On the test bench in the institute, a dark black donut-shaped engine exudes a mysterious color.

This is the research result of everyone in the past ten days!

Improved Hall thruster.

To be more precise, it is the Hall propulsion unit!

Next to it is a small cylindrical nuclear fusion device!

At this time, the small nuclear fusion device is a whole circle larger than the beginning because of the installation of various facilities.

But even so, it is still the slimmest one among all large generators.

The jet nozzle of the Hall propulsion unit is facing a concrete wall made of special materials!

The function of this wall is very simple.

Block the jet tail of the Hall propulsion unit!

The working fluid used in the Hall propulsion unit is the high-temperature helium ion flow generated by nuclear fusion.

Therefore, the jet tail temperature of the Hall propulsion unit is extremely high!

It can even reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!

"Professor Lu, all inspections have been completed, and the Hall propulsion unit can start trial operation at any time!"

Hearing the report from his side, Lu Yongchang looked a little more solemn.

He nodded carefully: "Prepare to start the trial run!"


With Lv Yongchang's order, the eyes of a group of researchers in the institute suddenly became excited!

Although this is not the first Hall thruster in human history.

But it is definitely the first Hall thruster in human history with a thrust of KN level!

As the small fusion reactor slowly started, a low humming sound followed.

"The small fusion reactor is working normally!"

"The power output is normal!"

"Prepare to start the Hall propulsion unit!"

Academician Cao Liangcai on the side swallowed slightly, and his right hand trembled slightly as he pressed the button on the console in front of him.

The next moment, a blue plasma flow appeared at the jet outlet of the Hall propulsion unit!

As the operating power of the Hall propulsion unit continued to increase, the light of the plasma flow gradually became stronger!

The thrust data displayed on the screen in front of everyone also gradually increased!





The thrust data gradually stabilized.

Cao Liangcai, who was standing by, stared at the thrust numbers in front of him in a daze. The next moment, a flash of excitement appeared in his eyes!

"Success! We succeeded!"

"100KN! 10-density thrust! This is 10-density thrust!"

Cao Liangcai's lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were obsessed with the faint blue light in front of him.


So beautiful!

This faint blue flame symbolizes that human aerospace technology has entered a new era!

Chemical fuel, at this moment, has become a thing of the past!

After a brief joy, Lv Yongchang took the lead in calming down.

"Okay, let's stop the Hall propulsion unit first!"

"Stop? Why stop?" Cao Liangcai frowned subconsciously, "Just strike while the iron is hot and test the various data of the Hall propulsion unit!"

Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Academician Cao, before that, why don't you take a look at that concrete wall?"

Cao Liangcai was stunned and turned his head to look at the concrete wall in the distance.

I saw that a deep pit had been burned in the middle of the one-meter-thick concrete wall!

Seeing that the wall was about to be burned through, he finally reacted and pressed the stop button in a hurry!

Facing Lv Yongchang's teasing eyes, Cao Liangcai couldn't help but blush. He was angry and said: "Fuck, who is responsible for this wall!"

"What kind of shit material is used! It can't hold up in just a few minutes!"

"Did you cut corners for me!"

"... Director Cao, yes, I am responsible." A researcher stepped forward with a wry smile, "The materials used are approved by you, and they are already the best quality batch."

Cao Liangcai: "..."


An hour after the trial run ended, Hong Qiming finally rushed to the Institute of Aerospace from Beijing.

Originally, Councillor Li was going to come in person, but because of some trivial matters, the task finally fell on Hong Qiming.

"Minister Hong? Why are you here?"

Seeing Hong Qiming, Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of surprise: "Didn't you just return to Beijing this morning?"

Hong Qiming glanced at Lv Yongchang with a face full of resentment: "What do you think?"

"I, the Minister of Science and Technology, am almost your errand boy now!"

Thinking carefully, it seems to be the case.

Since Lv Yongchang appeared, he, the Minister of Science and Technology, has slowly become the mouthpiece between the chairman of the parliament and Lv Yongchang!

Lv Yongchang, who knew he was in the wrong, smiled awkwardly and did not reply.

Hong Qiming did not continue the topic. He straightened his face and said: "What do you mean? Is the experiment about to start?"

Lv Yongchang: "..."

"Uh... the experiment is over."

Hong Qiming: "???"

What the hell?

It's over?

Then he came here for nothing! ?

Hong Qiming looked like he had eaten shit.

"Ahem...but I can tell you the result."

Looking at Hong Qiming's changing expression, Lu Yongchang hurriedly said: "The test run was a complete success, and the thrust of a single Hall propulsion unit is 100KN!"

Hong Qiming was slightly startled and muttered to himself.

"100KN...uh, 1 kilogram is approximately equal to 9.8 Newtons..."

Lu Yongchang: "...almost 10 miles of thrust."

"10 secrets? So few?" Hong Qiming's brows frowned instantly.

"I remember that the maximum takeoff thrust of the CF6 engine of the Boeing 747 can reach about 105 miles, right?"

"Isn't 10-mile thrust a bit too low for an aerospace aircraft?"

Lu Yongchang chuckled.

"Minister Hong, you still didn't understand what I said."

"The thrust of a single Hall propulsion unit is 10 mil."

"I never said that only one Hall propulsion unit can be installed on an aerospace plane!"

Hong Qiming's pupils shrank suddenly!

He swallowed slightly and said hesitantly: "You mean... we can install a large number of Hall propulsion units on an aerospace plane?"

Lu Yongchang nodded slightly and shook his head quickly.

"Huh?" A trace of doubt flashed in Hong Qiming's eyes, "Yongchang, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head...?"

Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and said slowly: "It's like this. Although in theory it is possible to install Hall propulsion units without restrictions, the actual situation is not like this."

"We need to comprehensively consider the size and purpose of the aerospace aircraft and calculate a reasonable thrust."

Hong Qiming nodded as if understanding, then waved his hand and said, "Hey! Why are you telling me these professional things?"

"Just tell me how many Hall propulsion units you plan to install on the first aerospace plane. I have to report to the chairman."

Lu Yongchang laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "Ten!"

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