

In the silent laboratory, apart from the breathing of the academicians, the only sound left was the buzzing sound coming from the loudspeaker.

In the holographic projection, the bright white text has not changed at all.

Zero is still trying to re-establish communication with several black hole detectors using electromagnetic waves.


As time passes bit by bit, the hope in everyone's hearts is also disappearing bit by bit.


After Lu Yongchang sighed deeply, he moved his lips and whispered: "It seems that these black hole detectors have been..."

"The first black hole detector has successfully switched its radio communication module."

Zero's electronic synthesized sound interrupted Lu Yongchang's unfinished words.

Lu Yongchang was stunned. Before he could react, the electronic synthesized sound came again.

"Both the second black hole detector and the third black hole detector have successfully switched radio modules."

At the same time, on the blue holographic projection, the originally dim logos became bright again.

"Professor! It's successful!" He Bilin's excited voice was mixed with Zero's electronic synthesized voice, coming from the side, "The detector has not been destroyed!"

"The [Event Form] theory is right!"

Lu Yongchang stared blankly at the slowly beating data byte by byte in the holographic projection, and a complex emotion arose spontaneously from the bottom of his heart.

On the one hand, he felt a little lucky.

The black hole detector was not destroyed, which shows that the human fleet did not encounter the so-called advanced civilization living around the black hole.

This alone is lucky enough for human civilization!

But on the other hand...

"Yes, the [event form] theory is correct."

He nodded subtly and sighed with relief: "Quantum over-distance communication device, under the influence of strong gravitational field, the entangled quantum pairs will be damaged with probability."

While speaking, there was a hint of sadness deep in his eyes.

"It seems that we also need to develop a new communication technology."

"Otherwise, after entering warp navigation, every starship may become a blind man smearing its progress in the vast universe."

After hearing this, the excitement on He Bilin's face gradually dissipated.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly whispered: "Professor, do you still remember the abnormal data last time?"

"What?" Lu Yongchang's eyes moved slightly and he asked softly, "Did you find any problem?"

He Bilin hesitated for a while: "I have a little guess, but I can't be sure."

"The three sets of data samples are too few. Only more data can verify this guess."

Lu Yongchang pursed his lips towards the slowly advancing progress bar in the holographic projection.

"Well, the second set of data has started to be transmitted again."

"Just wait a little longer."

No surprises at all.

The second gravitational field control experiment was also a great success.

When the intensity of artificial gravitational fields increases significantly, the curvature of space-time also increases rapidly.

Although it is not comparable to the extreme space-time curvature of a black hole, the [Universal Gravity Rover] still created a space-time curvature comparable to that of a medium-sized star in a short period of time.

Thanks to this, under the order of Lu Yongchang, research on the curvature engine officially began.

United Fleet, Warp Engine Laboratory.

Like the Gravity, in order to minimize the impact of surrounding celestial bodies and ensure the safety of the fleet, the curvature engine laboratory was also placed in a large starship.

This mobile laboratory, which was transformed from the [Taotie] material storage ship, was given a meaningful name.


"One day the roc rises with the wind and soars ninety thousand miles."

Watching the modified [Kunpeng] curvature engine mobile laboratory slowly leaving the People's Alliance starship factory carrying several engineering ships and several [Taotie] material reserve ships, Lu Yongchang murmured to himself with deep eyes: " I hope that one day it will lead human civilization into a new era.”

"It must be possible."

Fang Xu's voice came from the side: "Professor, there are difficulties in the artificial gravity laboratory."

"To generate a gravitational field with consistent intensity within the range of a starship... this difficulty is beyond our imagination."

"The current gravitational field generating device cannot achieve such fine control."

"Moreover, we don't have a good plan to block the spread of the gravitational field, which means..."

"It means that the gravitational field will escape outside the starship and affect the surrounding starships." Lu Yongchang's tone became solemn, "If the gravitational shield technology is mastered in the future, it will also greatly affect the strength of the gravitational shield. ”

As he spoke, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "Of course, according to the current gravitational field generation device, it is not an easy task to realize a gravitational shield."

Fang Xu was silent for a while, then spoke again: "Professor, do you have any good suggestions?"


"I don't know either." Lu Yongchang shook his head decisively, but then nodded hesitantly, "But my intuition tells me."


Lu Yongchang turned to look at the black hole accretion disk that had almost disappeared outside the window, and said softly: "The answer lies in those abnormal data."

There was a trace of doubt in Fang Xu's eyes: "Professor, do you have the answer?"

"There's a clue."

Lv Yongchang nodded without comment: "Not only me, He Bilin should have thought of it too."

"It's just that the data sample is too small to make an accurate judgment."

"Everything will be clear after the second set of data is transmitted."

Hearing this, Fang Xu nodded as if he understood.

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