Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 814 Anaconda (Update, please give me a gift!)

One week later.

An experimental ship slowly left the synchronous orbit of Puller 452b.

In its high-purity vacuum laboratory, there are dozens of nested grand unified field generation devices.

There is no way.

The number of gravitational sources inside the Imperial Fortress main brain is too large, and the structures are relatively complex. In order to achieve relatively perfect replication, human civilization can only use this "stupid method".

In order to ensure that these dozens of grand unified field generation devices will not interfere with each other, the academicians present have put in a lot of effort.

But even so, for human civilization, it is still impossible to perfectly replicate the gravitational source inside the Imperial Fortress main brain.

This is the gap in the hard power of civilization.

Since there is no need to manufacture optical components and optical computers, the generation time of proportional models of gravitational sources is not long.

Kepler 452b Antarctic region.

Human Union Academy of Sciences Central Institute.

As the experimental ship sailed away from Puller 452b, the huge holographic projection in the institute quietly opened.

In the holographic projection, a large amount of data flashed across the screen, and at the same time, virtual red cursors were marked in the middle area of ​​the vacuum laboratory.

Each red cursor means a tiny gravitational source.

The seemingly calm space has long become a mess under the action of these gravitational sources.

In order to explore the mystery, the spatial arrangement order of these gravitational sources is exactly the same as the gravitational sources in the main brain of the Imperial Fortress.

"Start increasing the intensity of the gravitational source."

Lu Yongchang calmed down and gave the order to start the experiment.

Under Zero's control, the dozens of grand unified fields slowly adjusted the intensity of those gravitational sources with extremely fine amplitudes.

In order to observe the phenomenon caused by the change of gravitational sources more intuitively, a bright beam of light accompanied by extremely fine white dust was shot directly into the space full of gravitational sources.

The white suspended dust was diffused in the entire experimental area, and the light generated by the parallel light source passed through it, showing straight "trajectories".

When these light and suspended dust reached the gravitational source area, a strange phenomenon appeared!

The parallel beams that were originally running smoothly seemed to be subjected to some invisible pulling force, twisting and bending in it, forming an extremely complex pattern.

At the same time, the fine white dust suspended in the laboratory also began to move, gather, and diffuse under the influence of the gravitational source, and together with the complex light pattern, they constructed a strange picture.

As the intensity of the gravitational source continued to increase, the impact on the parallel beams gradually increased.

Although there is no substantial light path in the experimental area now, under the influence of the gravitational source, these beams intertwined with each other, still outlining the general shape of the Imperial Fortress Main Brain.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The power of dozens of large unified field generation devices has reached its peak, and the intensity of the gravitational source in the experimental area has reached the limit that human civilization can currently achieve.

But no abnormal phenomenon occurred.

There is no space rift, no black hole...

All the space phenomena known to human civilization did not occur!

Whether it is the white suspended dust or the light that presents a specific shape due to the Tyndall effect, they all stay "safely" in that space.

Although the gravitational strength of those gravitational sources is large, the radius of action is too small to cause any changes in space.

If Lv Yongchang's previous conjecture is true, then perhaps this is the reason why human civilization has not discovered this law.

Similarly, this is probably the biggest technical barrier between level 6 and level 7 civilizations.

Apart from anything else, the seemingly messy arrangement of gravitational sources alone is enough for a level 6 civilization to eat for a lifetime!


Lv Yongchang fell into silence as he looked at the scene in the holographic projection.

For the Tenth Empire, in the face of this situation, they can continue to increase the power of the Grand Unified Field Generator without hesitation, thereby continuing to increase the degree of influence of the gravitational field on the surrounding space.

But for human civilization...

It seems that there is only one way left.

"Zero, proportionally reduce the distance between gravitational sources."

Yes, the simplest and most simple method.

If the strength is not enough, the distance will make up for it.

What? Why didn't you use it before?

Who can be sure whether the distance between these gravitational sources will affect the final experimental results? !

Moreover, reducing the distance between these strong gravitational sources is a high-risk behavior.

Given a choice, who would choose such a dangerous and uncertain solution? !

Zero's ability to precisely control various devices is trustworthy.

At least, there has been no accident since its birth.

Under the gaze of everyone, the red cursors in the holographic projection are approaching each other at an extremely slow speed.

The disturbance between the gravitational sources is gradually intensifying.

The increasingly violent white suspended dust is the best proof.

In addition to the suspended dust, the increasingly distorted light paths can also prove the "storm" happening in the ocean of time and space.

One day later.

The distance between the gravitational sources has been halved.

The academicians, who were afraid of accidents, have been sitting in their chairs for a day.

Every movement of the red cursor will force everyone present to move their hearts!

Time passed slowly bit by bit.

The atmosphere in the research center became more and more solemn.

Suddenly, a throbbing flashed through Lv Yongchang's heart, and he widened his eyes.

The vision finally appeared!

A large amount of white dust and light suddenly disappeared in the seemingly calm time and space!


A commotion suddenly sounded in the research center.

This magical scene tightly grasped the minds of all academicians!

Before everyone asked the doubts in their hearts, the disappeared white dust and light gushed out from another seemingly calm space!

Then, they disappeared again in the calm space on the other side.

When they appeared again, they changed their position again.

These white dust and light, like anacondas tumbling in the water, sometimes show their bodies and sometimes disappear under the water!

This cycle repeats.

Finally, a layered and extremely complex self-circulating multi-structure was constructed in the experimental area!

ps: Thanks to the great god certification of the Tenth Art*4, the gift king*1!

Thanks to the great god certification of Night Shark QAQ!

Thanks to Xiaoqiu Pro for his master certification!

Thanks to Senior Mu who loves to eat explosive dumplings for his master certification!

Starting from today, we will update more!

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