Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 522 Little guys, we meet again

When he heard the electronic synthesized sound, Lu Yongchang's expression changed instantly.

"Cut off failed?!"

"How is it possible to cut off failure?!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes were full of anxiety: "Zero, prepare to physically cut off the communication link!"

The so-called physical cutoff is to directly destroy the corresponding long-distance communication device installed on the surface of Dawn Star.

At the moment when this order was issued, Lu Yongchang was ready to abandon all starships near the ice giant.

"The alert level has been raised to Level 2, all battleships have entered combat readiness, and all [Dimension Strike Ships] have been isolated!"

Lu Yongchang issued several orders in a hurried tone.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke again and said with difficulty: "Get ready to launch the [Dandelion] Project."

The moment the words fell, the expressions of the surrounding scientific researchers changed.

"Yongchang!" Fang Xu's voice was full of anxiety, "[Dandelion] has not been completed yet. If it is executed in such a hasty manner, I'm afraid..."

Lu Yongchang's face was extremely solemn. He shook his head firmly and turned to look at Fang Xu beside him: "Get ready first."

“If something goes wrong, implement the plan unconditionally.”

Fang Xu couldn't help but tremble in his heart, swallowed the words that came to his lips, nodded with difficulty and said: "Okay, I understand."

The so-called [Dandelion] is an escape plan in disguise.

Preparations for this plan began several years ago, and as of today, the [Dandelion] project is already more than halfway progressed.

The plan consisted of five hundred escape starships.

In normal times, these five hundred escape starships are distributed at the edge of the Gliese 555 star system.

Similar to the code name, once in danger, these five hundred escape starships equipped with anti-matter engines will leave the Gliese 555 star system at full speed.

Like a dandelion blown away by the wind, it sows the seeds of human civilization into the universe.

In addition to the basic artificial reproduction device and germ cell bank, each escape starship also contains necessary colonial supplies.

At the same time, there are thousands of hibernation cabins in each starship. In these hibernation cabins, corresponding basic scientific researchers have been sleeping for a long time.

It can be said that every escape starship has the potential to develop a second human civilization on a planet with a suitable environment.

"There is no way, if it is really [Paint]'s backhand..." Lu Yongchang sighed softly and said in a serious tone: "Then what we are facing is very likely to be a disaster!"

"Order confirmed."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded again, interrupting the discussion between the two: "The civilized alert status has been raised to Level 2."

"[Dimension Strike Ship] isolation has been completed."

"The communication link is being physically cut off..."

Suddenly, a line of text appeared in the holographic projection.

[Little guys, we meet again, do you still remember me? 】

Accompanied by the piercing sirens, the warships docked in the area near the satellite have entered a state of combat readiness.

Not just battleships.

Even the various weapons on the Moon have turned their muzzles and pointed in the direction of the ice giant.

As the military commander of the People's Alliance Fleet, Zhao Zijie had already arrived at the command hall of the Earth.

The incident happened suddenly, and most of the scientific researchers were on the Dawn Star. Therefore, there were not many people in the command hall, and only a quarter of the seats were occupied.

Most of them are SUPP military figures.


"The People's Alliance First Fleet has completed its pre-war preparations!"

Bai Yixuan's voice first sounded in the command hall: "Please give instructions!"

Then, there were reports one after another with loud voices.

Zhao Zijie looked at the messages flashing in the holographic projection, took a deep breath, and issued the order in a deep voice.

"Stay where you are."

"Waiting for news from Professor Lu."

[Little guys, we meet again, do you still remember me? 】

In the laboratory, in the holographic projection with a bright red warning color, this line of faint text directly strangled the throats of all the scientific researchers present.

Lu Yongchang's Adam's apple moved slightly and he swallowed with difficulty.

"Guo, it really is it..." Lu Yongchang murmured to himself, "Zero, don't cut off the communication link yet."

As he spoke, he took a deep breath and said softly: "Let's see what it wants to do."


At the same time as the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the "unplugging the network cable" operation that had just been carried out also stopped.

A few seconds later, new lines of Chinese characters appeared in the holographic projection.

[It’s been 225 years...]

[Unexpectedly, you actually endured a full 225 years before starting to study this two-dimensional core. 】

Looking at the words in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang subconsciously held his breath.

A chill came from behind, making him shiver involuntarily.

The meaning of [painting] is already very clear.

This two-dimensional core is a trap!

As long as you explore and study it, one of the "switches" will be triggered and the [painting] in it will be released!

So what if humans never study this two-dimensional core?

A thought flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind.

Can the [painting] still come out?

But the next moment, he shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

There is no such possibility.

Research on two-dimensional cores is only a matter of time.

No interstellar civilization can resist this temptation from unknown technology!

Absolutely not!

A civilization that has lost its desire to explore will never leave its home planet and become an interstellar civilization!

[Anyway, I have to thank you for helping me avoid the detection of the Sweeper civilization. ]

[Today, my plan can finally be implemented! ]

In the holographic projection, the speed at which the text appears has increased a lot.

Obviously, [Painting] is in a very high mood at this time.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment, slowly raised his hand, and typed a line of text on the small holographic projection.

"You didn't die at that time?"

[Of course! ]

[The secret of the seventh-level civilization is not something that you, a small second-level civilization, can understand, not to mention that I am a dimensional creature promoted to the seventh-level civilization! ]

[Since you have helped me complete part of the plan, I will reluctantly chat with you for a few words. ]

[In the future, you will never have such an opportunity. ]


Endless arrogance!

Between the lines, the arrogance from the advanced civilization is revealed.

A trace of anger appeared on the faces of the researchers in the laboratory.


He Bilin's angry voice came from the side: "Professor, it deceived us!"

"Take advantage of its weakness to kill it!"

"I don't believe it has the strength of a seventh-level civilization now!"

Lv Yongchang shook his head and raised his hand to stop the discussion of the people around him.

He has seen the arrogance unique to advanced civilizations more than once.

At this moment, he suppressed the frustration and anger in his heart and stared at the holographic image in front of him with extraordinary calmness.

ps: Thanks to the great master Jiuli乄 for his certification

I am stuck with a serious writer's block, and there is only one update today QAQ...

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