During this period, the Space-Time Research Center has encountered many obstacles in the theory of high-dimensional space-time.

Even Lu Yongchang stumbled on the thick wall of Dimension.

The success of the space shield trial operation experiment made the somewhat silent atmosphere in the Space-Time Research Center become more lively, and a faint smile appeared on the face of one of the academicians.

"Chief! Chief Lu!!!"

Lu Yongchang retracted his gaze from looking at various data and turned to the direction where the sound came from.

Lin Yongnian was seen waving his right hand towards him with excitement.

Then, he squeezed through the academicians around him and ran toward Lu Yongchang with difficulty: "Give way, buddy, give way!"

"It's a big deal! It's a big deal!"

Upon hearing this, the academicians surrounding Lu Yongchang hurriedly made way for Lin Yongnian to pass through a not-so-wide passage.

Looking at Academician Lin Yongnian, whose face was slightly red and excited, Lu Yongchang could not help but feel a little confused.

The successful development of space shields is certainly something to be happy about, but...is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

"Laboratory, there's news from the lab!"

Lin Yongnian's excited voice continued.

Lu Yongchang was stunned for an extremely brief moment, and then realized what the laboratory Lin Yongnian was referring to.

"You mean...Klein bottle?"

Lin Yongnian nodded vigorously: "Yes! Song Yunzan, the head of the Dimension Laboratory, just sent me a message."

"They have successfully summarized and compiled a set of four-dimensional algorithms that can perform basic prediction and control of the landing area of ​​the Klein bottle!"

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but lose consciousness slightly.

The wait is finally here!

The exhaustive method, which took hundreds of years and countless resources, finally created a way for human civilization to peer into the fourth dimension!


Lu Yongchang immediately turned around and walked towards the laboratory door: "Yongnian, come with me to the Dimension Laboratory!"

Academy of Humanities and Sciences, Dimension Laboratory.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Lu Yongchang saw a magical scene.

In the huge holographic projection, scenes from the experimental area are being simultaneously projected.

In order to more intuitively observe the spatial transition phenomenon caused by the four-dimensional Klein bottle with the naked eye, the entire experimental area is filled with a large number of fine suspended dust and parallel beams.

Under the influence of Xuan Chen, the traces of light passing through were reflected in everyone's eyes extremely clearly.

The light path is twisted, like a meandering stream - this is due to the interference from powerful gravitational sources.

The stream of light slowly flows forward until it reaches an empty area.

Over there, the stream of light seemed to have encountered a deep cave, all disappearing into the seemingly peaceful space.

This scene is somewhat similar to the original optical brain research process.

But there are obvious differences between the two.

First, the Klein bottle structure in front of us only has an inlet and no outlet.

Of course, according to Lu Yongchang's guess, its exit was controlled very far away, and it was not within the experimental area.

Second, the structure of the Klein bottle this time is larger.

Its entrance is even more than ten meters wide, which is very different from the fine structures inside the optical brain.

Furthermore, from the bits of suspended dust and light paths that continue to escape from the entrance, it can be seen that the "fineness of workmanship" of the Klein bottle in front of you is far inferior to the Klein bottle structure inside the optical brain.

Similarly, its technological content is far inferior to the internal structure of the four-dimensional optical brain. This is an undoubted reality.

But from the perspective of human civilization, the huge Klein bottle structure in front of him attracted Lu Yongchang's attention more.

The reason is simple.

It is a Klein bottle with a new structure built by human civilization relying on its own strength.

Different from the mature structure in the four-dimensional light brain that cannot be changed and comes from outsiders, the Klein bottle in front of you, although slightly rough, has almost infinite plasticity!

"Where did they go?"

Lu Yongchang stopped and stared blankly at the huge holographic projection in front of him, murmuring in a low voice.

They naturally refer to the light and suspended dust that disappear out of thin air.

Lin Yongnian on the side did not speak. Like Lu Yongchang, he was also stunned on the spot, looking at this miracle of human civilization with excitement.

"They went to another experimental area."

A slightly unfamiliar and plain voice came, and at the same time, there was a rush of footsteps: "The two experimental areas are five hundred meters apart, with 14 walls in between."

Lu Yongchang subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

He came back to his senses, smiled and greeted the visitor: "Academician Song Yunzan."

"Chief Lu, welcome to your arrival."

Song Yunzan, who was wearing a white research uniform, raised his hand to call up the holographic operation interface and said hello to Lu Yongchang with an indifferent expression.

As his fingers moved slightly, the huge holographic projection screen in front quickly switched to another perspective.

It was an experimental area with the same structure.

Unlike the former, it does not have any light source installed inside.

But it's not dark inside.

Quite the opposite.

A bright stream of light slowly flows out of the sky. Under the influence of several powerful gravitational sources, the stream of light continues to meander forward until it escapes the scope of gravity.

This bunch of light coming from another experimental area illuminates this experimental area like daylight.

Song Yunzan took a step forward and walked to Lv Yongchang's side. He also stared at the shocking scene in the holographic projection and explained in a calm voice: "This is a Klein bottle made according to the calculation model No. 193741."

"At present, after more than 500 tests, we have successfully predicted and controlled the three-dimensional projection coordinates of the Klein bottle outlet."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang was moved.

Calculation model No. 193741, more than 500 tests...

How many people's hard work is hidden under the calm tone? !


Song Yunzan's voice revealed a little helplessness: "Perhaps because of the architecture problem, or perhaps because there are still some unknown problems in the algorithm model, the current distance between the outlet and the entrance of the Klein bottle is at most 500 meters."

"After exceeding this limit value, the three-dimensional projection coordinates of the exit will appear in the same situation as before."

"Well done!" Lv Yongchang did not hesitate to praise, "More than 300 years of hard work, finally there is a result! Congratulations!"

Song Yunzan fell silent after hearing this.

Under the gaze of Lv Yongchang and Lin Yongnian, he took a deep breath, as if suppressing the emotions that were about to burst out of his heart.

A few seconds later, his expression remained calm, but his tone of voice became much more serious.

"This is what we should do."

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