"Zero, report fault information."

"What happened just now?"

As the voice fell, lines of information began to appear in the holographic projection.

Looking at the report in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's face became more and more strange.

The "swallowed" unified field generation devices and decks did not disappear, but were transferred to an extremely dangerous area - the antimatter reactor.

Not only did they travel thousands of meters in a straight line, but they also penetrated hundreds of layers of walls and protective devices of varying thicknesses in the middle!

And in this process, the walls and protective devices did not suffer any external injuries!


This magical phenomenon suddenly reminded him of a technology in the Imperial Fortress.

He muttered to himself in confusion: "Short-distance space jump?"

It can't be said to be similar, it's exactly the same!

"This thing also involves the change of dimension?!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes widened immediately.

If you say this, he won't be sleepy anymore!

"Zero, release all the records and data of this experiment."

"Send out the second experimental ship and continue to repeat the experimental steps just now!"

Yes, since adopting the screening scheme combining exhaustive method and dichotomy proposed by Academician Yevgeny, Zero has begun to transform a large number of experimental ships.

There is no way, this rough experimental scheme is destined to turn the expensive experimental ships into consumables.

However, judging from the results alone, Lu Yongchang thinks that this deal is still quite profitable.


Once, twice, three times...

One after another experimental accident proved one thing to the academicians of the research center-the scene that just happened was not accidental.

Every time the gravity source is turned off, the vortex in the ocean of time and space will sweep away the grand unified field generating device and part of the deck, and then find a place to throw it out.

The only problem is...

The location of this "body throwing" is completely random.

Except for the antimatter reactor, the places where the swept devices appear are different every time.

The vast universe outside the starship, the experimental ship warehouse...

As long as it is a place you can think of, there is no place it can't go.

The most outrageous thing is that it can even get stuck between two decks!

Lv Yongchang looked at the complicated space-time fluctuation data in the holographic projection, and subconsciously raised his hand to rub his temple.


When he first encountered short-distance jump technology, he thought that it might contain dimensional technology.

But according to the current experimental data, this seems to be the result of the distortion of space-time in a certain pattern.

Maybe it has something to do with the dimension, but the relationship does not seem to be big.

In any case, the reason behind this is not something he can solve based on a little experimental data now.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and scientific research must also be done step by step.

For today's human civilization, the first thing to do is to separate the separate space-time anomaly structure as soon as possible.

Only by mastering the basic unit can we analyze the whole in detail.


Time flies.

The next year, the Earth calendar year 3764.

The separation experiment was finally declared a success.

A separate space-time anomaly structure constructed by twelve gravitational sources runs smoothly in the 26th experimental ship.

The arrangement of these gravity sources is not adjacent to each other. Some of them are even arranged diagonally.

As for why it is the 26th experimental ship?

I can only say that those who understand understand.

In the holographic projection, parallel beams of light shot straight to the experimental area.

The white dust mixed with the light and disappeared together in a space without any strange images.

Then, it gushed out in another area that seemed to have no connection at all.

The research officially entered the next step.

The difficulty of observing and studying a single abnormal structure of space-time has been significantly reduced.

Without the influence of other abnormal structures, the observation data appear to be much simpler and clearer.

Of course, this is only relative.

In front of the research center, Lv Yongchang was still alone facing the huge data written on dozens of holographic projections.

However, this time, the deduction and calculation in his hands were much smoother than before.

"This is..."

Lv Yongchang put the last stroke on the holographic image in front of him. Through the tool of mathematics, he has successfully simulated the general appearance of that deformed space-time.

"Klein bottle?"

Under the gaze of the academicians, Lv Yongchang uttered a familiar term.

The so-called Klein bottle is a conceptual structure similar to the Möbius strip.

The Möbius strip is a paper strip loop made by twisting a piece of paper 180 degrees and gluing the two ends together.

It has a magical property.

Suppose there is a bug, or a two-dimensional creature, living on a piece of paper.

The paper strip is divided into the front and back sides.

Therefore, if it wants to crawl across both sides of the paper strip, it must upgrade itself, leave this two-dimensional plane, and enter another side from the three-dimensional space, that is, cross the edge of the paper strip.

But the Möbius strip constructed by the paper strip has only one curved surface-a bug or a two-dimensional creature can crawl across the entire curved surface without crossing its edge.

For the bug or two-dimensional creature living on the paper strip, the real Möbius strip can only exist in three-dimensional space.

And its greatest significance is that, as a medium, it successfully bridges the gap between two dimensions and three dimensions.

The same goes for Klein bottles.

It has no distinction between inside and outside. The moment you enter the bottle, you have already reached the outside.

Therefore, it also received a strange title: "The Klein bottle that can never be filled."

This is the bridge between the three and four dimensions.

Similar to a Möbius strip, a true Klein bottle can only exist in a higher-dimensional space—that is, a four-dimensional space.

In three-dimensional space, it is impossible to create a real Klein bottle.

Even if all the manufacturing techniques are exhausted, what you get is just a projection of a four-dimensional space in three dimensions.

These two concepts were proposed as early as the age of the earth.

For today's human civilization, it is a kind of basic knowledge.

However, although it is basic knowledge, humans today have never seen a real Klein bottle.

Like a creature living in a two-dimensional plane, the true Möbius strip can never be seen.

It is precisely for this reason that Lu Yongchang's judgment immediately aroused the interest of this group of academicians.

"Professor, do you mean that this space-time forms a Klein bottle structure?"

Lin Yongnian, who was studying space-time theory next to Lu Yongchang, asked in confusion.

He didn't know much about this knowledge.

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