Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 559 [Battering Ram] arrives at the battlefield!

Under the cover of artillery fire, these ship-based drones found their respective targets in tacit understanding.

The drones did not take action immediately.

Instead, it took a lot of time to find a suitable location.

Then, they used the laser generator they carried to cut a hole in the weak spot of the Bosa small battleship.


Under Zero's intentional control, a burst of high-pressure gas mixed with thick green blood mist spurted out from a specific angle, providing a new power source for the Bossa battleship.

Although this power will soon dissipate, under its influence, these scrapped warships will slowly move away from the battlefield and buy some necessary time for the next action.

When all the drones entered the warship, a modified ship-based drone stayed at the gap in the armor and turned on a series of analytical instruments.

[Earth] Command Center.

Lu Yongchang frowned and looked at the analysis data that was constantly presented in the holographic projection.

"The outer armor of these small warships is not very strong."

"It seems...a material similar to carbyne alloy is also used."

As he spoke, he shook his head slowly, with a strong look of disappointment in his eyes: "As a result, these small battleships have almost no research value except for anti-matter storage devices."


A familiar but weak voice came from a little distance away: "Professor, although the battleship is worthless, there are still Bosa people inside!"

Lu Yongchang cast a questioning look at Mao Zhengzhi.

"Professor, look." Mao Zhengzhi operated the holographic projection in front of him and projected the picture in front of everyone. "I just checked the simple analysis results of Bothan blood."

"Preliminary analysis shows that their blood contains large amounts of highly toxic substances similar to biliverdin."

"In addition, the internal organs scattered in the cabin are also somewhat strange."

"Last point, we are not sure if the Botha fleet has any reinforcements. With their corpses, perhaps we can develop some targeted weapons and equipment."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang's expression changed slightly, and he turned around and gave an order to Zero: "Zero, let the ship-borne drone bring back a few Bothan corpses."


Inside the Bosa small battleship.

Ship-borne drones flew at low altitude in the dark cabin.

Through the camera and high-power lighting, you can see that the bulkhead is filled with thick green blood.

Soon, when the first drone found the location of the ship's computer, the actions of all the drones in the small battleship sped up a bit.

Under Zero's control, these drones flew in the direction of the ship's computer!

"Professor, the test results are out."

An electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center: "All shipboard computers have been irreversibly damaged, and the internal data cannot be read."

Regarding this news, Lu Yongchang showed no surprise on his face. He just nodded lightly: "Continue to search for the antimatter storage device. Once you find it, disassemble it and bring it back."


[Golden Crow] Battleship.

The demise of the small Bossa battleship did not relieve Andrew much pressure.

The reason is simple.

Although the size of the enemy fleet was greatly reduced, its core strength was not damaged.

Whether it is anti-matter cannons or gravity bombs, they are not weapons that the [Golden Crow] battleship can resist.

Therefore, all human warships rely on the auxiliary control provided by Zero to dance on the tip of the knife.

A little carelessness could result in broken bones!

He stared intently at the holographic projection in front of him, and issued instructions one after another with the help of a brainwave reading device.

‘Andrew! ’

A message from Vice Captain Bruno flashed across the corner of his eye.

‘The other party has changed the magnetic field shield algorithm. ’

‘The weapons on the [Golden Crow] battleships pose no threat to their composite shields. ’

'We need more powerful weapons! ! ’

Andrew bit his back molar hard.

Doesn't he know this truth?

But...where would he find a more powerful weapon? !

Suddenly, a message from [Earth] appeared in front of his eyes.

[Attention, captains, the [battering ram] is about to arrive at the front line! 】

Andrew's spirit suddenly lifted!

If you really feel sleepy, give me a pillow!

A powerful shield-breaking weapon is here!

Without any hesitation, he gave the order directly to the crew!

‘Attention all units! ’

‘Cooperate with the [Battering Ram] to launch an attack on the enemy’s medium and large warships! ’

outside world.

As the Botha fleet approached step by step, the artillery fire between the two armies became more intensive.

The originally dark and cold universe seemed lively at this moment!

The high-temperature plasma with golden arcs in the faint blue, the strong white light of antimatter explosions, the firelight of interstellar torpedoes and interstellar missile explosions...

These various attacks from the human fleet caused "ripples" on the composite shield of the Botha fleet.

Attack power is too low.

Although some attacks broke through the outer magnetic shield, facing the inner gravitational shield,

These weapons, which are still in the category of fourth-level civilization, still seem a bit unsatisfactory.

Soon, soon!

Andrew muttered silently in his mind while ordering the cannon fire to be tilted at the enemy warships.

Hold on for a little longer, until the [Battle Ram] arrives successfully, and until the [Battle Ram] is successfully deployed!

That's when humans will truly launch a counterattack!

Finally, under Andrew's thoughts, a peculiarly shaped starship came to the side of the [Golden Crow] battleship under the cover of increasingly fierce artillery fire!

[[Battle Ram] has successfully arrived at the designated area! ]

A message appeared in front of Andrew, making his heart beat violently!

As a special shield-breaking weapon with high attack and low defense, in this kind of battlefield, the [Battle Ram] needs to be protected by two or three [Golden Crow] battleships to operate normally.

Under Zero's control, one of the [Battle Ram] slowly landed next to the battleship where Andrew was.

Under Andrew's gaze, the drones surrounding the [Battle Ram] quickly changed their formation and flew forward!

These drones followed the built-in program and quickly built an invisible gun barrel.

[[Battle Ram] has been successfully deployed! ]

The second message appeared.


while the magnetic field generating unit started to work, the invisible gun barrel began to fine-tune its direction, and the crosshairs firmly locked onto a Botha warship equipped with a composite shield!

The next second,

[Battering Ram] was officially activated!

ps: Starting tomorrow, I will resume updating twice a day!!

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