Just when [I] was frustrated, a tentacle stretched out from the side.

[I] subconsciously raised a tentacle and touched it.

A weak electric current came.

Some information appeared in [my] core.

The content of the information was very simple.

Because the weather has been too bad recently, for the stable development of the tribe, the tribe leader has decided to start the prayer ceremony today.

Pray to the gods for a good weather to eat, and also pray to the gods for some "artifacts" that can store food.

The original "artifacts" in the tribe are no longer enough as the number of people in the tribe slowly increases.

[I] subconsciously looked into the distance.

It was an extremely huge thing.

It was a platform for communicating with the gods, and it was also a bridge for the gods to bestow gifts on the tribe.

God is omnipotent.

He can create thunderstorms out of thin air, and he can also create various "artifacts" out of thin air.

But the gods often do not respond to their prayers.

Only when the tribe is really in trouble will he lend a helping hand to the tribe.

A trace of confusion suddenly arose in my core.

It seems that... God has been watching us. No matter how far the tribe has developed, He always knows where the limit of the tribe is.

My thought process was transmitted to my companions by the microcurrent.

The next second, another microcurrent came.

I was relieved.

Yes, that is God.

God is omnipotent.


Hearing this sensitive word, Lv Yongchang sat up subconsciously in the Earth, and his expression became solemn.

"What alliance?"

[Ten] answered the question directly without any hesitation.

[Silicon-based Alliance. ]

[The Silicon-based Alliance, led by the Tenth Empire, was established 150,000 years ago. ]

[As of 100,000 years ago, when the fortress lost contact with the empire, the Silicon-based Alliance already had thirteen member civilizations. ]

Lv Yongchang's heart jumped.

After the Sweepers, Pastoralists, and Neutralists, another top force in the universe has emerged in human cognition.

He did not have much doubt about the strength of the Silicon-Based Alliance.

After all, with the Tenth Empire, which is suspected to be an eighth-level civilization, in charge, the strength of this force is definitely top-notch.

I just don't know what the relationship between this Silicon-Based Alliance and the first three factions is...

In order to conform to the vest identity of human civilization, he asked tentatively.

"Can we join this alliance?"

[According to information from 150,000 years ago, the entry threshold of the Silicon-Based Alliance is a sixth-level civilization. ]

[When you successfully become a sixth-level civilization, I can help you send an application to the Empire. ]

[But there is no guarantee that you will get a response. ]

Lu Yongchang:...


The entry threshold is a sixth-level civilization, and the civilized individuals are required to be silicon-based creatures...

Can 13 civilizations be gathered under such harsh conditions? !

Is the Andromeda Galaxy so rich?

Or did the Tenth Empire not develop in the Andromeda Galaxy?

Lv Yongchang didn't speak, thinking about all kinds of information in his mind.

[Don't be discouraged. ]

[You can pass the previous three tests to prove that you have the potential to become a level 6 civilization. ]

[Develop with peace of mind. Sooner or later, your name will be left in the Milky Way. ]

[Enroget Civilization! ]

Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched: ...

Perhaps he felt something was strange, so he quickly turned his eyes to the holographic projection.

Looking at the silicon-based jellyfish that were converging towards the imperial legacy device, Lv Yongchang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What are they doing?"

He asked [Ten].


[I] followed the tribe and walked towards the "altar".

"Altar" is the name of the mysterious big thing in the tribe.

As time passed, [I] got closer and closer to the "altar", and various sensors distributed around me also sent various electrical signals.

The material used to make the "altar" is very strange, not like the material on the floating land.

But this also shows the power of the gods.

It has a complex shape, like a small mountain, quietly sitting on the dark gray floating land.

At the top of it, there is a disc-shaped structure.

In the disc, there are densely packed and various complex structures.

Every time the tribe prays to the gods and the gods respond, there will be some flickering in these complex structures.

[I] don't understand the connection, but it doesn't prevent [me] from following the tribe to pray.

The ceremony began.

The tribesmen raised several of their tentacles. [I] looked around and raised five tentacles without affecting my own standing. [I] There are five tribesmen around me.

The tentacles are connected to each other, connecting all the tribesmen together.

Complex micro-currents are transmitted between the tribes through the tentacles, and various complex information emerges at the core.

That is a string of prayers to the gods.

At the same time, the bodies of all the tribesmen began to sway slowly - just like the disordered storm at the edge of the land, the swaying of the bodies did not have any obvious pattern.


[Please grant the Ten Clan good weather.]

【I】followed the tribe and prayed in the core.

Ten descendants.

I vaguely remember that this was the name given to the tribe by the gods when they first responded to the prayer.

Since then, although they did not understand the meaning, they still called themselves Ten descendants.

The micro-current was transmitted along the tentacles to the surroundings until it reached the tribe leader at the front of the formation.

Unlike the actions of other tribesmen, it carefully placed its tentacles on the "altar".

Then, it guided all the micro-current information sent by all the tribesmen to the "altar".


【Praying to me. 】

Lv Yongchang looked at the response information of [Ten] in astonishment: "Pray?"

【Yes. 】

【Pray for food, pray for the necessities to maintain the development of the tribe...】


Lv Yongchang understood.

This is almost the inevitable result after the contact between high civilization and low civilization.

Whether it is fear or longing, the huge difference in strength caused by the huge difference in technological level will inevitably evolve into a deification phenomenon.

This situation is most common in ignorant civilizations that have not yet become interstellar civilizations.

ps: Thanks to the tenth art for sending the great god certification!

The big guy is awesome.JPG!

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