
The moment Cao Liangcai heard the researcher's words, he felt a buzzing sound in his brain.

"How could such a big person disappear?!"

Cao Liangcai stared at the researcher in front of him with bloodshot eyes, and shouted angrily in an impatient tone: "There are so many toilets in the institute, have you looked for them all?"

The researcher was even about to cry.

Faced with Cao Liangcai's questioning, he shook his head with a bitter face: "I... I have looked for them all, but I didn't see Professor Lu."

"Don't mention Professor Lu, there is no one in these toilets in the institute!"

Cao Liangcai took a deep breath, turned his head and shouted loudly: "Surveillance! Turn on the surveillance for me!"

"Academician Cao, there is still one minute before the scheduled take-off time!"

A reminder came from the side.

Cao Liangcai gritted his teeth and sighed heavily, saying, "Forget it! Let's solve the Xuannv No. 1 issue first!"

"Since Professor Lu is not here, I will command the entire test flight of Xuannv No. 1!"

While speaking, Cao Liangcai reached out and picked up the radio receiver on the control desk: "Attention, Xuannv No. 1!"

"Thirty seconds countdown to takeoff!"


Xuannv No. 1.

The three pilots stared at the instrument data on the console in front of them.

A figure in a white flight suit quietly appeared in a corner at the back of the cabin.

The camera zoomed in, and the face in the helmet was Professor Lu Yongchang, who should have been in the toilet!

Lu Yongchang walked lightly to the passenger seat behind the main driver's seat.

Because the seats of the three driving seats were relatively tall, there was a certain blind spot in the field of vision, and the three pilots did not notice that there was an extra person on the chair behind them!

He skillfully grabbed the seat belt on the seat and tied it to himself.

Lu Yongchang's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction.

Not bad, not bad, it's worth his sneaky training so many times.


The sound of the seat belt buckle was particularly loud in the silent cabin.

Lv Yongchang's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes trembled as he stared at the three pilots in front of him.


Lv Yongchang's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The plane hasn't taken off yet. Once he is discovered...

He can be 100% sure that he will be kicked off the plane at that time!

A few seconds later, looking at the three pilots' faces as usual, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be the headphones in the helmet that blocked the sound just now.

"... Countdown 30 seconds!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly.

It's time to take off!

A hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Xuan Nu No. 1 received!"

"The output power of the small fusion reactor is normal!"

"Prepare to start the Hall thruster!"


The voices of the announcement came from the headphones in the helmet.

Lv Yongchang couldn't help but get a little nervous.

Even though he has lived two lives, this is his first time riding an aerospace plane and entering space!

"Three, two, one, take off!"

With Cao Liangcai's order, Bai Yixuan, who was in the main driving seat, pushed the joystick on the console with a firm look.

A slight tremor came from the soles of his feet.

The Hall thruster started.

As soon as this thought flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind, he felt that he was pressed against the back of the chair by a huge force!


In the Dousha live broadcast room.

"Why hasn't it taken off yet..."

"The flowers I've been waiting for have all withered~"

Just when a group of netizens were anxiously waiting, a steady command voice came.

"30 seconds countdown to take off!"

Hearing this command voice, the netizens in front of the computer were suddenly refreshed.

In the live broadcast screen, a faint blue flame slowly appeared at the tail of the Xuannv No. 1 aerospace plane.

"Fuck! Fuck! What the hell is that?"

"One, two, three, four, five... so many Mach loops!"

"Is this the tail flame of the Hall thruster? Love it!"

"Someone, roast me on the grill to cheer us up!"

The thirty seconds of waiting passed in a flash, and as the take-off order was issued, the dark blue flame at the tail of Xuannv No. 1 suddenly increased several times!

The next moment, driven by the Hall thruster, Xuannv No. 1 began to accelerate slowly.

In just a blink of an eye, it arrived at the end of the runway!

With the nose tilted upward, Xuannv No. 1 jumped into the blue sky!

The moment this scene was recorded by the camera, there was a natural howling of ghosts in the live broadcast room!

"It's taking off! It's taking off!"

"Fuck, this tail flame, this shape... I won't say anything more, a ten-year old fan of Xuannv No. 1 came uninvited!"

"Everyone says that Xuannv No. 1 is an aerospace plane, so where is the destination of this test flight? It can't just go around in the sky, right?"

The live host seemed to have seen this barrage and explained softly: "The destination of Xuannv No. 1 this time is the geosynchronous orbit 36,000 kilometers from the surface."

"Hiss... It's actually the geosynchronous orbit!" Zhao Zijie, who was sitting in front of the computer, took a breath of cold air.

Taking off from the surface and heading directly to the geosynchronous orbit... The power of Xuannv No. 1 is probably more exaggerated than everyone imagined!

Not to mention how many satellites of other countries are in the geosynchronous orbit, and not to mention whether Xuannv No. 1 carries weapons and equipment, even if it directly drops a tungsten rod, the consequences are also something that most countries cannot afford!

Under the high-speed camera, the figure of Xuannv No. 1 appeared clearly in the live broadcast.

After taking off, the blue flame at the tail of Xuannv No. 1 increased again.

Unlike ordinary chemical fuel engines, the tail flow of the Hall thruster is a high-speed plasma of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

Therefore, in the atmosphere, the tail flame of Xuannv No. 1 is particularly spectacular!

There are countless Mach rings densely distributed in the ten-meter-long blue flame!

Before a group of netizens could express their feelings, the nose of Xuannv No. 1 suddenly pulled up.

Driven by the Hall thruster, the entire aircraft climbed up at a slope of nearly 90 degrees!


A loud noise came from the sky!

A beautiful sonic boom cloud instantly appeared around the fuselage!

At the moment the sonic boom cloud appeared, the number of barrages in the live broadcast room suddenly increased by dozens of times!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Mom, come out and see God!"

"Is this the speed of sound? My goodness, isn't the maneuverability of Xuannv No. 1 too strong?"


As Xuannv No. 1 plunged straight into the sky, cheers suddenly came from the institute!

Listening to the celebrations around him, Academician Cao Liangcai secretly took off his glasses and wiped his eyes with his hand.

How many years have passed.

In the field of aerospace, Xiaguo has finally surpassed the Western powers in a real sense!

Before Cao Liangcai could be happy for long, an alarm suddenly sounded!

"Academician Cao! The speed of Xuannv No. 1 has suddenly slowed down a lot!"

"The track of Xuannv No. 1 has deviated from the planned orbit!"

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