection, "A small amount of star gold can be added to the key parts."

He shook his head helplessly: "Our current star gold reserves can't withstand the construction of this big guy."

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

Indeed, as Lv Yongchang said, the star gold mined from the interior of an ice giant alone is absolutely impossible to support such a huge project consumption.

"Ding Chengwang, how is the research progress of artificial stellar gold?" Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at an academician sitting on the side of the conference table and asked, "There is only one ice giant in the Gliese 555 star system. We can't put all our hopes on it."

"Professor, we encountered some difficulties during the manufacturing process." Ding Chengwang, an academician of the School of Materials, responded quickly, "But it's not a big problem. We can solve it."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently.

Since Academician Ding Chengwang said so, he didn't ask any more questions.

As the chief of the Academy of Sciences, he only needs to grasp the direction of civilization and a few key technologies.

Some trivial branch technologies do not require him to worry too much.

"The main material problem of the Dyson sphere has been solved. The next most important thing is the structure of the Dyson sphere."

While speaking, Lv Yongchang stretched out his hand in the air and called up a brand new holographic projection.

In the center of the holographic projection is a reddish red dwarf star.

It is the main star of the star system where humans live, Gliese 555.

With Lv Yongchang's actions, Gliese 555 quickly enlarged and soon occupied the space above the conference table.

The next second, Gliese 555, which was emitting endless light and heat, was wrapped in a completely black shell.

"Everyone knows that most of the energy released by a star is dissipated in the universe."

Lv Yongchang's voice sounded again.

"For example, in the solar system where humans used to live, each planet only absorbed 1/10000000000 of the solar radiation energy."

"The Gliese 555 star system is no exception."

"And the traditional Dyson sphere is a solid shell-like object that completely wraps it up."

"In this way, all the radiation energy released by the star is intercepted."

"But this will affect the living environment of humans."

"In order to ensure that the Aurora Star receives light, we can design this shell-like Dyson sphere as a split structure."

"In other words, along the trajectory of the Aurora Star, the Dyson sphere is divided into two, leaving the middle area empty."

As the voice fell, a crack appeared in the middle of the black spherical shell structure that wrapped the Gliese 555 red dwarf star.

Some light and heat came out from the crack.

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