Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 565: Guangwei Planetary Fortress, activated!

The light of the monitor and the flickering lights reflected the gloomy face of Captain Bossa.

Just when all the crew members of Bossa were terrified, it suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Return home..."

Captain Bossa's mouth moved slightly, and he waved his two pairs of forelimbs weakly. After making a standard circle, he whispered: "Lord, we may lose this war..."

"Captain, sir." A large stick insect said cautiously, "It's just that we didn't destroy their antimatter transport ship, so we haven't failed yet..."

"You don't understand." Captain Bossa put down his forelimbs and looked weakly at the antimatter transport ship that was gradually moving away and under the heavy protection of the drone fleet. "We can't win this war."


Another large stick insect asked unconvincedly: "They are just a small fourth-level civilization. The main fleet will break through the defense line soon. Why can they stop us?"

"Why?" Captain Bossa suddenly let out an extremely piercing laugh.

"Just because of that planetary fortress!"

"Just because of their attitude towards war!"

"I ask you, after so many wars, have you ever seen such a crazy race?!" Captain Bosa grabbed the crew beside him with a distorted look and asked loudly.

Yes, crazy.

In its view, the attitude of human civilization towards war can only be described by the word crazy.

Faced with the officer's question, the crew members hesitated for a long time and slowly shook their heads.

"I have never seen such a race!" Captain Bosa's eyes flashed with fear, and he whispered, "Everyone will choose to self-destruct the warship without hesitation and perish together with the enemy..."

"This is simply impossible!"

"I can't imagine such a civilization, such a race grew up in what kind of environment!"

"Bosa civilization can never beat such a crazy civilization! Even if we are a level 5 civilization, even if our technology is more advanced than the opponent!"

"We..." Captain Bosa sighed again, and his originally excited expression suddenly became gray, "Forget it, let's return."

"We have lost our basic combat effectiveness, it's time to go back."

The crew looked at each other, silently controlling the dilapidated secondary flagship and embarked on the road to return.


[The antimatter of the Guangwei Planetary Fortress has been replenished]

A line of text appeared in the holographic projection, which brought some peace of mind to everyone.

Zhao Zijie turned his head and looked at Lu Yongchang, and nodded solemnly.

"Attention, all fleets!"

"The planetary fortress has been replenished with energy, the fleet will retreat immediately!"

"Repeat, the fleet will retreat and give up the third defense area!!"

As the order was issued, the [Golden Crow] fleet, which had been charging forward fearlessly, finally slowed down its pace!

Under Zero's auxiliary control, the surviving warships actually retreated in an orderly manner and gradually evacuated the third defense area.

The warships of the Botha civilization took this opportunity to gather their formation and slowly sailed towards the Dawn Star area again.


[The target has entered the range. ]

In the holographic projection, a line of highlighted text flashed.

"Everyone, next is the moment of our decisive battle with the Botha civilization."

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.

He gave the order in an extremely solemn voice:

"Start the Guangwei 1 planetary fortress!"

The voice fell.

Several huge antimatter engines installed inside the crust of Guangwei began to work, and endless energy was quickly transmitted to the weapons and equipment set up on the surface of Guangwei through thick wires!

Planet-level electromagnetic cannons, planet-level plasma cannons...

Various behemoths started to work at the same time at this moment.

Of course, the most eye-catching one is the giant antimatter cannon transformed from the ring satellite particle accelerator!

It occupies the entire equatorial area of ​​Guangwei!

After it is turned on, it will consume 40% of the energy generated by the antimatter engine of Guangwei!

The huge energy consumption also brings huge benefits.

Unlike the antimatter cannon formed by the battering ram, this giant antimatter cannon can be said to be the pinnacle of human civilization's attack.

Not only can it fire continuously, but its attack power is close to the antimatter torrent created by hundreds of battering rams!

Under the gaze of everyone, a thick gun barrel was slowly lifted up, looking up at the "far-reaching" Botha fleet!

If you stand on the ground of the Sun Moon at this time, relying on the thin atmosphere around the ground and the sound transmission effect of the solid ground, you can hear a high-frequency humming sound coming from the pipe in the equatorial area!

A large amount of antimatter is input into this solid pipe, and then it begins to accelerate under the action of the high-intensity magnetic field!

50% of the speed of light!

80% of the speed of light!

95% of the speed of light!

99.93% of the speed of light! !

When the speed of the antimatter particles reaches the predetermined value, they are guided by the magnetic field and rush into the thick barrel!

The barrel has a magnetic field that is not weaker than that of the particle accelerator.

Under the action of these magnetic fields, the antimatter torrent that reaches 99.93% of the speed of light is like a sharp arrow, shooting straight into the sky from the surface of the Sun Moon!

Because the atmosphere of the first moon is only maintained in the area of ​​several meters near the surface, the antimatter torrent fired by the antimatter cannon will not be disturbed by the atmosphere.

Accompanied by the continuous flashing of high-intensity gamma rays, this antimatter torrent flew straight towards the target warship!

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