Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 848 Signs of life discovered!

The probe ship did not get too close to Lake Kraken-Mare.

The reason is simple.

Although this is the smallest probe ship in the Human Alliance Fleet, its 100-meter-long ship body is destined to be unsuitable for entering this "small" lake.

Moreover, the heat emitted by the probe ship without special treatment is simply a nightmare for this methane ocean.

When the probe ship was one thousand meters away from the lake, the belly hatch of the probe ship quietly opened.

Dozens of spherical probes with a diameter of less than one meter popped out of the hatch and fell into Lake Kraken-Mare.

Looking at the waves splashing on the lake, the command center fell silent again.


The perspective was switched to the spherical probes.

These probes are carrying out the search mission at a very fast speed.

There is no sign of any large biological activity in the surface ocean, that is, Lake Kraken-Mare.

Under Zero's control, the spherical probe quickly dived deep.

According to the map in the database, they found several ice volcanoes connecting the inland sea and the open sea.

Through these ice volcanoes that constantly spewed nutrients, the spherical probe entered the inland sea under the Kraken-Mare Lake.

The evaporation of the outer sea did not affect the inland sea.

As the probe continued to go deeper, the signs of life gradually became stronger - basically they were single-celled organisms of various shapes.

This also gave the people in the command center some hope.

It seems... the seeds of life have not been completely cut off.

But as time went on, this hope gradually dissipated - the probe searched every corner of the inland sea and still found no trace of the jellyfish.

"Maybe..." Zhao Zijie pursed his lips and said with a somewhat ugly face, "The extinction-style fishing at the time completely fished out this population."

Lu Yongchang did not speak.

But a rare trace of regret appeared on his face.

Of course, regret is regret, if he really had to face the original situation again, he would still issue a fishing order without hesitation.

When human civilization faces a life-and-death crisis, all saintly behaviors are irresponsible to the entire civilization.

"...What a pity."

He whispered: "Zero, let the probe ship come back."

"Wait a little longer!"

Lv Yongchang looked at the speaker helplessly: "Gao Yang, I know what you are thinking, but..."

"Professor, let the probe ship search the land again!"

Gao Yang put his hands together and made a request to Lv Yongchang: "We haven't conducted a comprehensive exploration of the land yet!"


Lv Yongchang looked at Gao Yang's prayer with a little firmness, and smiled bitterly again: "Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Zero, conduct a comprehensive search of the land area of ​​Titan."

"Release artificial heat sources and try to lure jellyfish to appear."

After speaking, Lv Yongchang sighed softly and turned around and sat back in his chair.

There are no jellyfish in the inland sea, so how could there be any on land?

Qi Mengshu silently felt the atmosphere in the command center, and looked up again at the rapidly changing pictures in the holographic projection.

The probe "floated" silently in the low-altitude area of ​​Titan.

Every detail of the surface was clearly presented to everyone.

Gravel and gravel covered the flat land.

Suddenly, an object that didn't fit in caught everyone's eyes.

Before Lv Yongchang called for a stop, the probe automatically stopped flying and aimed the high-definition camera at the object.

It was a starship.

A starship with a strong human civilization manufacturing style.

It was the [Luan Bird] abandoned on Titan.

Perhaps because Titan did not suffer a direct helium flash from the sun, coupled with the unique methane atmosphere inside Titan, the [Luan Bird] was relatively well preserved.

Even Lv Yongchang could see various clear lines and marks on the surface of the [Luan Bird] starship.

But the [Luan Bird] did not attract the attention of the residents.

Everyone's eyes were on the "thing" next to the [Luan Bird].

After seeing the true face of those "things", Lv Yongchang stood up with excitement!

Not only Lv Yongchang, everyone in the command center stood up!

All stand up!

One after another, exclamations rang out in the command center.

At the same time, Zero's reminder also reached everyone's ears.

"Warning! Signs of life found!"

"Signal level: strong!"

"Scale statistics completed, number of individuals: 1032467!"

It was a group of pale yellow, jelly-like round creatures.

In the picture, these round creatures are arranged in a huge circular array around the [Luan Bird].

The pale orange atmosphere, the orange-red giant sun.

Their elastic pale yellow bodies are shaking back and forth in a unique posture.

"Like a kind of..."

Gao Yang stared at the huge holographic projection in front of him, muttering in a low voice.

"...Sacrificial ceremony." Qi Mengshu, who was standing aside, stared at the scene in front of him in a trance and added.

Lu Yongchang muttered to himself in disbelief: "This group of jellyfish... not only survived, but even evolved consciousness?!"


"How the hell did they do this?!"

"It's only been two thousand years!!"

Even Lv Yongchang couldn't help but swear!

Compared with human evolution, the evolution speed of this group of jellyfish is as fast as riding a rocket!

Not bad.

Although the appearance has changed and the individual size has become much smaller, Lv Yongchang can still see that these pale yellow round creatures are jellyfish from more than 2,000 years ago!


They stopped their movements and "raised their heads" to the sky one after another.


Lv Yongchang's heart skipped a beat.

For this low-intelligence civilization, witnessing the creation of a higher civilization is likely to cause widespread panic and riots within its civilization.

For a low-level civilization, this is a devastating blow.

But the next moment.

An unexpected scene appeared.

Not only did this group of jellyfish not show the panic in Lv Yongchang's heart, they even swung their elastic bodies with a larger amplitude.


"What's going on?"

Lv Yongchang asked Fang Xu beside him with a confused look on his face.

"...I don't know."

Faced with Lv Yongchang's question, Fang Xu also showed the same confusion.

"Then, what should we do now?" Lv Yongchang continued to ask.

"...I really don't know."

In the command center, the academicians stared at each other with wide eyes.

Finally, Lv Yongchang's somewhat rigid thinking turned a corner with difficulty.

"Lin Zile, where is Lin Zile?"

"Immediately ask Academician Lin Zile to come to the command center!"

"Tell him to bring some academicians who understand theology and religious studies!"

ps: Thanks to Linghua is my treasure for the great god certification!

Thank you for your support~

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