Not long after, the simulation was completed.


Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched slightly: "Woodlouse?"

He had reason to believe that Zero had directly put on the model of the woodlouse.

This round body, coupled with the tiny gastropods on the abdomen, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but recall his childhood memories.

These small insects, commonly known as watermelon worms, often live in moist flower beds.

With a flick of the finger, it will shrink into a round ball.

This was his "toy" in his childhood.

"Professor, the current high-altitude exploration data can only confirm that it is an arthropod similar to a woodlouse. The specific appearance requires more data support to simulate."

Listening to Zero's "defense", Lv Yongchang raised his hand to his forehead with a headache.


You can tell at a glance that it's impossible!

How can alien creatures look the same as Earth creatures? !

As soon as he finished complaining in his heart, Lv Yongchang thought of the appearance of the Botha civilization.

The body that resembled a stick insect clearly appeared in his mind.

It seems... there is a certain possibility?

Lv Yongchang asked with a strange look on his face: "The appearance is uncertain, what about the size?"

"What are the size data of these... um, woodlice-like creatures?"

The approximate data was marked one by one in the holographic model.

"Fuck... five meters long..."

Lv Yongchang suddenly widened his eyes.

This tm...

Five meters long, even if it is really a watermelon worm, its threat to humans will not be low!

I never thought that the insects on this lost star could grow to such a size...

It seems that the plan to land and explore the lost star needs to be modified.

Just as Lv Yongchang was thinking about the modifications to the exploration plan, Mao Zhengzhi looked at the holographic model thoughtfully and muttered to himself.


"What kind of creatures did they evolve such a perfect protective color mechanism to protect against?"

Mao Zhengzhi's words directly made the originally noisy laboratory return to silence!

There are too many doubts about the Lost Star.

Those huge trees that can absorb radiation energy, and those five-meter-long woodlice-like creatures…

Mao Zhengzhi’s words sounded the alarm for Lv Yongchang.

There may be an extremely powerful predator on the Lost Star!

It can prey on five-meter-long woodlice-like creatures, so you can imagine its size and threat!

The plan to land and explore the Lost Star can only be put aside temporarily, and the samples collected by the robot should be explored first.

If they do not have a high utilization value, perhaps Lv Yongchang will choose to give up exploring this Lost Star.

In the biological laboratory.

According to the instructions, the scientific research type I robot calmly and orderly completed a series of basic exploration projects.

First, the soil.

Mao Zhengzhi is extremely concerned about the soil that grows such plants.

But after some exploration, the result surprised him.

This soil is extremely ordinary.

Apart from being relatively fertile, relatively soft, and containing more oxygen and water, there is almost nothing to note!

As for some trace elements...

Except for a slightly different proportion, it is very similar to the soil on Earth.

The only valuable discovery is that the scientific research type I robot detected a high intensity of radiation in these soils.

However, no corresponding radioactive substances, such as radioactive minerals such as cobalt-60, were found in the soil.

After thinking fruitlessly, Mao Zhengzhi and others could only turn their attention to the remaining samples.

Leaf samples.

Like tree trunks, these thick leaves are also very tough.


Lv Yongchang frowned as he watched the movements of the scientific research robot in the holographic projection: "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Mao Zhengzhi, who was highly focused, turned around and asked, "Professor, have you found any problems?"

"...Take a look." Lv Yongchang thought for a while and called up a picture, "This is the sample picture just taken on the Lost Star."

After saying that, he pointed to the holographic image in front of him: "This is now."

In the picture, the leaves and fungi in the laboratory were drooping on the laboratory table, and the surface luster was no longer as good as before.

"They..." Mao Zhengzhi's eyes moved slightly, and he noticed something unusual, "Did they wilted?"

"Isn't this too fast?!"

"Could it be a problem with the composition of the atmosphere?"

"It shouldn't be." Lv Yongchang shook his head without hesitation, "The adaptation work of the biological laboratory environment has been completed. Now the composition of the atmosphere inside is basically the same as that of the Lost Star."

He looked thoughtfully at the image of the Lost Star sent back by the high-altitude detector: "The only difference."

"It may be..."


Lv Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi said in unison!

"Zero, prepare for the test!" Lv Yongchang gave the order without any hesitation, "Create some radiation in the laboratory!"


A few minutes later.

Several large machines were transported into the biological laboratory.

In the first test, in order to prevent accidents, under Lv Yongchang's order, Zero simulated the radiation near the surface of the Lost Star as much as possible in terms of intensity and composition.

Time passed slowly.

After being given sufficient moisture, the plant samples bathed in radiation gradually regained their vitality on the Forgotten Star!

This undoubtedly verified the original conjecture of Lu Yongchang and others.

The plants on this planet feed on radiation!

"Take a sample and increase the intensity of the radiation they receive."

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved slightly and he issued a new order again.

The scientific research robot perfectly executed Lu Yongchang's orders.

The radiation intensity gradually increases.

10%, 20%…

When the radiation intensity increased by 100%, mutations occurred.


Mao Zhengzhi shouted excitedly: "They are repairing themselves!"

Lu Yongchang stared blankly at the projected image and murmured: "I saw it..."

In the picture, not only the leaves, but also the cut edge areas of fungi and bark samples are slowly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The growth only lasted a few minutes and quickly faded away.

"Insufficient nutrition."

Mao Zhengzhi said in a low voice: "After all, it is a rootless root. Once the stored nutrients are used up, repair work will be impossible."

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed.

"But even so, this characteristic is unimaginable!"

"If these barks are made into the radiation protection layer of a starship, and given enough nutrients..."

"Even if the radiation protection layer is broken down, under the influence of a large amount of radiation, they can even complete the repair work spontaneously!"

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath.

Apart from anything else, based on this alone, this lost star must not be given up easily!

ps: Dear readers, please give me gifts and generate electricity for love!


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