Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 824 Human Alliance Expedition Plan (Additional update, please give me a gift!)

Human Union Parliament.

Time is the most powerful weapon. Speaker Hong Qiming has already resigned from the position of Speaker due to age.

Lin Shuguang is now the Speaker of the Parliament.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has long been the most important part of the Human Union Parliament.

Therefore, it is only natural that the Speaker is succeeded by the first Foreign Minister of the Human Union.

[Draft of the Human Union's First Cross-Galactic Expedition Plan]

[Mobilization Letter for the Expedition of Human Civilization]

In the Speaker's Office, Lin Shuguang looked at the two documents in the holographic projection and fell into deep thought.

It must be said that at the beginning, he refused in his heart.

But after reading the series of deafening words written by Lu Yongchang, his mind was greatly shaken.

Not to mention the potential threats of the Sweeper Civilization and the Pastoral Civilization, just the sentence for the sake of the stars and the sea made Lin Shuguang completely change sides.

Agree, must agree!

How can the small Milky Way accommodate human civilization!

Expedition! Following the expedition route of the [Tenth Empire], we will launch an expedition to the Andromeda Galaxy, the Local Group, and the Virgo Supercluster!

Level 6 civilization is by no means the end of human civilization!

The future of human civilization belongs only to the sea of ​​stars! !

Lin Shuguang is not the first member of parliament to be persuaded, nor is he the only member who changed sides at the last minute.

As for the Academy of Sciences, needless to say.

No scientist in the Human Union can resist the temptation of more advanced technology!

The Human Union Academy of Sciences unanimously passed the expedition proposal!

The Human Union Parliament unanimously passed the expedition proposal!

On that day, the [Human Civilization Expedition Mobilization Letter] was fully distributed to the personal terminals of every citizen of the Human Union!

Looking at those lines of inspiring words, the Human Union, which had been calm for a long time, finally boiled!

Unlike the Proxima era.

This time, it is an expedition spontaneously carried out by human civilization, not an escape forced by helplessness!

In addition, among the 30 billion citizens of the Human Union, it is no exaggeration to say that 99.99% of the citizens grew up listening to Lv Yongchang's legendary deeds.

The legendary story of more than 2,000 years has forged unprecedented power for Lv Yongchang.

His loud shouting is as sacred as the will of God to the Human Union at this time!

The referendum of all members of human civilization has finally arrived under everyone's expectation.

Except for those elderly people who are about to die, almost all citizens of the Human Union have cast their own choices solemnly.

On the same day, the referendum results were announced.

More than 99% of the citizens of the Human Union chose the expedition plan!

In the year 4055 of the Earth calendar, the Human Union's first cross-galactic expedition plan was officially launched!


The cross-galactic expedition is not a trivial matter.

As powerful as the [Tenth Empire], it took tens of thousands of years to prepare for the expedition.

But human civilization is different.

Zero, who has mastered the incomplete version of the [Four-Dimensional Light Brain], has even surpassed the fortress main brain of the Tenth Empire to some extent.

But even with the unparalleled productivity of other civilizations, and the help of thousands of subordinate civilizations to collect materials, the feat of a cross-galactic expedition cannot be completed overnight.

According to the plan formulated by the Academy of Sciences.

It will take at least 500 years to complete the construction of all expedition fleets.

The material collection work will also take 400 to 500 years.

As for other tedious preparations, they will also take hundreds of years to complete.

For Zero, these tasks can be carried out at the same time.

Considering the various unexpected situations that may arise in the preparations, the Academy of Sciences set the start time of the expedition to 600 years later.

This is a time that almost all citizens can accept.

After all, the basic life expectancy of humans has reached the thousand-year level at this time.

The contribution value required for the first level of life extension technology is not high, and almost all citizens can enjoy it.

This means that almost everyone can feel the starlight of the Andromeda Galaxy brushing against their faces up close.

Because of this, every citizen of the Alliance spontaneously contributes to the expedition plan to the best of their ability.

The collection of basic materials is relatively simple.

The most troublesome thing is actually the collection of energy materials such as antimatter.

In order to solve this problem, the megastructure engineering department launched the Phase III [Dyson Sphere] project with great fanfare.

Unlike Phase I [Dyson Cloud] and Phase II [Dyson Ring], Phase III [Dyson Sphere] can wrap up the entire star.

It can easily absorb the energy released by the entire star and convert it into antimatter for storage.

Of course, this move definitely has disadvantages.

After using Phase III [Dyson Sphere], the star system will directly become a cold and dead "grave" - ​​without the energy of the star, those planets will completely lose the hope of nurturing life.

Therefore, when the Academy of Sciences selects target stars, they will basically conduct simple searches and judgments to avoid unnecessary "accidental injuries".

As for the crisis of civilization exposure caused by the use of [Dyson Sphere] technology...

There is no need to worry about it.

A civilization that can use [Dyson Cloud], [Dyson Ring] or [Dyson Sphere] technology is a fourth-level civilization at the worst.

The Dark Forest Law does not apply.

Besides, there are many stars that disappeared inexplicably in the universe.

No advanced civilization would care about such a trivial matter.

At best, it would just be a note in the corner of an insignificant log column.

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years...

As more and more stars were wrapped by the Dyson Sphere, this star field gradually became dim when observed from a distance.

In order to collect more supplies, the territory of human civilization began to be forced to expand to the surrounding areas.

During this period, many low-level civilizations were encountered.

Without exception, these low-level civilizations joined the large army to collect supplies for human civilization after symbolic resistance.

1200 light years, 1500 light years, 1800 light years...

Finally, the territory of human civilization touched a star field marked with danger signs.

It was a completely empty area.

Except for large nebulae within a radius of dozens of light years, there were almost no stars and planets inside.

The aftermath of the supernova explosion was still spreading in this star field.

This was a wreckage.

There has been no civilization around here for a long time.

Until today, accompanied by a strong fluctuation of time and space, a not-so-large starship appeared on the edge of this star field.

It paused for a while, and after confirming the order, it slowly drove into this dead star field.

ps: Thanks to the gift king of the tenth art!

Thanks to the great god certification of Song Yunzan!

Thanks to the great god certification of Haoyuezhidong!

Thanks to the great god certification of This account has been banned.

Dear readers, I will continue to update five chapters today, please give me gifts~

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