Looking at the gentle smile on the man's face, Wang Mingyuan gritted his teeth and answered with a brave face.

"First, we need to control the Dyson cloud to form a ring belt on the surface of Gliese 555, so as to minimize the radiation impact of the main star during the construction process."


"With the help of engineering ships, adopt a multi-point parallel plan to build the Dyson ring at the same time."

"Specific operation method..."

While speaking, Wang Mingyuan raised his wrist, turned on the holographic projection function on the watch, and stretched out his hand to write on the holographic projection.

As the sketch took shape bit by bit, Wang Mingyuan's voice became more and more fluent and more and more confident.

"This is the general process."

Wang Mingyuan finally checked the sketch carefully and said confidently.

"Yeah." The man took a close look at the sketch in the holographic projection and nodded casually.

Then, under Wang Mingyuan's gaze, he turned his head, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The corner of Wang Mingyuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he silently closed the small holographic image in front of him.

Although he had expected this scene, a deep sense of loss flashed in his eyes when he turned off his watch.

"Dear passengers, the starship is about to arrive at the destination, please..."

"Follow me when you arrive." The man suddenly said, "Your plan is very good, and it makes up for some of the defects of the original plan."

"Make some more preparations, you may have to explain this plan to the Academy of Sciences later."

Wang Mingyuan was stunned.

He widened his eyes and looked at the man beside him in disbelief.

What did he hear?

Explain this plan to the Academy of Sciences?

"What? Don't want to?"

The man opened his eyes slightly and cast an inquiring look at Wang Mingyuan.

"No, no, no..."

Wang Mingyuan shook his head repeatedly, and for a while he couldn't even speak clearly: "Yes, yes, of course!"

"This, this is my honor!"


One year later.

The Dyson Sphere Phase II project was carried out as scheduled.

In the Aurora Star, the Human Union Academy of Sciences is also simultaneously promoting various basic technologies.

The mass production of antimatter and the advent of antimatter engines have injected new vitality into the stagnant human civilization.

Driven by antimatter, a highly efficient energy source, the military strength of human civilization is rapidly increasing.

Although humans have not yet mastered gravitational technology, their combat power is completely different from before.

First of all, the change in the weapon system, the weapons and equipment using antimatter as ammunition, has greatly increased the power of human civilization's weapons.

The original electromagnetic gun, powered by the antimatter reactor, has a higher muzzle speed and a longer firing distance.

This is still a small matter.

In the first-level civilization, the electromagnetic gun projectile was loaded with a micro-nuclear bomb. Later, as the civilization level increased, it was loaded with a plasma bomb.

And now, the Academy of Sciences has madly added antimatter confinement devices to these electromagnetic gun projectiles.

Because of the problem of magnetic field confinement energy, once the "ammunition" is loaded, the electromagnetic gun projectile without the continuous power supply of the fusion reactor can only confine the antimatter in it for several hours.

But it is enough.

Once these electromagnetic cannon projectiles hit the target, or are remotely detonated, or explode naturally...

The antimatter in them will be released instantly.

The huge energy brought by annihilation will directly tear apart the armor of the enemy starship!

As for energy weapons such as laser weapons and plasma weapons, the improvement of energy performance naturally increases their power in disguise.

Of course.

The most crazy weapon is the large-yield antimatter missile made by Academician Yevgeny.

The missile not only uses an antimatter engine as a propulsion system, but also carries a small fusion reactor to power the antimatter confinement device.

As for the power of the missile...

Conservatively estimated, if it directly hits the flagship of the asteroid-class [Earth], only two shots are needed, and the asteroid-class [Earth] will be completely destroyed.

In the true sense, "equivalent is truth".

As for the satellite-class starships belonging to the fourth-level civilization, the Academy of Sciences has not yet put it on the research agenda because the research on the curvature engine and gravity control device has not been completed.

Today, humans have only upgraded and remodeled the asteroid-class (level 3) starships that they originally manufactured.

There is also the Guangwei Planetary Fortress.

As the most powerful "active defense" weapon of human civilization, all kinds of weapons and equipment on it have also been upgraded and remodeled accordingly.



Academician Wilson's voice came from the front, interrupting Lu Yongchang's thoughts.

"Have you seen Yevgeny's recent arrogance?"

"He can't wait to show off the antimatter missiles he developed to everyone he meets!"

"I really don't understand what the technological content of that thing is." Wilson muttered anxiously, "Isn't it just adding some antimatter to the missile? What's there to show off..."

Lu Yongchang looked at Academician Wilson in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Want to study new antimatter weapons?"

Suddenly, he interrupted Wilson's complaints.

"New, new antimatter weapons!" Wilson's breath suddenly choked, and his expression suddenly became excited, "Professor, are you serious?"

"It's not that kind of bulky big thing, right?"

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang frowned slightly and said softly: "Big thing?"

"Let me think about it."

"This thing... I guess it's really not small enough."

"Conservatively speaking, it can only be installed on the secondary flagship and the flagship."

"Oh no, it can also be installed on Guangwei 1."

The excitement on Wilson's face disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, okay..." Wilson responded a little discouraged, "Can I ask what weapon it is?"

Looking at Wilson's expression, Lv Yongchang chuckled.

He naturally knew the "grudge" between Wilson and Yevgeny.

The previous words were just smoke bombs released by him with a bad taste.

And now, it's time to reveal the mystery.

He straightened his expression and said word by word: "High-energy gamma-ray cluster cannon."

"..."Wilson's face changed slightly, "Energy weapons made with the help of high-energy gamma rays released by antimatter annihilation?"

"How about it? Are you interested?" Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows and looked at Wilson with interest, "If not, I can ask Yevgeny, maybe he will be interested in this."

Wilson: "..."

"Professor, I was wrong!"

"I knew you wouldn't forget my..."

"Okay, okay." Lv Yongchang looked at Wilson who was playing tricks in front of him, waved his hand with a smile, and said, "The relevant information will be sent to you immediately."


Wilson, who got the promise, stood up from his seat in high spirits, waved goodbye to Lv Yongchang, and walked out of the office.

"Sure enough... the crying child gets candy..."

Just when Wilson went out, Lv Yongchang heard his mumbling.

Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched violently twice.

Who told him these things? !

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