Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 544: I'll keep you company

The zero-processed information quickly emerged on the holographic projection.

"Remember our name, Bothan Civilization!"

“We are the Lord’s most loyal believers!”

"Human civilization, you have aroused the displeasure of the Lord!"

"You will pay a heavy price for this!"

"It's just a fourth-level civilization. Surrendering is your wise choice!"

"Human beings, disarm all and hand over the control permissions of the central computer. Perhaps the Lord will let you live!"

Inside the command center, it was extremely quiet, with only a few sharp noises coming from the speakers that scratched the darkness.

Lu Yongchang raised his hand and rubbed his eyes gently, as if he didn't believe the information he saw.


"Zero, are you sure there are no errors in the translation?"

Lu Yongchang asked Ling in surprise.

The next second, a brand new holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

The content is detailed dictionary information, even including specific pronunciation information.

"Professor, for better understanding, this part of the title has been translated into freehand." Zero's unique electronic sound echoed in the command center.

"The title literally translates to the god who gave it life and technology."

Lu Yongchang's expression moved slightly.

He raised his hand and gently stroked his chin, looking thoughtfully at the "large stick insect" waving its forelimbs in the holographic projection, and murmured softly: "This title contains a lot of information!"

"The gods who gave it life and technology..."


Lu Yongchang raised his head, looked directly at the "straight" large stick insects in the holographic projection, and said in a very calm tone.

"Is the Lord you speak of a sweeper civilization?"

As he spoke, a holographic image appeared next to Lu Yongchang.

The picture in the projection is the spherical detector that was broken through the shell of the strong interaction material by the torrent of antimatter!

The scratching sound from the communication loudspeaker suddenly increased in volume.

Not only that, the large stick insects in the video communication were even more furious at this time!

Don't ask how you can tell the emotions of a large stick insect.

Just from the forelimbs waving in front of their chests like big windmills, Lu Yongchang could see how much his words stimulated these large stick insects!

"Damn it!"

"Despicable ant!"

"How dare you call the Lord by his name!"

"You are guilty!"

"You have no chance to surrender!"

The next second, the video communication was cut off.

Lu Yongchang shrugged and turned to look at Zhao Zijie standing aside: "Why are you standing there stunned?"


Accompanied by a metal storm composed of anti-matter electromagnetic guns, this war completely kicked off.

As a subsidiary civilization of the Sweeper civilization, the Botha civilization naturally knows the usual routines of interstellar warfare.

Therefore, after failing to persuade them to surrender, the Botha civilization also chose to use electromagnetic guns as the first weapon in the war.

Although the electromagnetic gun has many limitations, as the most basic kinetic energy weapon, while taking into account the killing distance and lethality, it also has one of the biggest advantages-it is cheap.

At least, for level four, or level five civilizations, electromagnetic gun projectiles are the cheapest weapon.

A metal storm composed of millions or even tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of cannonballs can not only be used to test the strength of enemy ships, but can also take this opportunity to cause damage to some enemy ships with weak defenses.

"Commander, it has been detected that human civilization has launched an attack on us!" A large stick insect reported in a sharp voice, "The weapon type is an electromagnetic gun!"

Looking at the data sent back by the detection device, Commander Botha showed a contemptuous smile in his eyes.

Level 4 civilization is level 4 civilization, and even basic weapons like electromagnetic guns are reluctant to be used.

Look at the proportion of ammunition fired by both sides. The number of cannonballs fired by human civilization is even only half of theirs!

Such a huge disparity in numbers immediately made Commander Botha relax his vigilance.

He even ordered the orientation of the optical telescope in the detector to be adjusted, and he was ready to appreciate the flashing explosions in the human fleet!

After a not-so-long waiting period, the electromagnetic cannon projectiles fired by both sides finally met in the open space.

Commander Botha narrowed his already narrow eyes and looked at the screen in front of him.

He has seen this kind of scene too many times.

It's nothing more than a small part of the projectiles colliding with each other and bursting out some sparks.

Nothing serious.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes slightly.

"Explosion of fire?"

"Why are there exploding fires?!"

Looking at the impact returned by the detector, Commander Botha suddenly had bad thoughts in his mind.

After a short waiting time.

"High energy gamma rays!"

A Bothan man looked horrified and shouted loudly: "Commander, the detector has detected a large dose of high-energy gamma rays!"

"It's antimatter! Their shells contain a lot of antimatter!"

Commander Bosa's expression darkened, and his original desire to watch the show disappeared instantly.

"Antimatter?" He quickly waved the two pairs of slender forelimbs in front of his chest, seeming to vent his inner anger, "Are they crazy?!"

"When antimatter is added to electromagnetic gun shells, the cost of one shell will increase by at least a hundred times!"

In the detector, the number of electromagnetic cannon projectiles fired by the enemy is rapidly dissipating at a very fast speed.

"Quick!" Commander Bosa stood up from his seat suddenly and roared with gritted teeth, "Continue to fire electromagnetic cannons!"

"Such a high-cost shell must have a small reserve!"

"Intercept them all for me!"


In the dark space.

With Zhao Zijie's order, the electromagnetic cannon projectiles that were first fired and in the front position started the self-destruction program one after another.

A large amount of antimatter was released.

The moment it came into contact with the inner wall of the shell, the annihilation reaction brought extremely powerful energy!

This energy instantly tore the thick shell of the shell completely!

The specially designed shell can ensure that the shrapnel produced by the explosion is scattered forward.

Under the impact of these extremely high-speed shrapnel, the electromagnetic cannon projectiles fired by the Bosa civilization were instantly disrupted from their original trajectory.

The antimatter projectiles at the rear took this opportunity to rush forward!

They passed through the high-intensity gamma rays and the aftermath of the explosion and rushed straight to the Botha fleet in front!

"The other party has been detected firing electromagnetic cannons again!"

A hurried report sounded in the command center.

Zhao Zijie quickly checked the various data sent back by the detector, and after a little thought, he gave an order in a deep voice.

"Continue to fire electromagnetic cannons."

"Execute the same strategy."

"Since the other party wants to fight a war of attrition, we will accompany them to the end!"

As he said, Zhao Zijie turned his head and looked at the porthole next to him.

Outside the porthole, various space factories are preparing various weapons and ammunition under Zero's control.

At the same time, the [Taotie] material storage ship and the Dawn Star space elevator are continuously transporting various materials.

In the far distance, the Dyson cloud near the main star of Gliese 555 is preparing antimatter with all its strength...

This is the advantage of playing a defensive war.

With a star system behind it, as long as the manufacturing speed can keep up, ammunition and materials are not a problem!

ps: Ask for free gifts for love QAQ

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