Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 690 Talodan will never be a slave!

Talodan Fleet.

The dull alarm sound once again broke the silence that had lasted for a short time in the flagship.


A crew member shouted in panic: "An unknown fleet was found in front of the fleet!"

"We received a communication request from the other fleet, and the communication frequency is exactly the same as that of the Eugene civilization!" Another crew member also shouted loudly, "Leader, they are the Eugene fleet!"

Aldan's face sank, and he looked at the slowly moving pursuit fleet behind him, and an extremely bad idea suddenly arose in his mind.

"Connect the communication." It said in a deep voice.

On the big screen, a disgusting and hideous face quickly appeared.

Looking at this appearance engraved in the genes, all the Talodan people had an extremely strong hatred in their eyes.

"Damn Eugene civilization, what on earth do you want to do..."

Aldan squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Talodans, you are surrounded."

The other party opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and showed a ferocious smile: "Surrender obediently, and then study technology for us, this is your only way out."

"Bullshit!" Aldan's eyes were even more angry, and he shouted directly.

"Change the course of the fleet! Prepare to break out!"

"Leader!!" Accompanied by the dull alarm sounded one after another, panicked shouts rang out one after another.

"An unknown fleet was found on the right side of the fleet!"

"An unknown fleet was found on the left!"



Looking at the big screen full of dark purple alarm information, Aldan's fluff suddenly exploded and trembled slightly with his body.

Its big eyes slowly closed, and a deep despair was revealed in his eyes.

The next moment, it opened its eyes again with force.

Facing the desperate eyes of all compatriots and the teasing eyes of Eugene people, it roared word by word and clearly:

"Talodan will never be a slave!"

"Fleet, defensive formation!"

"Prepare for battle!"

"Very good." The teasing in Eugene people's eyes became more and more intense, "As you wish!"


The silver-white spherical detectors spread rapidly in all directions at a speed of 20c.

Just like a fishing net, it spreads rapidly in the ocean.

Under the special algorithm, the compressed information in front of these spherical detectors was quickly restored by zero.

In less than four months, at the speed of the Talodan fleet, it can only advance 0.1 light years.

Therefore, the exploration task of these detectors is not heavy.

Conservatively estimated, it will take less than two days for this screening work to produce results.

Just as Bai Yixuan estimated.

40 hours after the detector left, a tachyon message from the detector was captured by the receiver on the [Titan mothership].

Bai Yixuan, who had already completed the request, looked at the twelve fleets of different sizes in the information, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Although it was not clear what happened, he still issued the order without hesitation!

"Expedition Fleet, enter the first level combat readiness state!"

"All ships will enter the curvature navigation state in 30 seconds, cruising speed: 20c!"

"Target position:..."



0.1 light years away.

The relatively large Tarodan fleet stayed in the universe in a defensive formation.

From the narrow distance between each starship, it can be seen that the Tarodan civilization is in an extremely dangerous situation at this time.

Around it, there are eleven fleets of different sizes belonging to the Eugene civilization.

The war has already started.

Waves of artillery fire exploded around the Tarodan fleet, slightly illuminating the extremely dim starry sky around it.


Milo stumbled to Aldan and shouted in a shrill voice with tears in his eyes: "Run away!"

"Ten lifeboats can carry a total of 10,000 crew members to escape..."

"Escape?" Aldan smiled bitterly and shook his head, interrupting Milo's words, "Where can we escape to?"

"Don't I know how much supplies a lifeboat can carry?"

"Don't even think about escaping to a nearby star system? I guess if we can't escape this star field, we will be captured by the cruise fleet of Eugene civilization."

"Then..." Milo seemed to want to say something.

"Okay." Aldan's expression gradually softened. He raised his paw and patted Milo's head gently. "The Talodan civilization is doomed to end."

"But even so, we must never serve as slaves to the other side!"

It said in an extremely calm tone: "Even if the warships explode, I will tear a piece of meat off them."

A dull alarm sounded.

Aldan didn't care. From the beginning of the war to now, this alarm has sounded countless times.

But this time, it seemed a little different.

"Chief, Chief, Chief!!"

"Zanka is above..."

In the command center, exclamations came one after another.

Even Milo beside him stared at the big screen behind him: "Chief... How about you turn around and take a look?"

Aldan turned around with some doubts and looked at the screen behind him.

Just one glance, he held his breath.

The fine hair on his body exploded instantly, and at this moment, he was like a furry dandelion!

Aldan took a few deep breaths, his pupils trembling as he murmured in a low voice.

"【Zanka】Ah... What the hell is this..."

On the screen,

A huge fleet, with overwhelming momentum, suddenly appeared in this star field!

It just quietly stopped beside the two fleets, silently and unreservedly venting its power to the surroundings!

The gamma rays emitted by the antimatter engine dissipated around like waves!

In front of it, both the Talodan fleet and the Eugene fleet were as inconspicuous as the small sampans beside the aircraft carrier! !

The originally fierce war stopped abruptly at this moment!

The aftermath of the artillery explosion slowly dissipated, and this chaotic star field once again restored a brief tranquility!

PS: One more chapter will be added today.

Update progress: 7/12

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