Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 670: Voices from the Pastoral Era

As Lv Yongchang finished speaking, several researchers quickly turned their attention to the two sets of abnormal data in the holographic projection.

Sure enough!

As Lv Yongchang said, compared with other normal gamma rays, the two sets of gamma rays showed strong redshift and blueshift respectively!

"Tachyons actually exist..."

Fang Xu's eyes widened, looking at the various data in front of him in disbelief.

Lv Yongchang raised his hand happily and patted Fang Xu on the back.

"What do you think, Old Fang, am I right?"

Fang Xu, who was still in extreme shock, nodded in a daze and whispered softly: "No, that's right..."


"How should we control it to transmit information?"

Fang Xu seemed to have thought of something, frowned slightly, and raised a crucial question: "So far, we haven't even observed the particle itself, but only found traces left by its movement."

"Want to use it to transmit information..."

"This is too difficult."

The smile on Lv Yongchang's face gradually dissipated, and he frowned.


His eyes moved slightly: "So, what we have to do now is to reduce the speed of the tachyons as much as possible, and find ways to observe and control them."


Inside Lv Yongchang's office.

The hands of the holographic clock, as usual, quietly jumped clockwise, indicating that the long river of time was flowing forward minute by minute.

It was late at night.

Lv Yongchang did not rest, but stood up from his seat and walked slowly to the porthole.

His eyes looked through the porthole and cast far away at the planet that was rejuvenating in the distance.

The atmosphere in the office was extremely quiet, but his mind was as intense as the world turned upside down!

The quantum brain was running fast, thinking about various data in the experiment.


Lv Yongchang whispered softly: "Is it really produced by the particle collision experiment?"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his originally puzzled eyes suddenly became solemn.

At the same time, a strong sense of disbelief was revealed in the depths of his eyes.

"No, no way..."

He calmed down and calmed his emotions.

"It's just a guess, and it needs data to support it..."

He turned back to his seat and replanned the next experiment.


In order to achieve this goal, the Academy of Sciences conducted countless similar experiments.

A large amount of resources were invested in it, and for this reason, the original development plan of the Kepler 452 star system was even delayed.

Fortunately, all efforts are effective.

Based on the experimental data again and again, the Academy of Sciences preliminarily analyzed the tachyons and also unveiled the mysterious corner of the superluminal universe.

"The universe is full of tachyons."

Lv Yongchang stood next to a holographic projection, pointed at the dense experimental data and calculation formulas on it, and announced this major discovery to everyone in the laboratory with some excitement.

"Right now, countless tachyons are passing by you and me."

"Why haven't we observed them?"

"There are two main reasons."

"First, they have almost dissipated their own energy over a long period of time, and they no longer emit any radiation."

"Second, their speed is too fast. Under normal circumstances, without curvature technology, the light-speed universe cannot observe the scene of the superluminal universe."

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, as if he was making some psychological preparations.

"Everyone, based on the information that [Hua] left us, I have a conjecture."

"The number of tachyons in the universe is likely to be constant."

The moment the voice fell, the quiet laboratory suddenly became noisy.

Every academician was discussing something with the people around him.

But it is obvious from the expressions of the academicians that almost everyone disagrees with Lv Yongchang's point of view.


Lv Yongchang frowned slightly and shouted in a deep voice: "Listen to me first!"

When the laboratory returned to calm again, he pointed to the experimental data in the holographic projection:

"Even if we don't use particle collision experiments, we can more or less observe traces of tachyon movement by simply releasing a large amount of energy into the experimental area."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that tachyons already exist in this universe. Whether it is particle collision or laser beam bombardment, it is nothing more than providing a large amount of energy to it, allowing it to temporarily reduce its running speed and briefly present its running trajectory in front of us!"

Lv Yongchang's tone became intense: "Therefore, the universe is full of tachyons. I think everyone should have no objection to this, right?"

The academicians nodded silently.

"Well, let me ask another question, where do they come from?"

Lv Yongchang asked loudly.

"This..." Tao Yuda on the side answered tentatively, "From the moment the universe was born?"

"Yes." Lu Yongchang nodded, "So, I thought of some information revealed by the [painting]."

"At the beginning of the universe, it was the pastoral era they talked about, eleven-dimensional space-time."

"And tachyons may be the legacy of that era."

"After a long time, all the tachyons have exhausted their energy, and like ghosts, they travel around in the vast universe."

The academicians looked at each other.

Obviously, they were shocked by Lv Yongchang's bold conjecture.

"I focused on the gamma rays released by the tachyons in each experiment."

Lv Yongchang continued: "Based on the study of gamma rays, I discovered some properties of tachyons."

"It's amazing that it also has wave-particle duality."

"I even used this to reverse part of its frequency."

"And, after processing, I adjusted it to the range that the human ear can hear."

Before everyone in the laboratory reacted, Lv Yongchang's fingers moved slightly.

An audio clip came out of the speaker.

"This is the sound from the pastoral era of the universe." Lv Yongchang said softly, "It is also the last reverberation left by the pastoral era."

The voice was low and melodious.

An inexplicable sense of sadness rose from everyone's heart.

"It's like..."

Fang Xu's expression gradually dimmed: "It's like a dying person's last cry."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently: "If the eleven-dimensional space-time and the superluminal universe are compared to a newborn, the current three-dimensional universe and the light-speed universe are indeed like an old man in his twilight years."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and stopped the audio.

"Let's get back to the point."

"All the above discoveries mean one thing."

"We can modulate the tachyon waves generated by tachyons just like modulating electromagnetic waves, and use them to transmit information."

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