Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 83 Don't worry, there is enough funding

Based on the brightness of the cursor in the system, he could clearly see his current mastery of these front-end technologies.

If the brightness of the vernier is divided into a grade, then the brightness of the vernier, which symbolizes helium fusion, has reached 90% of the normal brightness!

This is also in line with Lu Yongchang's situation at this time.

The biggest obstacle why helium fusion has not been brought online is the problem of raw materials.

As long as the helium-III raw materials are solved, helium-III fusion can enter the application stage at any time.

Putting aside helium fusion technology, the second brightest technology is biosphere technology.

Almost 50% brightness.

This is also normal.

After all, the Biosphere 2 project was not the first idea proposed by Lu Yongchang.

It was originally a miniature artificial ecological circulation system established in the United States.

As for Biosphere One, it is naturally the earth on which humans live.

The original intention of the project was to prove the feasibility of a closed ecosystem to support and sustain human life in outer space.

To put it simply, it is whether humans can recreate a stable closed ecosystem outside the earth.

This technology is of great significance to interstellar exploration.

Whether it is a starship traveling between stars or an alien colony, artificial ecosystem technology is an essential front-end technology.

The Biosphere 2 project in the United States covers an area of ​​13,000 square meters and is about eight stories high. The main body of the building is a glass building with a sealed steel frame structure.

In order to completely simulate the earth's environment, Biosphere 2 simulates most of the earth's environments, including deserts, swamps, thorn bushes, rainforests, savannahs, and even oceans.

In addition, in order to simulate the earth's ecological environment more realistically, a total of about 4,000 species have been introduced into the circle, including about 3,000 species of animals and plants, and about 1,000 species of microorganisms.

In order to ensure that Biosphere 2 is completely isolated from the outside world, the United States even poured two meters of concrete under the entire building decades ago!

In addition, all doors and windows of Biosphere 2 in the United States have been strictly sealed.

These measures make Biosphere 2 very airtight, basically equivalent to the second world.

After the project was completed, the United States sent several scientists to conduct scientific research for several years.

According to the original design of American scientists, after Biosphere 2 starts operating, it will become a separate entity. Except for the energy source coming from the sun, everything else will achieve a perfect self-circulation.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide will form a perfect cycle under the photosynthesis of plants, and the food for scientists will be produced by crops inside Biosphere 2...

Everything sounds so beautiful, like a paradise.

But unfortunately, all this was the fantasy of American scientists at the time.

After Biosphere 2 was launched, the first problem that arose was the internal oxygen concentration.

The large number of microorganisms living in the soil causes the oxygen content to decrease at a rate of 0.5% per month.

As for the carbon dioxide produced after a large amount of oxygen is consumed, most of it is absorbed by the concrete underground.

This directly led to the collapse of the entire circulation system.

Changes in oxygen concentration have even led to uncontrollable changes in the ecosystem.

Pollinating insects are extinct, ants and cockroaches are rampant, and tropical rainforest plants are growing rapidly...

Even the few scientific researchers who entered it quickly became extremely thin!

The final result is, of course, that outside workers pump pure oxygen into it.

The moment pure oxygen was pumped into Biosphere 2, the entire plan failed.

Finally, mankind's first man-made ecosphere project has become a tourist attraction that anyone can enter with just a ticket.

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but sigh deeply in his heart, and there was a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

As a scientist, he deeply regretted this situation.

"Professor Lu? Professor Lu?"

A soft call from the side interrupted Lu Yongchang's thoughts.

Lu Yongchang opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

Several biology professors were looking at him expectantly: "Professor Lu, we have finished reading the plan."

Lu Yongchang chuckled: "A few of them should be professors specializing in artificial ecosystems. How about it? Is there anything you want to add to this plan?"

The leading professor looked slightly serious. After pondering for a moment, he whispered: "If I guess correctly, Professor Lu, you should have learned from the data in the United States, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but feel happy.

He waved his hand casually and said: "Hey, why do you say it sounds so good? You can't learn from it..."

"I just changed a few obvious issues. If you just said you copied it, I would accept it."

"What? Is there any big problem with the project?"

With the ready-made template here, is it possible that he still wants to be a saint and spend a lot of money to research one himself?

Isn't this pure and simple and the brain has been kicked by a donkey!

The big deal... when it succeeds, just give the United States a verbal thank you.

The eyes of the leading professor were full of astonishment.

He didn't expect Lu Yongchang to admit this so freely.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "There is no big problem with the project. After all, the scientific research capabilities of the United States are there."

"It's just some small details that need to be improved."

"We still need to work harder on the selection of biological species."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently: "Can you complete this project?"

The leading professor's breath suddenly choked, and he looked at Lv Yongchang in disbelief: "Lv, Professor Lu?"

He couldn't believe that such a good job could fall on his head.

This is a complete big project!

After the failure of the Biosphere 2 project in the United States, ecosystem research has gradually been neglected by the academic community.

Therefore, these professors can't get much funding on weekdays, and are basically in a situation of generating electricity for love.

"Big, how much funding?" He asked in a low voice with excitement in his eyes and a tremor in his voice.

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly.


This is a problem.

After all, he had never considered this thing before.

The chairman of the senator and others have never restricted him in terms of funding.

"In any case, there will be enough funding!"

Lv Yongchang held it in for a long time, and said with a grumble: "Don't worry about this. If it's not enough, I will go to the chairman of the council to ask for it for you!"

The next moment, the eyes of the professors in front of him lit up!

"Professor Lu, please believe me!"

The leading professor said with a green light in his eyes and a short breath.

Since he chose this extremely unpopular research direction, he has never heard such a generous promise!

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