Earth calendar year 2505, November 5.

Three days after the defeat of the Botha civilization.

During these three days, the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament conducted a lot of discussions, trying to find another way out for human civilization.

However, facing the powerful Sweeper Civilization and Pastoral Civilization, as well as countless Sweeper affiliated civilizations, the Tail Cutting Plan proposed by Lv Yongchang is still the best solution.

In the end, the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament opened a secret ballot for all members.

[Tail Cutting Plan], with a support rate of 71.3%, became the escape plan of human civilization.

The moment the plan was determined, every silent [Home Ship] became "lively".

Under Zero's control, orange-yellow light lit up in the hibernation cabins that had been silent for hundreds of years.

The following content is excerpted from the memoirs of participants in the [Tail Cutting Plan].

"… Beep! Beep! Beep!"

At first, the buzzing sound seemed particularly distant, as if it was separated by a thick layer of frosted glass, and the sound was not real.

Who am I?

Perhaps because of the long hibernation, my mind was blank at that time.

Xia Mingda.

A few seconds later, a name slowly emerged in my mind.

Where is this? What happened?

Almost at the same time, countless questions arose in my mind.

The next second, memory fragments flashed rapidly like a revolving lantern from the depths of my brain.

Along with the emergence of a large number of memory fragments, I felt an extremely strong sense of nausea rising from my abdomen.

At the same time, the beeping sound that was not very real also quickly became clear!


Almost subconsciously, I took a deep breath.

Along with the nausea, there was an extremely strong feeling of choking.

These two strong discomforts directly dispersed the memory fragments that had just begun to emerge in my mind.

With a blank mind, I chose to follow the instinct of my body, curled up my body, and coughed hard!

"Cough! Cough cough!!"

A strong echo came.

I seemed to be in a not very large space.

My body was sticky, as if there was some liquid left.

Now that I think about it, it should be deep sea fluid.

The bone-chilling feeling came from every corner of my body.

I shuddered and took a quick look at the surrounding environment.

A small, wet space.

Just like a coffin.

A strange thought came to my mind and continued to linger in my heart.

Wow! The cover of this "coffin" is still transparent!

I thought with a smile.

The orange-yellow light from an unknown light source illuminated the entire small space.

From this warm-toned light, I seemed to feel some illusory warmth.

No, it's not illusory!

I looked at the surrounding area in surprise.

If my feeling is correct, this "coffin" is gradually heating up!

Soon, the heating ended.

Although I don't know the specific temperature, the environment at this time makes me feel very comfortable, and the panic in my heart slowly dissipates.

Countless memory fragments began to flash in my originally blank brain.

Proxima Centauri is about to go out, and human civilization is ready to start the second interstellar voyage.

A huge fleet of long-distance ships hovered around Proxima b, blocking out the sun.

I followed the crowd and came to a spacious and bright room.

Then, I lay down in a silver-white hibernation cabin.

With a slight tingling pain, the picture in my memory was also interrupted.


Have you successfully arrived at your destination?

The moment the thought came to my mind, my heart beat violently!

A new star system! A new home!

Thinking of this, I couldn't hold back my excitement!

I raised my head slightly and tried to observe the surrounding environment through the transparent cover of the hibernation cabin.

In the hall full of technology, light curtains of unknown meaning flashed one after another.


I sighed softly: "This environment is much more advanced than it was back then!"

I subconsciously raised my hand and gently knocked on the transparent cover in front of me.

"Dong Dong Dong."

A dull sound sounded.

But the cover of the hibernation cabin was not opened.

"What, what's going on?"

No one responded to my inquiry.

Is the hibernation chamber out of order?

The panic that had just dissipated came back and filled my heart again.

I raised my hand with difficulty and was about to knock on the transparent cover in front of me again.


A slight buzzing sounded.

A clear light screen appeared outside the transparent cover.

This is...

Holographic projection technology.

I subconsciously compared it with the holographic projection in my memory.

Obviously, the holographic image in front of me is more than one level more refined than the one in my memory.

[Name: Xia Mingda. ]

[Identity: Citizen of the People's Union. ]

[Credit points: ...]

[Contribution value: ...]


I carefully looked at the data constantly presented in the holographic image.

"What time is it now?"

I murmured in a low voice.

"Hello, Mr. Xia Mingda, it is November 5, 2505 in the Earth calendar."

"We are located in the Gliese 555 star system, 17.55 light years away from Proxima Centauri."

Accompanied by electronic synthesized sound, a clear star map appeared in the holographic projection.

"2505?!" I shouted in surprise.

"Why, how come it took so long?!"

I panicked: "I remember that I entered hibernation in 2210. Didn't they say that it would take less than a hundred years to reach the next star system?!"

"Also, why don't you open the door of the hibernation cabin?"

"Let me out!"

I raised my weak right hand again and gently patted the transparent cover in front of me.

"Please be patient."

The electronic synthesized sound was as peaceful as ever: "Next, I will briefly introduce the history of the human fleet in the past three hundred years."

"In the year 2210 of the Earth calendar, the human fleet set off from Proxima b and headed for the Ross 154 star system..."

"... In the year 2275 of the Earth calendar, the human fleet was forced to set sail again and headed for the Gliese 555 star system..."

Looking at the rapidly flashing images in the holographic projection, my mood suddenly became excited!

When I saw the two-dimensional creature [painting] appear, I opened my mouth wide and exclaimed in surprise: "Fuck..."

When I learned that the human fleet was forced to leave Ross 154 and go to Gliese 555, I sighed softly.

Humanity is too weak and can only be forced to flee in the face of other civilizations in the universe.


When I saw the human fleet encounter the Lator star pirate civilization and go to war with it, I clenched my fists, my heart seemed to be tightly grasped, and I couldn't speak.

But then, arriving at Gliese 555, planetary transformation, Dawn, Light Moon...

The technological level of human civilization is developing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

These scenes came into my eyes, making me more and more excited!

"Then, can we live on Dawn now?"

I asked softly in a trembling voice.

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