Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 664 Personnel Selection Issue


Office of the Speaker of the People's League of Nations.

The office door slowly opened, and Fang Xu's voice came from outside the door.

"Chairman Hong, are you free now?"

The movement of chairs and the sound of footsteps sounded at the same time, followed closely by Hong Qiming's slightly dull voice.

"Academician Fang, long time no see!"

Along with the rapid footsteps, the dull voice gradually became louder: "Quick, please come in!"

Looking at the familiar, slightly wrinkled face in the office, Fang Xu also had a long-lost smile on his face.

"Long time no see, long time no see. The last time we met was probably hundreds of years ago, right?" Fang Xu looked at Hong Qiming teasingly and walked towards the office.

"Hey!" Hong Qiming waved his hand helplessly, "If you include the length of hibernation, we should not have seen each other for almost eight hundred years."

"When I woke up, I even felt that I was a little behind the times."

"Warp navigation... something I never dared to imagine before has come true!"

Facing Hong Qiming's sigh, Fang Xu sat on the chair happily.

"How about it?"

"Are you free now?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm free! Of course I'm free!!"

Hong Qiming said repeatedly: "The parliament just woke up from hibernation, and now everyone doesn't know what to do."

As he said that, he spread his hands and looked at Fang Xu helplessly: "There is no way, except for the academicians of your Academy of Sciences, no ordinary people are awake at all. Even if we want to do something, we can't do anything."

Fang Xu looked at Hong Qiming with a smile: "Don't worry, Chairman Hong."

"No, am I here to cause trouble for you?"

Hong Qiming: "???"

Does anyone talk like that?

Or has he failed to keep up with the times?

"Currently, human civilization has entered the fifth level of civilization, and we have basic self-protection capabilities." Fang Xu looked a little more serious, "Therefore, Professor Lu decided to change the policy towards alien civilization."

"We need to develop our own power."

Hong Qiming's eyes moved slightly.

"you mean……"


"Has the Academy of Sciences discovered other civilizations now?"

"Not an ally." Fang Xu shook his head slightly and corrected Hong Qiming, "To be precise, he is a vassal."

Hong Qiming's voice suddenly paused, and he asked in an incredible tone: "A vassal?"

"Yes, a subsidiary civilization."

Fang Xu explained in detail: "We need to give key technologies to affiliated civilizations, and they need to pay for various resources and even lives!"

"This civilization development model is modeled after the sweeper civilization."

“The development of higher civilization requires more and more resources.”

"Although there is no shortage of resources in the universe, it is just... too big!"

"If we want to ensure the rapid development of human civilization, we must absorb enough subsidiary civilizations."

Hong Qiming nodded silently: "I understand."

"What Professor Lu means is..."

"You also know that the people in the Academy of Sciences like to do research. Let them deal with the complex relationships between civilizations. It is better to let them die." Fang Xu laughed self-deprecatingly, "So, Professor Lu wants to It is necessary to select some people within the parliament for training, who are responsible for the liaison between human civilization and other civilizations and the absorption of affiliated civilizations. "

"Don't worry about the theory, the School of Sociology will fully assist them."

Hong Qiming was stunned.

He frowned slightly and thought carefully.

"Let me think about it..."

As he spoke, he reached out and pulled up the members' information and began to screen them one by one.

"Xenophilia... I'm afraid we have to eliminate this group of members first." Hong Qiming murmured to himself, "But such people are considered a different species in the parliament."

Fang Xu didn't speak, just nodded in agreement.

After all, subsidiary civilization is just a nice way of saying it.

"Good congressmen" who uphold xenophobia cannot do the "dirty work" of absorbing subordinate civilizations!

"To be honest, sometimes I admire you." Fang Xu said with a wry smile, "I can't figure out why under the previous circumstances, there were pro-foreignists in the parliament, and how did you tolerate them?" of?"

Hong Qiming shrugged: "To put it simply, when birds are big, they can be found in any forest."

Fang Xu was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"As for how to tolerate them..." Hong Qiming waved his hand and looked at Fang Xu helplessly, "This is the parliament after all, I can only pretend that I haven't seen their proposal."

After saying that, Hong Qiming once again crossed out some of the names of some members: "Extreme xenophobia, this must also be eliminated."

"Otherwise, let alone absorbing affiliated civilizations, who knows what trouble will happen..."

This time, the list quickly dwindled.

Obviously, extreme xenophobia is the mainstream trend among congressmen.

Hong Qiming carefully looked at the list in front of him that had been streamlined several times and thought for a moment.


He raised his hand and drew a circle on a person's name: "Lin Shuguang, I have an impression of this guy. He is a good material."

Fang Xu curiously opened Lin Shuguang's identity information.

"Hey! They are still a new generation born in Dawn Star!" He exclaimed with some surprise, "You have become a member of Parliament at such a young age, your ability is extraordinary!"

Hong Qiming smiled and affirmed Fang Xu's words.

"It's extraordinary."

"Born in the public welfare system, he received a good education."

"He has a strong sense of belonging and responsibility to human civilization. He is xenophobic, but not extreme, which just meets Professor Lu's requirements."

"He is also good at performing on the spot..."

"Okay, let's take him!" Fang Xu interrupted Hong Qiming and made the decision directly, "I still believe in the candidate recommended by Chairman Hong."

"However, to be on the safe side, the Sociology Branch may need to conduct several tests."

Hong Qiming smiled and nodded, "It should be so! After all, this is a major event related to civilizations. It's definitely right to be cautious."

"By the way, Chairman Hong." Fang Xu said as he stood up, "Please help me pick a few more people. I can't assign all the tasks to him alone, right?"

"Okay, okay!" Hong Qiming's smile became more and more intense, "Give me a day. After I confirm the candidates, I will let them report to the Sociology Branch directly."

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