Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 77: The United States: Lost air supremacy?

America, the White House.

From the moment Xuannv 1 took off, Albert's office was filled with a dead atmosphere.

"Molton, keep an eye on this Xuannv No. 1!"

The moment Xuannv No. 1 disappeared into the clouds, Albert sternly said to Moulton in front of him with a gloomy face: "If we lose it, you, the director, don't have to do it anymore!"

Moulton's face turned slightly pale, and he stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Then, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

"O'Casey, listen, the situation is urgent. Let me activate all NASA's surveillance satellites. I want to know the real-time information about the Xuannv-1 that Xia Guo just took off!"

A female voice came from the microphone: "Director Moulton? Are you sure you want to use all NASA surveillance satellites?"

"The damage this caused..."

"Shut up!" Moulton looked at Albert's slightly gloomy eyes, and white hairs of sweat broke out on his back in anxiety, "I will be responsible for any losses. Now, tell the staff to get Xuannv immediately." Send the detailed flight data to me!”

O'Casey was stunned: "Mr. Moulton, are you..."

"Fxxk! Oval Office!"

Moulton cursed and hung up the phone.

Then, he quickly ran to Albert and whispered: "Your Excellency, I need to use your computer."

Albert nodded gloomily without saying anything.

A few minutes later, Moulton took a long breath: "Mr. President, the data has been sent."

It has to be said that NASA’s surveillance satellites are still very powerful.

On the computer in front of Albert, the high-definition pictures and flight data of Xuannv 1 can be seen at a glance!

Looking at the dense data that was constantly being refreshed, Albert frowned tightly.

He closed his eyes slightly, reached out and rubbed his eyebrows: "Anthony, come and take a look at these data."

Anthony did not dare to neglect the president's order, and immediately took a step forward and looked at the computer screen on his desk.

The moment he saw the data, Anthony's pupils shrank suddenly and he exclaimed: "What?!"

"This, this is impossible!"

Anthony's reaction made Albert's heart sink.

This is not a good sign.

"What's going on?" Albert frowned and asked in a low voice, "Is there anything wrong with this data?"

Anthony swallowed slightly, his blue pupils trembling slightly: "Its speed actually reached Mach 5!"

Albert didn't have much idea about these data: "Mach 5? What happened to Mach 5?"

Faced with Albert's somewhat naive question, Anthony smiled bitterly and said with a pale face: "Your Excellency, the current US fighter jets have a maximum speed of around Mach 3. Once an air battle breaks out, we may even hit each other's butts." Can’t even see it!”

Albert's breath suddenly suffocated, and he waved his hands nonchalantly and said: "What about the missile? We can shoot it down directly with a missile!"

The bitterness in Anthony's eyes became even stronger: "That's where the problem lies."

"Except for some specific air-to-air missiles, most air-to-air missiles in the world currently only have a speed of about Mach 4."

"Our missiles couldn't even catch up to the plane."

"As for air-to-air missiles with higher speeds... Your Excellency, I am not discouraging, air-to-air missiles below Mach 6 are basically useless against them."

"If Xia Guo had not lied, the endurance of this aerospace plane that uses nuclear fusion as energy would be far beyond our imagination."

"The missile is equipped with fuel... which may not be enough to consume it."

Albert's face suddenly turned as dark as a big iron pot.

This, this is just a joke?

Chasing, you can't catch up; consuming, you can't catch up!

Just as the two fell into silence, Moulton's exclamation sounded from the side: "It, it accelerated again!"

The moment he heard these words, Anthony's heart skipped a beat.

Looking at the straight-up speed and height on the computer screen, Anthony's face turned gloomy.

"Your Excellency, I don't think we need to discuss this anymore."

"This plane has now reached the earth's low-Earth orbit, and its speed... is about Mach 23, which is what we often call the first cosmic speed."

"I don't know where its limit is. At least, looking at it now, even the fastest intercontinental missile we can launch will probably not gain much benefit from it."

Albert didn't speak, just stared at the computer screen in front of him.

As time goes by, the speed of Xuannv No. 1 is still rising, and with it, the height of Xuannv No. 1 is also rising.

As the numbers on the computer screen continued to rise, the faces of the three people became increasingly ugly.

Albert looked gloomy and said nothing.

On the screen, the two numbers 36,000 kilometers and Mach 30 (10.2km/s) stung his eyes deeply.

Even he knew what these two numbers meant.

Seeing that Xuannv-1's flight data began to decline, Albert slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "Anthony, what do you think is the limit of this aerospace plane?"

"Huh..." Anthony took a deep breath, straightened up and said softly: "Your Excellency, this is not important anymore."

"You just need to be clear that from now on, the United States has lost air supremacy in front of Xia State."

Albert fell silent.

That's right.

In this case, the limit data of Xuannv No. 1 is no longer important.

Even if it can break through the second cosmic speed to go to the moon, it has nothing to do with the United States.

"How should we guard against it?"

After a long silence, Albert took a deep breath and asked softly.

Anthony's eyes were full of bitterness, and he shook his head slowly: "Mr. President, we can't defend it."

"Although it is not clear whether this Xuannv No. 1 carries weapons, but with its flight altitude, speed and endurance, I can tell you responsibly that no country on earth can resist its attack."

"As long as Xiaguo is willing, the White House may be reduced to ashes in a few minutes."

The moment he heard this, Albert's pupils shrank suddenly.


Albert said hoarsely: "From now on, promote the Pathfinder Project at all costs."

"Mr. President?" Anthony was startled and reminded in a low voice, "At this time, we should not compete with Xiaguo!"

"We have lost the qualification for this competition!"

Albert closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them suddenly, with a flash of madness.

"No, as long as we occupy Mars first, the United States will still have a chance to turn over!"

"From now on, suspend all unnecessary domestic expenditures, and all funds will be invested in scientific research projects!"

"I don't believe that with so many years of foundation, we can't beat Xiaguo!"

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