After a short while, Meng Lu's eyes showed surprise.

These seemingly complicated bioelectric currents do have some simple and obvious rules.

"Zero, record all bioelectric current signals and try to split and compare them."

She pondered for a moment and said again: "Model and compare the frequency of changes in the current size."


The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the holographic projection next to her began to show extremely similar waveforms.

This is the experience she learned when studying the language system of amino giant fish.

Amino giant fish can use the rapidly changing frequency of ultrasound as syllables and phonemes for communication. These giant trees can also use the changing frequency of bioelectric current as the basic unit of information transmission.

She doesn't want to fall into the same pit twice!

Time passed bit by bit.

The sample data in the holographic projection is getting more and more.

But Meng Lu's brows did not relax at all, but frowned deeper.

It was exactly the opposite of the situation encountered when studying amino giant fish.

There are too many similar waveforms in front of her!

According to the statistics provided by Zero, more than 99% of bioelectric signals are repeated!

Experience tells her that these repeated fragments are generally not worth studying.

So, she set her sights on the only 1% of bioelectric signal fragments.

Just one glance and she frowned.


This is Meng Lu's first impression of those waveforms.

The waveforms are extremely messy, without any rules at all!

She carefully flipped through these bioelectric signals, trying to find the rules in these chaotic signals.

As for Zero, it was naturally not idle.

With its huge computing power, it tried to use the exhaustive method to find the rules.



Meng Lu raised her head in a trance, turned her head to look at the lush green sapling in the transparent aluminum curtain wall, and smiled bitterly.

After such a long time of research, she didn't find any rules!

It seems that the 1% of bioelectric signals are really garbled!

Professor Lu was right.

The difficulty of this research task is probably far beyond her imagination!

She walked slowly to the transparent aluminum curtain wall, leaned in, and stared at the sapling with her naked eyes.

In a suitable environment, its growth rate is several times faster than before.

In less than ten hours, the root volume of the sapling has increased a lot.

Looking at the gradually thickening roots trembling slightly in the air, Meng Lu nodded thoughtfully.


She has to check the physiological structure of these roots first.

Only after understanding the structure can she "prescribe the right medicine" and find the right research path.

Meng Lu turned around without hesitation and walked towards the experimental table not far away.

"Academician Mao!"

She whispered: "Academician Mao, I want to know the internal structure of the giant tree's roots."

Mao Zhengzhi, who was busy with research work, was stunned when he heard this. After completing the operation in his hands, he raised his head and stretched out his hand to drag a holographic image.

"The internal structure of the giant tree's roots..."

"We haven't studied this aspect thoroughly."

Mao Zhengzhi sighed softly: "Take a look, this is the anatomical model of the giant tree's roots."

"A sample of the roots taken from the Lost Star." Seeing the confusion in Meng Lu's eyes, he added.

Meng Lu suddenly realized and quickly turned his eyes to the holographic model.

The model was filled with extremely thin tubular structures.

These tubular structures were connected in sequence to form a huge network.

In the central area of ​​the network, there was a spherical cavity.

Almost all tubular structures are connected to this cavity, or in other words, all tubular structures extend from this cavity!

And at the cutoff point of the tree roots, these tubular structures stopped abruptly.

"This is..." Meng Lu looked at Mao Zhengzhi beside him with some confusion.

Faced with Meng Lu's inquiry, Mao Zhengzhi shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know."

"At least so far, we don't know the function of these tubular structures and spherical cavities."

"The tree roots we obtained are all dead, and they have been damaged to varying degrees, so the difficulty of research has increased a lot."

"As for the living tree roots..." Mao Zhengzhi turned his head and pointed to the biological laboratory area, "In addition to the sapling you have, there are three other saplings being cultivated."

"When the cultivation is successful, maybe we can find something."

Meng Lu pondered for a moment and said again: "I found bioelectric signals in the roots of the saplings."

This sentence made Mao Zhengzhi's eyes suddenly brighten: "Bioelectricity?"

"Yes, the signal is very strong, but..."

Meng Lu's face showed some hesitation. After all, she has not made any substantial discoveries.

But Mao Zhengzhi did ask anxiously: "But what?!"

"But more than 99% of these bioelectric signals are repeated, just like pulse current, without any meaning." Meng Lu pursed her lips and said gloomily, "As for the remaining 1%..."

"So far, I haven't summarized any rules."

"The signal is very messy, just like garbled code."

"My intuition told me that I was going in the wrong research direction. It seems that information is not transmitted through bioelectric signals between tree roots."

Mao Zhengzhi frowned: "Let me see those bioelectric signals first."

Naturally, Meng Lu would not refuse this request.

Soon, detailed experimental data was presented to her and Mao Zhengzhi.


"Ling, call me Professor Lu and tell me that Academician Meng Lu has made some discoveries."

Mao Zhengzhi whispered while checking the data.

Soon, another candidate for eyebrow fighting in the laboratory was added.

Lu Yongchang looked at the experimental data provided by Meng Lu with confusion on his face, and he was also a little confused.

He turned his head and looked at the network-shaped tubular structure in the tree root anatomy model, and then looked at the regular but extremely messy bioelectrical signal data, and fell into deep thought.

"You said..."

"Is it possible that these network-shaped tubular structures are channels for bioelectric signals, just like our neurons?" Mao Zhengzhi's eyes lit up slightly and he asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Before Meng Lu could speak, Lu Yongchang vetoed Mao Zhengzhi's proposal.

"According to our observations, almost all tree roots on the entire Forgotten Star move at the same time."

"That is to say, it needs to transmit all information to every 'peripheral nerve' in an instant."

"It is impossible for bioelectric signals to accomplish such a feat."

"It's too slow!"

"If bioelectrical signals were really used for signal transmission, it would probably be a severely paralyzed patient with high paraplegia."

"It simply can't direct all its roots to make such uniform movements!"

"At that time, according to our guess, it should have mastered a communication method similar to quantum long-distance communication..."

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