Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 687 Troy 1.0 and the roundup plan

Maren's words were like a reassurance, temporarily suppressing Aldan's uneasiness.

Just as Aldan was about to order the fleet to remain silent and continue to the target star system, the dull alarm sounded again, stirring its extremely fragile nerves.

However, this time, before it could ask, Milo's exclamation resounded throughout the command center.

"The fleet's central computer has been hacked!!!"

The next moment, Milo's round body soared into the sky under the propulsion of the booster.

It drew a crooked arc in the air and stumbled towards the communication control room on the other side of the command center.

Milo, who had not yet learned how to land smoothly, used his face to brake his forward body as usual. Then, under the gaze of everyone, it frantically tore off one cable after another.

The dull alarm sounded louder and louder, and the dark purple warning light began to flash continuously.

The entire fleet was in chaos because of Milo's behavior!

No one would blame it for this. In fact, after reacting, all the people who knew about it expressed their gratitude for Milo's behavior!

"Chief!" Milo grabbed a few cables in his little paws and turned to Aldan and shouted, "Immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection of the central computer!"

Aldan, who came back to his senses, nodded quickly and issued an inspection order - to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the shipboard computer system while ensuring the normal navigation of the fleet!


A few days later.

The comprehensive inspection work was completely completed.

After confirming again and again that there were no hidden dangers in the central computer, several maintenance personnel breathed a sigh of relief and left the large computer room where the central computer was placed.

The lights dimmed, and this computer room that had undergone several inspections returned to its former tranquility, leaving only the slight sound of the cooling system working.

Suddenly, a small screen quietly lit up.

Lines of characters that did not belong to the Talodan civilization appeared on the screen.

[Troy 1.0 program, successfully run. ]

[Basic analysis work has been completed. 】

[Has not received the mother's command yet, entering silent state...]

The screen flashing with fluorescent light dimmed again, as if nothing had happened.


Inside the command center of the Tarodan civilization.

The black and white balls of fur exploded slightly, and trembled slightly in the air with the movement of the body, which very intuitively showed the inner state of this group of pandas at this time.


Milo stopped his pace back and forth, gently stroked the lump on his face, and said in unclear words: "We are not sure how much information has been leaked."

"If the coordinate information is exposed, it is very likely to attract attacks from human civilization."

Aldan's face did not show much emotion, but the slightly shaking fur on his body exposed his true emotions.

Milo was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Keep sailing!"

"This is our only way to survive!"

"Next, we need to speed up at all costs! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up again!!!"

As he spoke, Milo glanced at everyone and shouted, "I have calculated that even if we accelerate at full speed, our energy is enough to support us to reach the target star system."

"It's just..."

Milo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "By then, we may have a large-scale energy crisis, but for the survival of civilization, these are trivial matters."

"That's right." Aldan's voice suddenly sounded, expressing his agreement, "Energy and supplies, that is for the survivors!"

"Talodan Fleet, speed up at full speed!"

The order was issued.

The light of the Hall thruster at the tail of the starship became stronger again.


Behind the Talodan Fleet.

A fleet with a strange shape and scattered style drove the Hall thruster and followed the Talodan Fleet slowly.

Suddenly, accompanied by a piercing alarm, a crew member's report came at the same time.

"General, they are speeding up again!"

"What?! Speeding up again?!" The general sitting in the center suddenly raised his head and squinted his orange eyes to look at the big screen in front of him.

When he saw the distorted words on the screen, his eyes suddenly showed a strong murderous aura.

"Damn it, didn't those scouts say that the other party's energy reserves were running out?!"

"Why can they still speed up?!"

Faced with the officer's question, the crew member's body trembled violently, and he waved his claws covered with fine scales in horror and shouted loudly: "No, no, general, this can't be blamed on me, I..."

The general didn't speak, but waved his hand impatiently.

The next second, the two men waiting on the side dragged the talking crew member away from his seat.

"Wait!" The general suddenly shouted as he looked at the crew member who was struggling slowly away.

"General!" The crew member's orange-yellow pupils slightly expanded, and the strength of his struggle instantly increased a few points, "General, please spare my life!"


"So noisy..."

The general glanced at his men with his murderous pupils.


A dull sound came, and the struggling crew member fell softly to the ground.

"Kill the two scouts too." The general gently spit out his forked tongue tip, then quickly retracted it, with a grim smile on his face, "This kind of waste who lies about military intelligence should be canned."


Looking at the bloodstain on the deck that was gradually moving away, it narrowed its eyes again, and its erect pupils slowly shrank.

"Help me contact the mothership."

"Tell them that there were some small accidents, and the roundup plan must be advanced."

The moment the voice fell, a strong smell of blood filled the air in the starship.


Kepler 452 star system.

"Professor, the Troy 1.0 program has been successfully implanted. Do you need to try to activate it?"

The electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center.

Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Zero, are you sure this program will not be detected?"

"With the computer technology of the enemy civilization, the possibility of this program being discovered is less than 0.001%." Zero replied in a serious tone, "Please rest assured."

"What about after activation?"

"The possibility of being discovered is greater than 99%."

Zero quickly explained: "Due to hardware conditions, the Troy 1.0 program can only be activated through electromagnetic wave signals. The long communication time and extremely high-intensity electromagnetic wave signals will cause the program to be quickly detected by the enemy civilization."

Lu Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

"Then wait a little longer."

"Wait until the expedition fleet finds them."

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