Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 680 Tachyon Communication Experiment!

Kepler 452 star system.

When [Star Devourer] arrived at the target star system and successfully mined two iron planets, a message came from the [Earth] laboratory and spread to the entire fleet at lightning speed.

The tachyon information transmission experiment is about to be officially launched!

Due to its own special properties, the entire research project has been in trouble more than once.

The control of superluminal particles once exceeded the technological level of mankind.

The key progress of the entire experiment was achieved by Lv Yongchang as expected.

In the process of repeated experiments, he discovered a magical and crucial phenomenon.

When tachyons carrying a lot of energy pass through a high-intensity gravitational field, their own frequency will change slightly.

This creates the necessary conditions for tachyon communication!

First, use the energy released by the high-energy laser beam to slow down the speed of the tachyon as much as possible.

This is a prerequisite, otherwise, the gravitational field will not have time to change the frequency of the tachyon, and it will "escape" to infinity.

In addition, during the experiments, the Academy of Sciences found that in order to change the frequency of tachyons, in addition to the real requirements in terms of energy, there are also hard requirements in terms of gravitational field strength.

For this reason, Lv Yongchang proposed a very creative plan.

Control the two micro black holes to rotate with each other to create a sufficiently strong micro gravitational field.

Then, by controlling the micro black holes, the slight changes in the gravitational field can be manipulated to affect the frequency of the slowed tachyons themselves.

This is an extremely bold idea and an extremely dangerous idea.

Therefore, when the plan was first proposed, most of the academicians in the laboratory expressed opposition.

After all, the risk factor of controlling a single micro black hole is already very high, and the risk level of two micro black holes cannot be simply estimated by 1+1=2.

Even if we don’t consider its potential risk level, with the technological level of human civilization at that time, it is impossible to do such a heaven-defying thing!

Because of this, the development of the entire tachyon communication project was shelved indefinitely.

Until the gravitational field control technology was broken through again.

This long-forgotten plan was picked up by Lv Yongchang again.

After the success of the first double black hole system control experiment, the research and development of the tachyon communication project was reborn and moved forward at a very fast speed!

Until today.

The first tachyon communication device in human history was successfully launched.

Lv Yongchang stood in the laboratory with a serious look, looking deeply at the constantly fluctuating data and information in the holographic projection.

"Are the test results out?"

He asked in a deep voice.

"The third pre-startup test has been completed, and no abnormal conditions have been found." Fang Xu swallowed his saliva and responded nervously.

After speaking, he even raised his hand and gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It seemed that the huge and unprepossessing device in the holographic projection was some kind of evil thing.

Seeing this, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but chuckle: "Why are you so nervous?"

"Is this thing so scary?"

Hearing this, Fang Xu smiled bitterly: "Professor, are you kidding?"

"When the time comes, we have to install two micro black holes in it!"

"It's just a micro black hole." Lv Yongchang shrugged, "You have to believe in our technology. The means of controlling micro black holes are already very mature."

Fang Xu: "..."

He said weakly: "No matter how mature it is, it's still two micro black holes."

"If they collide... the consequences will be terrible!"

"It can't hit!" Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows and interrupted Fang Xu's words, "I said it can't hit, it can't hit!"

"This is the power of technology!"

"'s not on the Earth, what are you so nervous about?" Lv Yongchang glanced at Fang Xu with a strange look on his face, "You kid, have you stayed up late and become stupid?"

Fang Xu's mouth twitched slightly twice, and the nervous look on his face quickly dissipated: "Ahem...Professor, all tests have met the standards, and the experiment can start at any time."

Lv Yongchang gave the order without any hesitation.

"Turn on!"


The moment the voice fell, the huge energy created by the annihilation of antimatter began to gather in the mobile experimental ship located in the empty universe.

In the experimental ship, there are two stable micro black holes.

This is an important part of the tachyon communication device.

Due to the current technical level limitations, the entire device looks particularly bloated, but for the huge medium and large starships, it is nothing.

However, before the miniaturization technology of tachyon communication has been broken through, it may be difficult for small starships to carry such a device.

In this regard, Lv Yongchang proposed a simple solution - once the fleet needs to enter the secondary curvature state of more than 10c, the small starship will be stuffed into the medium and large starship.

Let's get back to the point.

As the huge energy gradually gathered, the experiment officially began.

Under Zero's precise control, the powerful gravitational field pulled the two micro black holes to "slide" towards the vacuum experiment chamber in the center.

The distance between the black holes is getting closer and closer.

Under the control of the powerful gravitational field of the outside world, the two micro black holes maintain an extremely subtle distance between them.

Like a stable binary star system, they began to orbit each other.

Twisted and regular gravitational fields and gravitational waves emanated from it.

It was like a guqin playing a melodious song.

The next moment, hundreds of high-energy lasers were emitted from the wall of the spherical experimental cabin.

These high-energy lasers shot straight at the center of mass of the two black holes.

(Center of mass: the center of mass is referred to as the center of mass, which refers to an imaginary point in the material system where the mass is considered to be concentrated.)

Inside [Earth].

"The preparations for the mobile experimental ship have been completed."

As Lv Yongchang's deputy, Fang Xu said in a deep voice after carefully checking the data given by Zero.

"Start the curvature engine."

Lv Yongchang raised his head slightly, stared at the mobile experimental ship in the holographic projection, and said softly.

If it was not explained in advance, who would have thought that there were two micro black holes in such an unremarkable starship!

Fang Xu took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement and anxiety, and gave the order in a deep voice.

"Start the curvature engine!"

"Use the first set of navigation plans as the standard and start curvature navigation!"

The whole set of navigation plans is very simple.

After entering the curvature state, the mobile experimental ship will continue to accelerate until it exceeds 10c, that is, until it enters the second-level curvature state.

During this process, the tachyon communication device and the quantum communication device will continuously transmit information to the Earth.

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