
He Bilin said firmly: "According to the latest observation results, the Kepler 452 star system has a total of six planets."

"The general structure is similar to that of the solar system."

"Meanwhile, Kepler 452b was confirmed to be a rocky planet with a mass approximately five times that of Earth and a surface of approximately 2g."

"The orbital period is approximately 385 Earth days."

"Also located within the habitable zone of the star system."

"As suspected thousands of years ago, it is almost equivalent to the second Earth."

Lu Yongchang's heart beat violently for a few times, and a sense of anticipation that he had not felt for a long time suddenly arose.


He Binin shrugged and said with regret: "We found that there is a large amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, which will cause a considerable greenhouse effect."

"Zero's simulation results show that there are relatively few water resources above Kepler 452b, and the maximum surface temperature may be above 120 degrees Celsius."

"The temperature difference between day and night is large, and the lowest temperature is about -50 degrees Celsius."

"In general, it is different from the imagination thousands of years ago. It is most likely a desolate planet."

Lu Yongchang laughed dumbly: "This is not a big problem."

"Planet terraforming technology can quickly turn it into Earth 2.0."

"But, I need to hear your reasons." Lu Yongchang's face became a little more serious and he said in a deep voice, "Why did you choose it?"

"I just took a look at your list."

"Within a hundred light years, there are ten planets on your candidate list."

"Why did you choose such a distant planet?"

"You should know that a long journey often means various variables."

Looking at Lu Yongchang's serious expression, He Bilin pondered for a moment, organized some words and then explained.

"The most critical reason is that it is closer to Sagittarius A*, the central black hole of the Milky Way."

"That means more supplies."

"It will also have many benefits for the future development of human civilization."

"But dense star systems will also give birth to more civilizations." Lu Yongchang sighed in a low voice, "This will bring more conflicts."

"In other words, more opportunities for cooperation." He Bilin interrupted Lu Yongchang's words and corrected with a smile, "Although the fifth-level civilization is not a top existence in the galaxy, it is not someone who can be rubbed randomly. pinch."

"Absorb subsidiary civilizations and build a civilized territory. Only in this way can human civilization survive better."

There was silence in the command center.

Lu Yongchang frowned slightly and carefully considered the pros and cons.

The benefits of affiliated civilization are many.

Some time ago, the absorption of [Nus Civilization] as a subsidiary civilization allowed him, as well as everyone in the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament, to taste the sweetness.

Although [Nus Civilization] currently only has less than 0.1% of its scale left, the potential contained in its race is immeasurable!

The collision between different civilizations will cause the technological level of this civilization to rise rapidly!

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

War will most likely always accompany human civilization.

In fact, according to Lu Yongchang's idea, human civilization should huddle in a corner, quietly develop to level eight with the help of the technology tree... no, level nine, and then stand up and make its own voice!

By then, he would be 98% sure to easily resolve all crises!

What a sweeper, what a pastoralist...

It's just a subsidiary civilization under the jurisdiction of the People's Union!

But judging from the current situation, this is obviously unrealistic.

The abundance of materials at the edge of the galaxy cannot support the normal development of an advanced civilization.

Thinking of this, he sighed again and gave up the thought of continuing to develop.

"Ready to set sail!"

"Zero, start planning the route and integrating the fleet!"

After the order is issued.

The complex starship factories and various facilities scattered in space began to gradually gather together.

Outside the portholes, large or small starships and carrier-based drones were speeding past.

Under Zero's planning and control, there is an indescribable sense of order in the chaotic waterway.

Under Lu Yongchang's gaze, the originally scattered fleet was quickly becoming more organized as time went by.

"According to the plan, the fleet will conduct regular voyages for up to half a year, driven by antimatter engines."

He Bilin's voice came from behind, drawing Lu Yongchang's attention back from the porthole window: "The original plan was that within the next six months, the awakened personnel in the fleet will gradually enter hibernation."

"Professor, you..."

"I don't hibernate." Lu Yongchang said cheerfully, "I haven't experienced the feeling of curvature navigation, so why do I hibernate?!"

"It's not too late to hibernate after the fleet enters warp state."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at He Binin in surprise: "Can those academicians be willing to bear such a historic scene?"

He Bilin smiled bitterly when he heard this, and reached out to call up the holographic list: "Professor, what they said is exactly the same as you."

"Except for the original test pilot, no one was willing to enter hibernation and had to wait until the moment the curvature voyage began."

"Hahaha!" Lu Yongchang suddenly put his hands on his hands and laughed, "It's just as I expected."


He patted He Bilin's shoulder gently and said comfortingly: "It's just an extra half-year's consumption of supplies. There are only so many people in the Academy of Sciences, so it won't have much impact on the plan."

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang seemed to realize something, turned his head again and glanced at the list, and said softly: "Xiao He, where is your name?"

"You decided to hibernate now?!"

Lv Yongchang looked at He Bilin in front of him in disbelief.

What a joke!

This is curvature navigation!

He didn't believe that anyone could resist the temptation of experiencing curvature navigation in person!

"Ahem..." He Bilin scratched his head with an embarrassed smile on his face and coughed lightly.

"Professor, this..."

"I am the person in charge of this navigation plan. I must wait until everyone hibernates before I can hibernate..."

"Isn't it?"

He Bilin's voice became lower and lower. Obviously, he himself didn't believe this statement.

Lv Yongchang: "..."

Looking at Lv Yongchang's meaningful and contemptuous eyes, He Bilin hurriedly laughed and turned away.

"Professor, you go first, I'm leaving first!"

After that, He Bilin fled from the porthole viewing area.

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