Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 802 The Empire's Last Signal Coordinates

Lu Yongchang looked at the list in the holographic projection and thought carefully.

It is true that these repair and maintenance technologies are very basic, but after all, they are technologies from the seventh-level civilization.

For humans who are still at the fifth level of civilization, they are more or less helpful.

It helps, but not much.

Lu Yongchang's eyes slowly focused on one of the relatively practical technologies.

[Ice giant macro climate control technology]

Although they are both planets, the difficulty of controlling terrestrial planets and ice giants is definitely different.

But...should I choose this?

This thing has almost no substantive effect on human civilization!

Lu Yongchang frowned tightly, feeling extremely confused.

How about...the surface repair and polishing technology of the mother star fortress?

Although I haven’t learned how to make strong interaction materials, it would be good to learn some maintenance methods...

What a ghost!

Human civilization has spent so much effort and ended up becoming just a maintenance worker?

Thinking of this, veins popped out on Lu Yongchang's forehead.

no! He won't allow this to happen!

He reluctantly looked at the modeling diagrams of various areas of the imperial fortress in the holographic projection, trying to find any items left behind by the [Tenth Empire].

But...the disappointment in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Using the power of civilization to launch an expedition beyond the river system requires unimaginable resources.

Of course, the current imperial fortress is extremely clean!

Just when Lu Yongchang was about to suppress his reluctance and choose some maintenance technology, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

There is no doubt that the Imperial Fortress was indeed emptied.

But there are a few things that are definitely still there!

First, the energy core.

How does the energy core that allows such a huge fortress to operate for more than 200,000 years operate?

What technology does it use?

Thinking of this, a blazing flame suddenly rose in Lu Yongchang's heart that fell into the ice cave.

Second, the fortress mastermind.

It was the central computer once used by the Tenth Empire!

The fortress mastermind, whose computing power exceeds the central computer of human civilization by thousands or even tens of thousands of times, has a fatal attraction for human civilization!

As the deepest and most powerful trump card of human civilization, Zero’s demand for computing power is endless. should I tell [Ten]?

Lu Yongchang tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the seat, thinking carefully.

Both involve the core components of the imperial fortress, and their importance is unquestionable.

Whether it requires physical devices to open the door or technology to open the door, it is impossible to achieve it.

Therefore, human civilization can only observe and model them in the name of visiting them, and try to understand their internal scientific and technological principles from their appearance and structure as much as possible.

It is very difficult, but it can determine a general direction for the future development of human civilization.

Coupled with the help of the technology tree system, it is basically equivalent to reverse analysis of these technologies.

So, he made a request to [Ten].

This time, [Ten]’s response came extremely slowly.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Yongchang suddenly became energetic when he saw the bright white text reappearing in the holographic projection!

[Risk assessment has been completed. 】

[According to Enroget's civilized behavior model, the application for visiting the fortress master control room was rejected, and the application for visiting the fortress energy core was rejected. 】

Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows.

The amount of information contained in this sentence is quite large.

For [Ten], his own safety seems to be far less important than the safety of the fortress.

This also proves from another angle that [Ten] can only be a rigid Level I artificial intelligence.

Although one of the options was rejected, Lu Yongchang was not too disappointed.

After all, the energy core is the most important part of the fortress.

To a certain extent, he didn't want to visit the energy core of the fortress at all. The central computer control room of the imperial fortress was his real goal.

The reason is also very simple.

Needless to say, the energy core of the seventh-level civilization contains technological content that far exceeds the imagination of human civilization.

Too advanced technology may not be a good thing for human civilization.

It may even mislead human civilization.

In comparison, the fortress central computer is different.

After changing the architecture several times, the potential of optical quantum computers has been almost completely exhausted.

Today's human civilization urgently needs a more advanced supercomputer.

Even if it is just a research direction, it is excellent for human civilization.

So, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiled and nodded in response.

"Enroget civilization accepts this deal."

[The transaction is established. 】

[What I am sending you now are the last signal coordinates before the empire lost contact. 】

The moment the [ten] response message appeared on the holographic projection, the corrugated guide signs appeared again in the fog around the scientific research robot.

The scientific research robot completed the last few steps of maintenance work in an orderly manner and quietly evacuated the area where [Ten Descendants] was located.

Under its guidance, the scientific research robot returned to the transmission platform again.

Along with the familiar prompt information, the short-distance space jump started again.

Inside [Earth].

Under Lu Yongchang's order, Ling, who had taken numerous safeguards, opened the coordinate information sent by [Ten].

In the holographic projection, an extremely large and magnificent star map instantly appeared.

This is not a star map familiar to human civilization.

What Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy...

In front of it, it is nothing more than childishness.

"This is……"

Lu Yongchang, who recognized this area, swallowed hard: "Hey, are you kidding..."

Local group of galaxies.

He silently announced the name of the star map in his heart.

It covers a smaller cluster of 50 galaxies including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Magellanic Clouds.

It covers an approximate area of ​​10 million light-years.

In comparison, the Milky Way, which is only a hundred thousand light-years in diameter, is as small as a newborn baby in front of it.

The next moment, a signal was marked at the corner of this huge star map.

[Ten] messages continue to come.

[The reason for the loss of contact with the empire is unknown. Based on comprehensive judgment, the most likely reason is that the communication distance exceeds the tachyon broadcast monitoring range of the home star fortress. 】

"They...are trying to leave the local galaxy group?"

Lu Yongchang's pupils trembled slightly and he murmured softly.

With the help of galaxy bridges and galaxies as springboards, we head towards the outside of our local galaxy group...

For human civilization that is still struggling to survive within the Milky Way, this is simply like a myth!


Lu Yongchang suddenly stood up from his chair: "Didn't you say that the empire is heading to the Andromeda Galaxy..."

Suddenly, his questioning voice stopped.

[10] It seems that it only said that the Tenth Empire went to the Andromeda Galaxy, but did not specify the empire’s destination...


Being "trapped" by a weak artificial intelligence!

Lu Yongchang felt his scalp numb when he thought that humans had taken on a mission to find someone tens of millions of light years away.

Listen to me, thank you, because of you...

After a brief shock, Lu Yongchang returned to calm.

He picked up the tea cup and took a calm sip of tea.

The Enroget civilization took over the mission. What does it have to do with human civilization?

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