Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 602 No, this is not a snake!

Perhaps it was due to the massive secretion of adrenaline, but at this time Zhu Ziwen felt that his concentration was constantly rising!

Coupled with the high-precision holographic image provided by Zero, in less than a second, he discovered various details that he would not have noticed before!

Looking at the charred soil stained on the "giant snake", as well as the tan body with a large number of small tentacles...


He didn't seem to see the giant snake's sensory organs or feeding mouth?

Could it be that because this kind of snake has lived underground for a long time, these functions have deteriorated?

At the critical moment of life and death, he suddenly calmed down, and pieces of information obtained by the biological laboratory and detectors flashed in his mind.

A message he received not long ago slowly emerged in his mind.

At that time, they were still on the starship, which was preparing to enter the atmosphere of the Forsaken Star.

At the moment of contact with the atmosphere, Professor Lu sent a message to everyone.

The content of the information is not much, but it probably means that it is suspected that there may be large-scale man-made facilities hidden underground in the Forsaken Star, which can monitor abnormal movements on the surface.

Therefore, Lu Yongchang issued an order.

After the planetary exploration team lands on the surface, they will cooperate with the detector to conduct underground exploration modeling work on the Forgotten Star.

At that time, this piece of information aroused the curiosity of many people.

Including Zhu Ziwen.

Because he participated in the design of the planetary fortress in the Gliese 555 star system, he is also more inclined to this conjecture.

But now, he has completely rejected his previous idea!

The scene in front of him, coupled with this piece of information in his memory, was like a bolt of lightning piercing the fog in his mind!


This is not a giant snake!

He suddenly widened his eyes, with a look of horror on his face and wanted to shout out his discovery, but found that his throat seemed to be blocked, and he could only make a "gurgling" sound.

[The mechanical exoskeleton has been taken over remotely. 】

A line of faint bright red text floated before Zhu Ziwen's eyes.

"Get down!!!"

Su Pengfei and Xia Zhou's voices sounded together.

Almost at the same time, an irresistible force was transmitted from the mechanical exoskeleton.

Under the forced guidance of this force, Zhu Ziwen threw himself hard on the dirt in front of him!


A loud bang sounded from overhead.

With the help of the high-definition camera on the mechanical exoskeleton, Zhu Ziwen saw a ball of blue light with golden electric snakes dancing on its surface, and it hit the "giant snake" hard.

Plasma cannon.

A thought flashed through Zhu Ziwen's mind.

The next second, the "Giant Snake" was intercepted at the waist.

The back half of its body quickly retracted into the soil, leaving only the broken half of its body twitching slightly on the ground.

The blue plasma splashed everywhere, and the high temperature it brought dried the water in half of the body in an instant.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, it burned violently.

Because of the high concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere, the combustion process is extremely violent.

Not long after, it turned into a pile of ashes and lay quietly on the ground, with wisps of smoke rising up.

[The alarm has been cleared. 】

[You have regained exoskeleton control permission. 】

Zhu Ziwen stared blankly at the line of text in front of him.

It wasn't until the bright red holographic image returned to blue again that he realized what had happened.


He moved his lips and his voice was extremely hoarse: "Am I still alive?"


Along with the sound of the exoskeletons colliding with each other, a huge force came from behind, making him stagger.

"Dude, what are you talking about?!"

Su Pengfei's careless voice came: "With the captain here, it will be difficult for you to die!"

Zhu Ziwen controlled the mechanical exoskeleton and turned around, looking at Xia Zhou who was walking slowly in front of him, and lowered his head to him with an extremely solemn expression.


He thanked her in a husky voice.

"How is your health? No injuries?" Xia Zhou asked softly.

"No, it's okay."

Zhu Ziwen replied hurriedly.

Xia Zhou shook his head helplessly: "Academician Zhu, remember, this is on a foreign planet, and anything can kill you."

"Don't act without authorization. If you really find something, you can tell us first."

Zhu Ziwen nodded repeatedly and said with a look of shame: "I'm sorry..."

Looking back now, what I just did was so stupid!

"Okay, just be more careful next time."

Xia Zhou raised his hand, patted Zhu Ziwen's shoulder gently, and turned to look at the strip of ashes lying on the ground.

"Is this thing... a snake? Why does it look a little wrong?"

Hearing this, Zhu Ziwen looked solemn and denied it without hesitation.

"No, it's not a snake!"

"It's a tree root!"

"What?" "Tree roots?!" Xia Zhou and Su Pengfei's confused voices sounded at the same time.

Obviously, Zhu Ziwen's answer directly subverted the two people's cognition.

"I need to report this discovery to the professor immediately."

Zhu Ziwen did not explain much and said in a hurried tone: "If my guess is true, the danger of this planetary exploration operation may far exceed our expectations!"

Xia Zhou looked at the serious look on Zhu Ziwen's face and nodded seriously.


"The exploration operation is suspended and we are on standby!"


Lu Yongchang's face appeared in the blue holographic image.

As usual, he still had a plain, gentle smile on his face.

"What? Did you find anything new?"

Zhu Ziwen didn't say any nonsense and said bluntly: "Professor, I was attacked just now."


The gentle smile on Lu Yongchang's face gradually disappeared, and his expression became stern: "What's going on? You're not injured, are you?"

"Where's Xia Zhou?"

"You were attacked just after landing on Forsaken Star? What does he do for food?!"

"Ahem..." Zhu Ziwen blushed and explained awkwardly, "Professor, it's none of Captain Xia's business, it's my own problem."

"If it weren't for Captain Xia, I might have..."

Hearing what Zhu Ziwen said, Lu Yongchang's expression brightened a little and his tone softened a little: "Tell me, what exactly is going on?"

Zhu Ziwen didn't hesitate at all, and hurriedly explained everything, while pointing the camera at the pile of fully burned ashes in the distance.

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