The heavy burden in Lu Yongchang's heart suddenly relaxed.

It’s okay if it’s not a pastoral civilization.

But the next moment, a new confusion emerged in Lu Yongchang's heart.

If it’s not a pastoral civilization, then what is the origin of that spherical flying object that looks very high-tech outside the Gliese 555 star system? ? ?

Lu Yongchang, who was staring at the holographic projection, suddenly realized a problem.

"Only one?"

Lu Yongchang glanced at Fang Xu in surprise: "Are there no other similar flying objects?"

Fang Xu shook his head and responded with some confusion: "So far, the antimatter collection device has only detected one UFO."

Lu Yongchang's face changed slightly.

This kind of behavior of coming to a strange star system alone...

"Detector?!" Lu Yongchang and Fang Xu said in unison.

Seeing each other reveal their inner speculations, both of them had knowing smiles on their faces.

"It's just a detector." Lu Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed expression, "I was shocked. I thought the Pastoral Party came here so quickly!"

Fang Xu's face was also full of joy: "Yeah, I don't know what level of civilization would actually take a fancy to such a barren star system."

"I guess it's not some advanced civilization."

Lu Yongchang chuckled, nodded in agreement, and then said casually: "Zero, how did it appear? From which direction did it come?"

"Bring up the video and show me."

The words fell.

The holographic projection screen changes rapidly.

A familiar picture then appeared in front of him.

It was dark and dead, with only the dots of light in the distance bringing some peace of mind.

Suddenly, the quiet and lifeless scene changed slightly.

Without any warning, a dark gray spherical flying object suddenly appeared on the screen.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yongchang felt his heart skip a beat.


This unusually "familiar" picture directly touched the DNA of everyone present.


"Warp Navigation!!"

For a time, just after returning to tranquility, the laboratory fell into "panic" again.

The relaxed expression on Lu Yongchang's face had completely disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented sense of solemnity.

"How is it possible..."

"With curvature navigation technology, it is at least a level four civilization that has developed to a certain extent."

"How could they be interested in this barren land?!"

Before he could think too much, Lu Yongchang said directly: "Zero, send out a detector and adjust the position of every antimatter collection device nearby. I need to see the whole picture of this detector!"


The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the angle of the picture in the holographic projection also began to change.

The camera moves slowly.

The full picture of the detector then appeared in front of a group of scientific researchers.


"Where's its power system?!"

Fang Xu's horrified voice came from the side: "What drives him?!"

Lu Yongchang did not reply, but looked at the holographic projection in front of him with a gloomy expression.

There is no Hall propulsion device.

There are no antimatter engine nozzles.

There are no messy propulsion system nozzles.

The entire detector is a round sphere!

But just such a sphere is flying unswervingly towards the Gliese 555 star system!

Something big happened!

There were only these four words left in Lu Yongchang's mind.

Although the Pastoralists did not come, an equally terrifying advanced civilization did!

Although he still doesn't know what civilization sent this detector, but from the curvature navigation and mysterious propulsion system, it can be seen that the civilization that created this detector is definitely not something that today's humans can resist!

"Professor, the probe has arrived at its destination."

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, dozens of detectors appeared in the holographic projection.

Lu Yongchang frowned. After thinking for a moment, he said directly: "Send it a signal!"

"Ask its purpose."

Gliese 555 outside the star system.

In the cold and dead space of the universe, a dark gray spherical detector moved slowly and steadily forward along its original direction.

Dozens of human detectors follow it, sending it electromagnetic waves of 1420 MHz.

This is the experience I learned from [painting].

But obviously, the civilization behind this detector is not as easy to talk to as the [painting].

Facing the waves of electromagnetic waves, the spherical detector showed no sign and continued to move in the direction of the Gliese 555 star system.

Inside the first laboratory of Dawn Star.

Lu Yongchang looked at the picture in the holographic projection with an ugly expression.

This kind of arrogance unique to advanced civilization gave him a bad feeling.

"Zero, control the detector to approach it and check its various data."

Lu Yongchang struggled to squeeze out an order.

More than ten minutes later.

A steady stream of data appeared on the huge holographic projection in front of everyone.

In the laboratory, as rows of data appeared, the atmosphere became colder and colder.

"This, this is impossible..."

Lu Yongchang's hands trembled slightly as he looked at the data in front of him in disbelief.

According to the various observation data sent back by the detector, this dark gray detector is an extremely standard sphere.

There is no error on its surface.

In other words, with the current human technology, it is impossible to find the error!

Not only that, under the shooting of high-precision cameras, there is no connection like welds on its surface.

It's as if it is one-piece!

This made Lu Yongchang think of an incredible technology.

"Strong, strong interaction material?"

Only this kind of material that exists in theory can make such a detector!

"What level of civilization is this detector?!"

Fang Xu's horrified voice came from the side: "Level 6? Or level 7?!"

"It's possible..." Lu Yongchang was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "It's level 8."

"Sweeper civilization."

In the laboratory, there was silence.

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