Under Lv Yongchang's command, the unmanned exploration fleet that was performing daily patrol missions in the nearby star field rushed to this dead star field without stopping.

The fleet consists of three exploration ships.

The reason for allocating them to the dead star field is simple - to conduct a more detailed exploration of the area where the No. 129C exploration ship disappeared.

The research on Klein bottles has lasted for more than three hundred years.

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of Klein bottles manufactured by the Dimension Laboratory and the Space-Time Research Institute has exceeded 100,000 at least.

Although most of them are defective products that exist for a few seconds or less.

But so many Klein bottle structures have a common and significant feature:

Klein bottles, there must be an exit if there is an entrance!

So far, humans have never found a Klein bottle without an exit.

It's just that... its exit may fall in some strange places.

Unlike electromagnetic wave communication and quantum communication, tachyon communication has the excellent characteristics of high stability, high speed and weak interference.

In addition, the Academy of Sciences uses the highest precision tachyon signal receiving device.

Lv Yongchang was confident that as long as the 129C probe appeared within a range of 10,000 light years, the Academy of Sciences would be able to quickly receive the signal from the 129C probe.

But there was a problem.

The 129C probe had disappeared for more than 48 hours.

The Academy of Sciences had not received the tachyon signal from the 129C probe so far.

This meant that the specific situation might be far more complicated than Lv Yongchang and others had initially estimated.

Lv Yongchang frowned, sat in his seat, and stared carefully at the holographic projection in front of him.

In the past few days, he and the academicians had repeatedly read through the various data sent back by the 129C probe, trying to find some clues from these extremely normal data.

It was easy to see from the distance between Lv Yongchang's eyebrows that the progress of this work was not smooth.

Several simple conjectures were also put forward.

The first possibility was that this Klein bottle structure formed naturally, or formed by the aftermath of the war, was far beyond Lv Yongchang's imagination.

It can directly transmit the probe ship No. 129C to a distance of 10,000 light years away!

It exceeds the longest distance of tachyon communication of human civilization at present, so it is normal that no signal can be received.

But this...

Is it really possible?

From the perspective of probability, it is indeed possible, but the possibility is very small, so small that it is almost unnecessary to consider.

Imagine that the short-distance space jump inside the mother star fortress of the seventh-level peak civilization [the tenth empire] only spans a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. How can a naturally formed Klein bottle structure span a distance of tens of thousands of light years?

Recalling the "accident" scene seen in the dimension laboratory a few days ago, the second conjecture emerged.

This Klein bottle structure is not stable. After the probe ship entered, its structure collapsed by itself, causing the probe ship to suffer an irreparable major blow.

From the information currently available, this seems to be the most likely conjecture to come true.

This is also the picture that Lu Yongchang is most reluctant to see.

The natural Klein bottle structure can almost be said to be the only shortcut for human civilization to spy on high-dimensional space today. After all, the strength of the artificial Klein bottle structure is far from meeting the standard.

Not only that, through the exploration of natural Klein bottles, the Academy of Sciences can also obtain more valuable information, such as a more stable Klein bottle structure, the conditions for the existence of large Klein bottles...

But if the second conjecture comes true, then all of the above will be illusions.

Therefore, Lv Yongchang can only pin his hopes on the third conjecture-the previous judgment was wrong, that thing was not a Klein bottle structure at all, but another space-time anomaly phenomenon unknown to humans.


A crisp reminder interrupted Lv Yongchang's thoughts.

Looking at the line of text that popped up in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's face was slightly relieved.

The exploration fleet composed of three exploration ships successfully arrived at the disappearance area of ​​the exploration ship No. 129C!

The exploration mission was then launched.

In order to prevent falling into the possible space-time anomaly structure, the three exploration ships were arranged in a triangular shape and "slowly" moved forward, with a distance of more than one million kilometers between the exploration ships.

At the same time, the three exploration ships pointed their high-precision probes at each other-ensuring that they could capture the scene of any "accident" of any friendly ship.

Time passed by bit by bit.

The three probe ships conducted carpet searches over and over again in the area where the probe ship No. 129C disappeared.

But… let alone the entrance to the natural Klein bottle structure, except for sparse interstellar dust, the probe ship did not even find a hair!

The detection accuracy reached the atomic level, and even the wreckage of No. 129C was not found!

This directly ruled out the possibility that the probe ship No. 129C was attacked by an unknown attack.

At the same time, it seemed to rule out the two conjectures proposed by the Academy of Sciences.

At this moment and here, there is no Klein bottle structure at all, nor is there an unknown abnormal space-time structure.

The answer seems to be locked on the second conjecture that Lv Yongchang least wants to see-the natural Klein bottle structure is very fragile, and under the stimulation of the probe ship No. 129C, it directly disappeared in the universe.

Seeing the reality developing towards the worst expectation, Lv Yongchang smacked his lips a little irritably and issued another order.

"Conduct a comprehensive search of the entire dead star field, with the goal of finding the wreckage of No. 129C!"

According to the "accident" scene in the original dimension laboratory, if the second guess really happened, the wreckage of No. 129C will definitely be found around.

Under Lu Yongchang's order, the three exploration ships began to slowly increase the power of the curvature engine.

For such a large-scale search, it is definitely not possible to maintain the original sailing speed.

Although this will inevitably lead to a decrease in detection accuracy, the search for the wreckage of No. 129C exploration ship does not require too high detection accuracy.

The tremendous energy generated by the antimatter reactor flows into the curvature engine along the energy path.

The surface of the calm space-time ocean also began to rise with increasingly violent waves.


The three exploration ships disappeared into the visible universe at the same time, and the search for the wreckage of No. 129C officially began.

Lu Yongchang also breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair.

The "shortcut" was broken, and he fell into a short sage state.

Tired, let's destroy it.

Not only Lv Yongchang, but also the researchers in the Dimension Laboratory fell into the same state.

Especially when they thought that they would have to rely on the exhaustive method to find a more stable Klein bottle structure, the atmosphere in the research center became more depressed.

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