The first transformation?

What transformation?

What was transformed?

In an instant, countless questions flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.

Before he could think carefully, his consciousness completely left the technology tree space and returned to the real world.

The next second, he quickly noticed that something abnormal had occurred in his body.

It seems...

The side effects caused by the so-called first transformation have not been completely eliminated?

He tried to cast his eyes on the people in front of him.

The originally slow flow of time gradually returned to normal, and the cheers and applause from the academicians gradually rang in his ears.

Because the flow of time has not yet fully recovered, these cheers and applause have been stretched to a longer tone, which seems particularly weird.

The dizziness is increasing at a very fast rate.

He subconsciously raised his hand, trying to grab something to stabilize his body.


Except for the ethereal blue holographic image, he didn't grab anything.

Amid a burst of exclamations, the world in front of him fell into darkness.


Inside the medical center.

Lv Yongchang closed his eyes and lay quietly in a sharp-edged medical cabin.

This is the latest model of medical cabin developed by the Academy of Sciences, which is enough to solve most diseases in human history.

But now, Lv Yongchang in the medical cabin has no reaction at all, as if he was injected with hibernation hormone, lying quietly in it.

Fang Xu looked at Dr. Wen with a frown in front of him anxiously, and asked in a low voice: "Dr. Wen, what's going on?"


Dr. Wen sighed and shook his head slightly: "Professor Lu's situation is very complicated, and I don't know how to explain it."

"Unknown disease?"

Mao Zhengzhi, who was standing next to him, came over and asked solemnly: "Do you mean some special unknown disease?"

Dr. Wen pondered for a moment, shook his head again, and sighed melancholy: "I hope it is caused by the disease, at least it can be easily solved this way..."

Her words immediately made the atmosphere of the medical center more solemn.

Mao Zhengzhi and Fang Xu looked at each other, and then carefully cast their eyes on Su Yutong who was standing next to them.

Almost at the moment when Dr. Wen fell, Su Yutong's slightly thin body shook slightly.

Obviously, Dr. Wen's words had a great impact on her.

Under the worried eyes of Mao Zhengzhi and Fang Xu, Su Yutong supported the medical cabin beside her with her right hand and quickly stood up.

But from the back of her hand with slightly blue veins and joints, it can be seen that her heart is not calm.

Su Yutong's eyes were slightly red, and her lips were slightly pale when she pursed them: "Doctor Wen, just tell me."

"What happened to Yongchang?"

Dr. Wen and Su Yutong looked at each other and said with some entanglement: "This should have been a top-secret document."

"But this kind of thing happened..."

Speaking, Dr. Wen shook his head helplessly: "But I don't think you need to be too nervous. According to the experience of the previous few times, it won't take much time for Professor Lu to return to normal."

Fang Xu and Mao Zhengzhi looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Dr. Wen turned around, dragged over a holographic image, and reached out to click on it a few times.

"You should know that since the Earth era, Professor Lu has been in this situation from time to time."

She said in a somewhat indifferent tone: "There is no sign of coma, and it often returns to normal within three days."

With Dr. Wen's actions, the holographic projection quickly enlarged, showing a detailed archive.

"Since the first coma, in..." Dr. Wen's voice paused slightly, "Under the order of the old senator, I conducted a comprehensive examination of Professor Lu's body."

"According to the order of the old senator, all test data are top secret information."

Dr. Wen paused, she glanced at the academicians of the medical center and lowered her voice and said: "Never lift the ban!"

Fang Xu's expression suddenly became solemn.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and waved to the academicians behind him: "Go away, go away!"

"The superstring gravitational field equation has been given. Why are you waiting here instead of doing research?"

"If Professor Lu is not here, you will not do scientific research?!"


A few minutes later.

The huge medical center became empty again.

Doctor Wen looked at the few people in front of him with solemn expressions, and explained while calling up a file.

"This is the inspection report in the Earth era."

"Academician Mao, you can focus on Professor Lu's brain test report."

Doctor Wen reminded softly.

Mao Zhengzhi frowned slightly, raised his head and looked at the densely packed charts and test data.

Just one glance, a trace of horror appeared on his face!

"This, how is this possible?!"

"Is this level of brain activity really something that humans can do?!"

Mao Zhengzhi's exclamation immediately attracted the attention of Fang Xu and Su Yutong.

"This is just the test data from the first coma." Doctor Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head. "From then on, every time Professor Lu fell into a coma, his brain activity level would rise to a higher level."

"You may not believe it if I tell you."

"At that time, I once suspected that Professor Lu was an alien."

"After all, the normal human brain can never reach this level."

Fang Xu swallowed hard, turned his head and glanced at the medical cabin not far away: "Don't talk about you, I also think..."

Su Yutong rolled his eyes and interrupted Fang Xu's words directly: "What do you think?"

"Do you think Yongchang is not a human?"

"If you have the ability, you can say this in front of Yongchang and see if he will cut you off."

Fang Xu's expression choked, and he scratched his head with a smile: "Ahem, Academician Su, you know that's not what I mean..."

"In addition to the brain, Professor Lu's physical fitness is also slowly improving." Doctor Wen's voice sounded again, "It's just that it can't keep up with the speed of brain changes."

"Therefore, I made a bold guess at that time."

"Professor Lu's body, especially the brain, is evolving rapidly for some reason we don't know."

"However, the speed of brain evolution is a little faster, and his body can't keep up with such evolution."

"Therefore, he will fall into a coma frequently."

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