The information in the holographic projection gradually became detailed, and the atmosphere in the command center became solemn again.

The joy brought by the victory in the war was quickly diluted.

According to the data obtained by Zero, this is a complex formed by several level 6 civilizations.

The reason why it is not called an alliance...

is very simple.

It is a complex formed by subordinate civilizations, and it does not have its own decision-making power, and it is not worthy of the title of alliance at all.

If you have to make an analogy, this civilization is a bit like those subordinate civilizations abandoned by human civilization in the Kepler 452 star field - if those subordinate civilizations are combined together to form a huge civilization complex.

As for who is the main civilization behind them...

Although it is not clearly shown in the data, the various characteristics revealed have clearly presented the answer to Lv Yongchang and others - the Sweeper Civilization.

Like the original Botha civilization, this civilization complex is also deeply influenced by the [Thought Stamp] technology of the Sweeper Civilization.

The absolute obedience and worship of the Sweeper Civilization greatly restricted the creativity of these Level 6 individuals, but created a fearless cannon fodder force.

This just explains why this fleet launched a charge despite facing a huge disadvantage, and also explains why their combat power is weak.

Even more than the Botha civilization, their warships were even directly given by the Sweeper Civilization.

According to the information, these spherical warships should be obsolete products when the Sweeper Civilization was still at Level 6.

"It's just a batch of antique equipment..." Fang Xu, who was standing aside, looked at the information in front of him and sighed in a low voice, "No wonder their combat effectiveness is so low!"

"By the way, is the Sweeper civilization so shabby?"

"Why not make some adaptable weapons and equipment for them?"

In response to Fang Xu's question, Lv Yongchang raised his hand and touched his nose with a strange look on his face: "Is there a possibility..."

"Such weapons and equipment are enough in the Milky Way?"


"To some extent, the Human Union also does this."

Fang Xu: "??!"

"The historical data about this civilization has not been fully translated." Lv Yongchang explained softly, "But we can still confirm one piece of information."

"In this civilization complex, there are seven intelligent creatures of different races."

"Common sense, these are seven level six civilizations." Lv Yongchang sighed, "After the [Tenth Empire] left, these are probably all the level six civilizations born in the Milky Way."

"In theory, except for them, the highest combat power in the Milky Way is only the level five civilization."

Fang Xu subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

"Then wouldn't they be..."

Lv Yongchang looked at the historical information of the civilization complex gradually presented in the holographic projection, and his expression became more and more serious.



This is the name of this civilization complex.

Of course, this is the result of the free translation provided by Zero.

Judging from its historical data, Lv Yongchang does not think there is anything wrong with this name.

[Shepherd], the object of herding is the advanced civilization in the entire Milky Way.

Yes, this is the task assigned to this civilization complex by the Sweeper Civilization - herding the Milky Way!

To be more precise, their target of herding is the civilization in the Milky Way that is about to be promoted or has just been promoted to level six.

According to the order of the Sweeper Civilization, they need to take all the level six civilizations in the Milky Way as subordinate civilizations to strengthen their own strength.

In this way, they can achieve all-round control of the Milky Way.



Under normal circumstances, which civilization that has just been promoted to level six can withstand the attack of a civilization complex with a Sweeper battleship?

At the beginning, there were only two member civilizations in [Shepherds], let's take them with Civilization No. 1 and Civilization No. 2.

After [The Tenth Empire] left, these two civilizations took the lead in mastering part of the space-time theory, and were promoted to Level 6 civilization, becoming the well-deserved "local emperors" of the Milky Way.

Of course, the good times did not last long.

After the Sweeper civilization arrived in the Milky Way, it directly took them as subordinate civilizations - this is also the routine operation of the Sweeper civilization after arriving in a galaxy.

Under the command of the Sweeper civilization, Civilization No. 1 and Civilization No. 2 began to "herd" the Milky Way.

When they found that Civilization No. 3 had mastered the basic space-time theory, they took the warships given by the Sweeper civilization and forcibly took it under the command of [Shepherds].

This goes back and forth until today.

As for how to judge whether a civilization has mastered the basic space-time theory...

It's very simple.

The degree of mastery of curvature.

In other words, it is the navigation speed of the civilization.

Once the navigation speed exceeds 100c, that is, mastering the third-level curvature, their early warning system will be triggered.

Over a long period of time, seven level 6 civilizations have appeared in the Milky Way.

Due to the existence of [Shepherds], these seven level 6 civilizations eventually became subordinate civilizations of the Sweeper civilization.


"What about us?"

He Bilin's confused voice came: "We became a level 6 civilization more than 900 years ago. During this period, the fluctuations of the level 3 curvature spread throughout the entire territory."

"Recently, we have mastered the level 4 curvature technology, not to mention the fluctuations in space and time caused by this."

"Why haven't we encountered these [Shepherds]?"

"It's very simple." Lv Yongchang reached out and clicked on a trivial piece of information in the holographic projection, "They received other tasks."

[Shepherds, began to guard the Galaxy Bridge in 2600 of the Earth Calendar. 】

"Do you remember this time?"

He Bilin was slightly stunned, and then murmured in a low voice: "The Tail Cutting Plan was successfully implemented..."

"To be precise, it was the time when the Sweepers and the Pastoral Sect just ended the war." Lv Yongchang corrected.

"Now it seems that the Sweeper civilization has probably won this small-scale war and seized some two-dimensional fragments."

"Whether it is on-site research or sending two-dimensional fragments back to the mother civilization, they need a relatively stable research environment."

"[Shepherds] also got the task of guarding the Galaxy Bridge."

"By chance, human civilization has also gained a thousand years of development time."

Lv Yongchang's eyes were deep, and he turned his head to look at the rich microcosm outside the porthole.

"Until we launched the expedition plan."

"When we arrived at the edge of the galaxy bridge, the curvature fluctuations of the fleet's navigation attracted their attention."

"Whether it was the order to guard the galaxy bridge or the mission to herd the Milky Way, it prompted the [Shepherds] to take action against us."

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