
Jiang Yongxing took a breath.

"Why, how did it get to Councillor Li?"

Fang Xu's face was a little heavy, and he said softly: "There is something you may not know yet."

"ITER...something seems to have happened in Xiaguo."

Jiang Yongxing's face changed instantly!

"What?! Something happened to ITER?!"

ITER, the full name of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Project.

It is a superconducting tokamak device that can produce large-scale nuclear fusion reactions!

As one of the member states, Xiaguo can use this device to obtain a lot of useful controlled nuclear fusion information.

As for why not build one yourself...

The reason is very simple.

It's expensive and troublesome!

The entire ITER project took thirteen years and cost 5 billion Mi Yuan!

Although Xiaguo has developed well in recent years, it is still a bit too extravagant to spend so much money to build a test machine!

After all, whether the tokamak device can carry controlled nuclear fusion is still an unknown!

If you spend money and time to build a big thing that has no use, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

Beijing, within the first ring.

A place that can’t be found on the map.

Hong Qiming stood at the door of the office and knocked on the door with a solemn expression.

“Come in!”

An old voice came from inside the door.

Hong Qiming slowly pushed open the door and walked in.

A gray-haired old man was sitting behind his desk and looking at him quietly.

The old man’s eyes were full of wisdom and confidence, as if everything in the world was under his control!

“Member Li!”

Hong Qiming greeted the old man respectfully.

The old man put down the pen in his hand and slowly said: “Minister Hong, I heard that you have something very important to report to me?”

Hong Qiming nodded quickly and told the old man the truth about what Sandaokou University reported.

Member Li’s face gradually became serious.

"Are you serious?"

Hong Qiming hesitated for a while, nodded and said: "It should be true, Academician Fang Xu, you should remember it, right?"

Member Li nodded and said: "Of course I remember, the latest controlled nuclear fusion achievement of Xia Country was achieved by his team, right?"

"This matter... is related to him?"

Hong Qiming nodded again and affirmed: "Fang Xu and the professor of Sandaokou University have made a preliminary assessment of the plan, and he is very confident in this plan!"

Member Li was silent again for a moment.

He reached out and pulled out a document from the pile of documents on the side, and handed it to Hong Qiming: "Let's not talk about this first, take a look at this document."

Hong Qiming reached out to take the document with a puzzled look on his face. The moment he saw the title, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"This! This is impossible!"

"Our Xia country's scientists will never do such a despicable thing!"

Member Li sighed deeply, with a little worry in his eyes.

He shook his head slowly and said, "Possible or impossible... we don't have the final say on this."

"The ITER project has long wanted to kick us out, so it doesn't matter whether our scientists have done this or not."

Hong Qiming hesitated: "But..."

"But this reputation is too bad!"

Hong Qiming bit his back teeth hard and looked at the document in his hand again.

The document detailed the behavior of Xiaguo's ITER project researchers who stole important experimental data without authorization.

"Then...what should we do?"

"Can we just watch ITER frame us?!"

Member Li said calmly: "In addition to framing, they also asked us to voluntarily withdraw from the ITER project."

"This news will probably be officially released tomorrow."


Hong Qiming felt that the blood vessels in his brain exploded in an instant!

"How... How can this be!"

"This is simply, simply too much!"

Councilman Li slowly said: "I asked you to read this document, not for anything else, but to tell you one thing."

"Next, Xiaguo can only rely on ourselves in the research of controlled nuclear fusion."

"So, you should understand what to do, right?"

Facing Councilman Li's meaningful gaze, Hong Qiming's face slightly sterned.


"Please rest assured, Councilman Li, I will go to Sandaokou University right now!"


In the evening, after wandering around the campus for a day, Lu Yongchang returned to the dormitory.

"Wow! Brother Lu, you are finally back!"

As soon as he opened the door of the dormitory, the voice of his roommate Wu Qi came from the dormitory.

"Brother Lu, what are you doing in the physics class today?"

Faced with the curious question of his roommate, Lu Yongchang laughed awkwardly, and for a moment he didn't know how to explain.

Could he tell him that he was reborn?

After a moment of hesitation, a barely acceptable reason slowly emerged in his heart.

"Ahem! I found some time to research something a while ago. When I was in class, I suddenly had an idea and started writing it on the stage."

Wu Qi's eyes were more curious: "Research? What did you research?"

"By the way, what did Professor Guan keep you for? He didn't want you to drop out, did he?"

Lv Yongchang: "......???"

Drop out?

Why drop out?

Don't even mention dropping out of school. He will probably be "enrolled" soon!

Of course, he definitely can't say this to Wu Qi.

"Uh... the professor thinks my research is valuable, gave me affirmation, and then... let me come back."

Wu Qi: "???"

"... that's it?!"

Wu Qi looked at Lv Yongchang in surprise: "Don't bluff me, they all say that Professor Guan is very strict!"

Lv Yongchang hurriedly changed the subject: "What happened in the physics class this morning, didn't spread?"

Wu Qi hurriedly shook his head, his face a little more serious.

"Don't worry, except for the students in class, I guess no one else knows."

Lv Yongchang's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Wu Qi in front of him with horror: "Are you serious?!"

In this era of gossip, he is even ready to become famous in one fell swoop!

Wu Qi didn't say anything, but turned around and took out an A4 printed paper from the side and handed it to Lv Yongchang.

《Confidentiality Agreement》

Seeing the big black characters on the A4 paper, Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Unexpectedly, Professor Guan was so reliable that he even asked all the students to sign a confidentiality agreement!

But... it's okay this way.

The sun has not started to change yet.

If Xia wants to become the leader of the Earth People's Union, it can only rely on this last chance to overtake!

As a native of Xia, Lv Yongchang naturally hopes that everyone in Xia can survive the disaster in the future!

As for how to survive...

He has already thought about it!

Since the destruction of the sun is a foregone conclusion, he can only lead Xia... lead mankind to escape from the earth within 20 years!

Only the endless starry sky above is the only way to survive in the future!

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