The whole experiment takes a long time.

During the experiment, when a group of scientific researchers were taking a break, Lu Yongchang looked up at the previous experimental data in the giant holographic projection and slowly shook his head.

"Too small."

"Professor, what did you say?" Tao Yuda, who was processing data on the side, moved his ears slightly, looked at Lu Yongchang who was standing with his hands behind his hands in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "What is too small?"

"Gravity field." Lu Yongchang chuckled, spread his hands and said, "Or the curvature of space and time."

"With this size of space-time curvature, it is impossible to build a curvature engine."

Tao Yuda put down his work and responded in a low voice: "If increasing the intensity of the gravitational field can create a curvature engine, then it would be too simple."

"We just need to increase the size of the gravitational field generator to do it."

Lu Yongchang smiled noncommittally.

As Tao Yuda said.

All the current work of the Academy of Sciences is just laying a solid foundation for the curvature engine building.

The various data generated by the successful operation of the gravitational field generator have laid a good foundation for the Academy of Sciences' subsequent research.

Not a single moment of time was wasted.

At the moment the experiment ended, Lu Yongchang led everyone at the Academy of Sciences to start research on the second-generation gravitational field generating device.

According to the predetermined goal, the gravitational field created by the second-generation gravitational field generator will reach the level of the sun.

Compared with the first generation, this improvement is extremely huge.

However, according to Lu Yongchang's previous calculations, the space-time curvature created by this intensity of gravitational field is still not enough to drive the spacecraft into a curvature navigation state!

Even so, the research and development process still encountered a lot of difficulties.

The power problem of the antimatter engine, the energy conversion rate problem...

With the joint efforts of Lu Yongchang and academicians of the Academy of Sciences, these complicated problems were overcome one by one.

As time goes by, the research work on the second-generation gravitational field generating device is gradually coming to an end.

As usual, Lu Yongchang completed his daily exercise. After stepping out of the gravity chamber, he walked quickly towards the office.

Suddenly, a holographic projection suddenly unfolded in front of him.

At the same time, Zero's electronically synthesized voice came from the surrounding speakers: "Professor, the black hole detector has made a new discovery."

Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in surprise: "Black hole detector?"

"Can it still send messages back now?"

"Yes, but the difficulty is very high. It took the fleet six years to complete the final reception of this set of data." Ling responded to Lu Yongchang's question in a serious manner.

But Lu Yongchang ignored it.

At this time, Lu Yongchang's attention had been attracted by the data in the holographic projection.

He frowned slightly and quickly moved his fingers across the holographic image in front of him.

Countless complicated data flowed before his eyes like a waterfall.

The improvements brought by the quantized brain are all-round.

Analyzing these data is not difficult for Lu Yongchang who has entered the overclocking state.

With just a few glances, Lu Yongchang noticed the problem from these abnormal data.

"Something's wrong!"

His face changed slightly, he suddenly stopped walking back to the office, turned around and walked towards the laboratory.

"Zero, inform everyone to gather in the laboratory immediately!"

Lu Yongchang sat on a chair in the laboratory, looking solemnly at the data sent back by the black hole detector.

"Tsk...something's wrong, something's so wrong!"

He clicked his tongue irritably: "This is definitely not..."


The sound of the laboratory door opening interrupted Lu Yongchang's unfinished words.

"I said Yongchang, isn't it a day off today?"

Fang Xu walked into the laboratory while yawning, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Everything is fine, why did you send out another notice?"

"In order to overcome the last difficulty of the second-generation gravity generating device, the Academy of Sciences has been conducting research for three months."

"I know you are impatient, but research must also pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"It's easy for you to do this..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Lu Yongchang impatiently interrupted Fang Xu's chatter and said bluntly, "The black hole detector sent back the latest detection data, and there is one data..."

His voice paused and he said in a more serious tone: "It's very abnormal!"

"Huh? Black hole detector? Is this thing still working?" A trace of surprise flashed in Fang Xu's eyes, and he sighed the same as Lu Yongchang, "The quality is pretty good!"

As he spoke, he quickened his pace and came to Lu Yongchang: "What data can surprise you so much?"

"See for yourself."

Lu Yongchang raised his hand and pointed to the location of the data for Fang Xu: "That's it."

After a few seconds.

The laboratory fell silent again.

Like Lu Yongchang, Fang Xu also fell into confusion and confusion.

"Hiss... something's wrong!"

"These data look a bit like gravitons."

Fang Xu whispered: "But there seems to be a slight difference..."

"I think this is definitely not a graviton. It may be a particle that we have not discovered yet!" Lu Yongchang's expression was extremely solemn. "If it is true, this may have a huge impact on our next research direction!"

"Could it be that the detector has gone wrong?" Fang Xu looked at Lv Yongchang in front of him with a suspicious look, "The detector is now very close to the black hole. It is normal for it to malfunction under such a strong gravitational environment."

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"I think this should not be a malfunction."

"In the data sent back by the detector, there are a total of 9531 sets of data, of which only 3 sets of data are abnormal."

"The time when the abnormal data appeared is not continuous."

"If it is a malfunction factor, it is unlikely to happen."

Fang Xu fell silent again after hearing this.

Shua, shua, shua...

As time went by, the sound of the laboratory door opening became more and more frequent.

After these academicians of the Academy of Sciences had a brief understanding of the course of events through Zero's introduction, they also fell into deep thought.

ps: Thank you m729426 for your great god certification!

Thank you Xiaoqiupro for your great god certification!

Thank you Jiuli乄 for your great god certification!

Continue to add more tomorrow morning!

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