Outside the Gliese 555 star system.


The spherical detector is still persistently sending warning messages to the central black hole region of the Milky Way.

When the waiting time reaches the preset standard, the Type I artificial intelligence built into the detector finally stops its somewhat "stereotyped" behavior.

[Error: No response. ]

[Backup plan is starting...]

[Continue to implement the two-dimensional debris recovery plan. ]


Finally, after a few minutes of careful consideration, Lv Yongchang chose to wait patiently.

Of course, during the waiting period, humans were not idle.

On the one hand, the Academy of Sciences began to discuss solutions to this crisis.

On the other hand, a small planet-class [Taotie] material storage ships and [Home Ships] equipped with antimatter engines and star gold-carbonyne composite armor are scattered around the Gliese 555 star system.

Similar to the [Dandelion] plan, these starships will head towards the already selected star system at the moment when the sweeper civilization shows its malice.

The remaining [Golden Crow] battleships, [Dimensional Strike Ships], [Battering Rams] and other armed fleets all withdrew to Dawn Star, relying on Dawn Star and [Light Moon Planet Fortress] to deploy a defensive formation.

As for Lv Yongchang and a group of scientific researchers, when the Sweeper Civilization Probe was "stagnant", they had already boarded the human flagship [Earth] in the synchronous orbit of Dawn Star.

Unlike the migration in the Proxima era, there is no trace of humans on Dawn Star at present, except for some plants and animals that cannot be taken away.

Lv Yongchang sat in his long-lost seat, stretched out his hand to brush the armrest of the command chair, and sighed slightly.


Beside him, Zhao Zijie's voice came, "All combat units have been deployed."

"We are now..."

As he said, Zhao Zijie turned his head and glanced at the stationary probe in the holographic projection, and hesitated and said: "Do we need to retreat?"

"While it hasn't moved yet, we can preserve most of the living forces of mankind."

Lv Yongchang knew what Zhao Zijie meant by this sentence.

It's nothing more than sacrificing some of the [Golden Crow] battleships to buy enough time for [Earth] and the rest of the starships to retreat.

He shook his head firmly and refused: "No need."

"In front of the civilization that has mastered the curvature navigation technology, our escape speed is too slow."

"We stay, which can increase the success rate of the [Dandelion] plan."

"Even if there is only a 0.01% possibility, it's good."

"Human civilization..." As he said, Lu Yongchang closed his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and sighed deeply, "It must not perish in my hands."


He murmured to himself.

"Professor, the detector is moving!" Tao Yuda's exclamation sounded in the command center of [Earth].

Lu Yongchang opened his eyes suddenly, stood up and looked at the huge holographic projection in front of him.

In the holographic projection, the spherical detector that had been stagnant in place suddenly moved.

There is a saying.

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit.

This is the best interpretation of this spherical detector.

There was no time to react.

The antimatter collection device and the human detector blocking the spherical detector collided directly with it!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by a burst of sparks and countless broken parts, the dark gray spherical detector rushed straight towards the Gliese 555 star system!

"How fast?!"

Seeing this scene, Lv Yongchang had no time to think, his face flushed slightly, and he shouted loudly.

A researcher quickly swiped the holographic projection in front of him, and the moment he saw the data, his face turned pale.


"50%, 50% light speed."

The researcher's lips trembled slightly, and he reported a number with difficulty.

There was silence in the command center, leaving only the breathing and heartbeats of the crowd.

50% light speed.

This is an extremely shocking number.

You know, humans can only increase the fleet's maximum sailing speed to 50% light speed after mastering the antimatter engine.

And this speed is only the starting speed of the other party's detector!

What is this called?

"I've stepped into the engine, and you told me that you just shifted into first gear?"


[Warning! ]

[The territory ahead belongs to human civilization, please state your intentions immediately! ]

[Repeat, the territory ahead belongs to...]

The dead space is filled with electromagnetic waves.


"Warning, ten-minute countdown!"

As the electronic synthesized sound of Zero sounded in the command center, a digital countdown appeared right in front of everyone.

Looking at the constantly jumping blood-red numbers, Lv Yongchang felt his heart tremble.

According to the speed of the spherical detector, it will reach the synchronous orbit of Dawn in ten minutes.

And before that...

Since all the warnings have no effect, then human civilization has only one option left.


"Attack now!!"

Lv Yongchang's face flushed, and his hands trembled slightly as he issued the attack order!

The fleet military commander Zhao Zijie, who was sitting next to him, looked solemn and shouted in a deep voice.

"Attention all units!"

"Electromagnetic cannon salvo!"


The moment the order was issued.

One by one, the [Golden Crow] battleships lined up in neat formations, and raised the long gun barrels mounted on the side of the ship.

Under Zero's control, each gun barrel began to make subtle adjustments.

The path of the spherical detector is a straight line, and the speed is very stable. Therefore, it is extremely easy for Zero to calculate its trajectory.

But in order to ensure the hit rate of the electromagnetic cannon projectile, Zero still defined a larger attack range.

After completing the adjustment of the electromagnetic cannon trajectory.

One round of salvo!

Two rounds of salvos! !

Three rounds of salvos! ! !

In just a few seconds, more than 5,000 asteroid-class [Golden Crow] battleships poured more than 100,000 electromagnetic cannon projectiles into the target area!

These projectiles are filled with a large amount of antimatter.

At the moment of contact, all of these antimatter will be poured onto the surface of the spherical detector.

This is also the best solution that the Academy of Sciences has come up with after discussion during the period when the spherical detector is stationary.

Strong interaction material, similar to neutron star matter.

Its strength is too exaggerated, which can be seen from the images of it hitting the antimatter collection device and the human detector.

At least, the current materials of mankind, even the strongest star gold-carbonyne armor, are like a fragile piece of paper in front of it, which will break with a poke.

But in any case, it still belongs to the category of matter.

As long as it is matter, it will react with antimatter.

Then the battle plan is very simple-let the antimatter contact its surface.

Once the annihilation reaction occurs, its extremely hard shell will completely collapse!

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