Inside the command center of Earth.

"How, how is it?" Fang Xu asked in a low voice with difficulty, "Is it effective?"

Before Lv Yongchang could reply, the picture from the detector in the holographic projection had already told him the answer.

Accompanied by extremely strong gamma rays and the flames of the explosion, a dark gray spherical detector appeared in the projection again.

After experiencing such a powerful impact and explosion, the surface of the spherical detector is still extremely smooth.

Under the detection of the high-precision detector, it still maintains an extremely standard spherical shape.

"No, no effect?"

Fang Xu subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

"No." Lv Yongchang's lips were dry and his face was a little pale as he stared at the picture in the holographic projection.

"It works."

As he said that, Lv Yongchang quickly raised his hand and operated on the small holographic projection in front of him.

At the same time, a slightly blurred picture appeared on the huge holographic projection.

"Did you see it?"

"Gravitational lens effect!"

"Gravitational lens effect visible to the naked eye!"

"It has activated its gravitational shield!"

Lv Yongchang quickly called up the footage shot a few minutes ago: "Look, when it hit the antimatter collection device and the detector, it did not activate its gravitational shield!"

"This means that, as we speculated, it is afraid of antimatter attacks!"

"But... we can't break its gravitational shield." Fang Xu added in a faint tone.

Lv Yongchang: "..."

Seeing the distance between the spherical detector and the Dawn Star getting closer and closer, Lv Yongchang gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Start the [Dimensional Strike Ship]!"


The [Dimensional Strike Ship], with the help of the two-dimensional fragments provided by [Painting], can carry out dimensionality reduction strikes on the target.

It is extremely powerful, and its technological content far exceeds the weapon systems mastered by human civilization today.

Therefore, when the spherical detector was stagnant, Tao Yuda proposed a plan to use two-dimensional fragments to carry out the attack.

But this proposal was strongly opposed by Lv Yongchang.

The reason for the opposition is also very simple.

The Sweeper Civilization is the mortal enemy of the Pastoral Civilization.

At that time, [Hua] hid in an inconspicuous star to avoid the pursuit of the Sweeper Civilization.

Now, human civilization uses two-dimensional fragments in front of the Sweeper Probe.

What is this?

Do you think the other party is not paying enough attention to you?

If the other party's warships are attracted, it will be really Barbie Q!

What's more, not to mention the reaction of the Sweeper Civilization, whether the two-dimensional fragments can hit the other party is still an unknown!

Having said that, if the previous defense measures do not work, humans can only pin their hopes on this double-edged sword.

Therefore, Lu Yongchang arranged it to the last line of defense-the so-called killer.

As for the previous defense measures...

With the Sweeper Probe showing the super-standard gravity shield technology, everything became a bubble.


Time passed little by little.

The distance between the spherical probe and the Dawn Star is getting closer and closer.

Under Zero's control, a small starship with a length of only 100 meters, with the help of the "backward" Hall propulsion device, swayed away from the fleet and slowly drove towards the direction of the spherical detector.

The spherical detector still maintained its original path, moving at a constant speed against the strong gravitational barrier.

"Two-minute contact countdown."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded in the command center of the Earth.

Lv Yongchang's face became solemn, and he gave an order in a deep voice: "Launch the two-dimensional fragment."

After the order was issued, Zero's instructions were quickly transmitted to the central computer of the Dimensional Strike Ship with the help of a long-distance communication device.

The restraint device control program was activated.

Under the action of a series of mechanisms unknown to humans, a two-dimensional fragment like a piece of paper quickly passed through the thick gun barrel and shot directly at the spherical detector in the distance.

This process was very calm.

There was no fire, no explosion.

It was like throwing a trivial piece of paper.

But everyone's attention was attracted by this piece of paper!

It is the most powerful weapon currently available to humans!

In the picture taken by the camera, the paper was flying quietly in the universe.

Without the wrapping of dark matter, its surface was already wrinkled.


"Target lost! Warning! Target lost!"

A shrill alarm sounded in the command center, and the blood-red warning sign flashed wildly in front of everyone's eyes.


Not far from the Dawn Star.

The Type I artificial intelligence in the spherical detector maintained the original route and speed according to the preset program, "slowly" approaching the destination.


When the two-dimensional fragment appeared, everything changed.

A rapid alarm sounded in the spherical detector.

[Warning! ]

[Dimensional fluctuations detected! ]

[Scanning in progress...]

[Scanning completed, mission target detected! ]

A stream of report information was sent to the central black hole area of ​​the Milky Way.

Obviously, it still did not wait for the order from Sweeper 9527.

So, it once again started its own recovery mission according to the preset program.

[Start executing the two-dimensional fragment recovery mission! ]

The gravitational field around the spherical detector fluctuated rapidly.

The next moment, it disappeared from the human camera.

"Curvature navigation?"

This familiar scene directly sounded the alarm in Lv Yongchang's mind.

He looked extremely solemn, and without any hesitation, he said directly: "Zero, search the area around Dawn Star immediately!"


The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, a series of images of the area around Dawn Star flashed across the huge holographic projection in front of him.

Ten seconds later.

The flashing images in the huge holographic projection stopped.


Lv Yongchang, who saw the picture clearly, suddenly choked and uttered a swear word uncontrollably: "What is it going to do?!"

In the picture, the spherical detector appeared next to the two-dimensional fragment, maintaining the same flying speed as it.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the gravitational lens effect diffused around the spherical detector slowly disappeared.

The next moment, a crack appeared on the surface of the natural detector.

A beam of azure light shone through the gap and shone directly on the two-dimensional fragment.

"Warning! Extremely high-intensity gravitational fluctuations detected!"

Accompanied by Zero's electronically synthesized warning sound, the two-dimensional fragment, like a crumpled piece of paper, was slowly sucked into the spherical detector.

This scene directly tore apart everyone's psychological defenses.

The supermodel weapon that held all the hopes of mankind was actually confiscated by the other party!

Lv Yongchang looked at the scene in front of him with a sullen face and closed his eyes in pain.

Sure enough.

The worst situation occurred.

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