The next moment, as a strange wave came from the fleet of the Sweeper civilization, the projection of [Shi] in the three-dimensional universe also fluctuated a bit.

"Damn it."

"The Sweeper is trying to open a wormhole!"

[Shi]'s tone suddenly became stronger!

Because of the problem of perception, [Si] was slow to realize it and became excited.

In the universe, the twisting amplitude of this huge ball of silk thread increased a lot.

"What are you waiting for?!"

"Open the wormhole quickly!"

"We must not let the Sweeper get to that star field before us!"

In the face of [Si]'s urging, [Shi] responded angrily: "Of course I know!"

"We are too close to them, do you know about wormhole interference?!"

[Si] was silent.

Although it did not master the wormhole jump technology, as an eighth-level civilization, this basic knowledge is still clear.

When two wormholes are close to each other, there is a high probability that they will interfere with each other.

Merge or dissipate...

Merge is a small matter. Once they dissipate, who knows where they will end up!

Looking at the gradually taking shape of the spherical distorted space in the distance, the silk thread twisted more and more violently.

"Then we just watch?!"

[Silk] sent a message to [Time] unwillingly.

"Of course not." [Time] sneered, "Don't forget how the Sweepers mastered the four-dimensional attack ability and wormhole jump technology."

"You mean... that bubble?" [Silk] was stunned for a moment, and then realized the hidden meaning in [Time]'s words.

"Of course." [Time]'s tone became more and more disdainful, "I said at the time that the Sweepers must not get that bubble."

"You see, it only took them 100,000 years to obtain the four-dimensional attack technology and wormhole jump technology from that bubble."

"The days of our Pastoral School were not so difficult before."

As he spoke, the spherical distorted space in the Sweeper Civilization Fleet in the distance had already taken shape.

A twisted sphere with starlight on its surface was quietly suspended in the center of the fleet.

Seeing this scene, [Shi]'s tone was slightly relieved: "Fortunately, the Sweepers' analysis of the four-dimensional world is not deep enough."

"They are still immature in wormhole jump technology!"

During the conversation, the planetary fortress and fleet of the Sweeper civilization disappeared suddenly after approaching the twisted sphere.

This space full of radiation suddenly became a little deserted.

"Let's go."

[Shi] looked at the wormhole channel that was slowly dissipating from a distance and shouted softly.

"Let's go?"

"Where to?" [Si] still hadn't reacted yet and asked [Shi].


[Shi]'s three-dimensional projection fluctuated violently twice, as if it was angered by [Si]'s slow reaction.

The next second, the shadow instantly expanded, wrapped the twisting silk thread, and rushed towards the wormhole.

Under [Shi]'s control, the surrounding dark matter fluctuated slowly, stabilizing the wormhole that was about to dissipate.

Then, two dimensional creatures rushed directly into it.

"Follow closely."

After entering the wormhole, [Shi]'s tone suddenly became serious: "Wormholes are not three-dimensional universes, let alone your pitiful one-dimensional world."

"If you take a wrong step, you may miss your destination!"

"I won't look for you then!"

[Si] didn't say anything, just tried to keep up with [Shi]'s pace as much as possible.

"Heh, Sweeper..."

[Shi] sneered, and then chose a completely different direction from the Sweeper Fleet.


Alpha Centauri triple star system.

The light of the third star is extremely dim, like a discarded child abandoned in the cold universe, looking far away at the "vibrant" binary star system in the distance.

It is Proxima Centauri.

In the Proxima galaxy, a picture scroll with an extremely large area and no thickness quietly stays in the universe.

Some wrinkles are appearing at the edge of the picture scroll.

The wrinkles gradually deepened, and gradually, it showed the attribute of thickness.

With the emergence of the dimensionality-upgrading phenomenon, this inconspicuous corner of the painting gradually disappeared in the cold universe.

But because of its extremely large area, the entire dimensionality-upgrading dissipation process takes a lot of time.

Outskirts of the Proxima Galaxy.

The calm interstellar space suddenly showed some fluctuations.

A twisted sphere slowly appeared from nothing in a remote corner of the Milky Way.

The next moment, the fluctuations intensified instantly.

A shadow and a ball of silk emerged from the twisted sphere.

They are the idyllic dimensional creatures that came from tens of thousands of light years away - [Time] and [Silk].

The moment they left the wormhole, their attention was quickly attracted by the extremely dim star.


"A red dwarf whose lifespan is almost exhausted?"

[Silk]'s tone was full of confusion: "What's going on?"

[Shi] glanced at it, and as a four-dimensional creature, it quickly understood the truth: "The good work of the Sweeper civilization."

"The Star Devourer almost sucked this red dwarf dry."

[Silk] was silent for a while, and then said angrily: "Damn Sweepers!"

"If it weren't for them, how could this universe become so cold?!"

[Shi] sighed slightly and quickly flew in the direction of the two-dimensional fluctuations.

Soon, a huge and spectacular picture appeared in their eyes.

Various details were roughly stacked together, and the colorful picture looked extremely messy.

But as dimensional creatures, [Shi] and [Si] relied on their instincts to quickly get the information they wanted from this messy picture.

"This is..."

"Two-dimensional planet?"

[Si] whispered softly.

"More than a planet." [Shi]'s tone was very serious, "There is civilization on this planet."

"They have mastered the antimatter engine, and should be a fourth-level technological civilization."

The shadow swept past the picture and quickly read what happened in the picture.

"Human civilization?"

When the familiar characteristics of civilization appeared in its mind, it suddenly realized a problem.

It seems that the civilization in the picture in front of it is the human civilization that [Hua] announced to the universe before his death!

Why did human civilization appear in this star system that was hit by the sweeper civilization?

Why did they perish in this huge two-dimensional fragment?

What did [Hua] mean by being careful of human civilization?

Questions arose in [Shi] and [Si]'s minds, driving them to speed up their exploration.

Restoring all the information of the entire two-dimensional scroll was a big project, even for them.

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