Another cylindrical creature asked its own question.

[What should we do? ]

[The Alliance has searched all possible areas of the Laniakea Supercluster where four-dimensional bubbles may exist, but...]

[Continue the expedition. ]

Accompanied by a new electromagnetic wave, the orange mist dispersed again, and a taller intelligent creature floated out of it.

[The Empire has decided to restart the Galaxy Leapfrog Plan and move towards the Centaurus Cluster and the Hercules Supercluster. ]

[Follow the Hercules-Corona Borealis Wall and continue to search for four-dimensional bubbles. ]

[The Sweeper Civilization can find four-dimensional bubbles, so can we. ]

The electromagnetic wave slowly dissipated, and the interior of the starship returned to silence.

The flow rate of the orange-yellow mist gradually slowed down until it stagnated.

The tall cylindrical intelligent creatures also disappeared in the thick fog again.

For a long time.

As a ray of light flashed, the space-time around the giant attractor was strongly distorted.

In the fierce flash, this huge fleet has disappeared without a trace.


At the same time.

Human civilization has officially entered the Milky Way-Andromeda Bridge area and embarked on an expedition to the Andromeda Galaxy.

In the vast universe, a small fleet consisting of 500 starships quietly sailed in the silent darkness.

The starlight from the infinite distance was extremely dim and could not illuminate the way forward for this fleet.

One year...two years...

Time passed bit by bit.

For a quasi-seventh-level human civilization, the cross-galaxy voyage is extremely long and boring.

The surrounding scenery has hardly changed, and only artificial intelligence like Zero will not get tired of this boring journey.

Earth calendar year 5303.

For the first time, the fleet exited the superluminal curvature navigation state-the curvature engine of [Kuafu] malfunctioned.

Not only [Kuafu], under the invisible sharp blade of time, more or less malfunctions occurred inside the more than 500 escorting starships.

Under Zero's control, the small universe port slowly opened, and engineering ships and material transport ships drove out one after another.

The temporary starship factory automatically unfolded in this void, and a large number of robots and mechanical arms began maintenance work.

After half a year of maintenance and repair, the restored [Kuafu] once again followed the escort fleet into the superluminal curvature state.

Earth calendar year 7139.

This is the sixth time the fleet has exited the superluminal curvature state.

It has only been 191 years since the last time.

The reason for exiting the superluminal curvature state this time is not the fleet's own factors-in front of the fleet, a huge wandering planet is "fast" flying towards the Andromeda.

This is the largest celestial body encountered by the human fleet since entering the galaxy bridge.

After a brief thought, Zero sent several probes to it.

It is a gas giant planet.

It still retains a considerable amount of hydrogen and helium-the temperature inside the planet allows these hydrogen and helium to exist in gaseous form.

This is a gift from the universe to the travelers.

Zero controlled Kuafu without hesitation to open the port of the microcosm, and included the planet that had been wandering for who knows how long into the microcosm.

Earth calendar year 8713.

The human fleet left the superluminal curvature state for the 10th time.

In the Earth, Lv Yongchang woke up from hibernation.

This was his fourth awakening.

Theoretically, the next time he awakens, the human fleet will be able to reach the Andromeda Galaxy.

Due to the existence of the microcosm, the Academy of Sciences did not completely stop research work during the more than 4,000 years of sailing.

During the hibernation interval, a scientific researcher launched a scientific research "relay race".

Simply put, it is to relay each other and take advantage of the awakening time to carry out simple research work.

Although the efficiency is very low, it wins in persistence.

The original space-time theoretical model has become more and more perfect with the "experience package" provided by the Shepherd.

Lv Yongchang reviewed the results of the scientific research "relay race", and inspiration began to rise in his mind.

He seemed to have touched the threshold of the seventh-level civilization.

He recalled the original two-dimensional fragment confinement device, and the inspiration in his mind became clearer.

The more advanced application of space seems to be based on dark matter.

From matter to antimatter, and then from antimatter to dark matter.

Lv Yongchang nodded subconsciously, this is reasonable.

He stood up, climbed onto the back "deck" of the mechanical arm robot, and gave Zero an order.

"Take me to the observation deck."


[Earth], observation deck.

Lv Yongchang looked out of the porthole.

Seven stars wrapped by [Dyson Sphere] are running steadily in the center of the small universe under the action of the grand unified field, forming a stable seven-star system.

Under the action of the stellar core reaction catalytic device, these yellow dwarfs are rapidly releasing their own energy.

In just a few thousand years, they have lost the energy that could have supported billions of years of burning.

All of this energy has been converted into antimatter by the [Dyson Sphere] system, and drives the normal operation of the entire human fleet.

Further away, the small universe port has been opened.

Engineering ships and transport ships emerged one after another to carry out six months of maintenance work on the starships in the universe.

During these thousands of years, [Kuafu] and its escort fleets, except for the outer armor, almost all the internal devices have been replaced.

So the question is?

Are the current [Kuafu] and the escort starships still the [Kuafu] and the escort starships when they left the Milky Way?

This question suddenly flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.

He didn't know the answer, and he didn't want to delve into the answer to this question.

"Professor, the remaining supplies in the microcosm have dropped to the second-level warning line."

The electronic synthesized sound suddenly sounded, interrupting his drifting thoughts.

Lv Yongchang came back to his senses and cast his eyes on the holographic projection that automatically unfolded beside him.

Second-level warning line.

In other words, there are still 40% of the supplies in the microcosm.

Not a big problem.

The voyage has passed 80%, and the remaining supplies are more than enough.

He raised his hand and swiped a few times on the holographic projection.

The scene of the macrocosm appeared in front of him.

The Andromeda Galaxy, which was only a light spot at the beginning, has now completely revealed its figure to human civilization.

Andromeda Galaxy

It is a galaxy much larger than the Milky Way.

The bright light of the stars emanates from it, shining on the cold ships of the human fleet across a long distance.

As for the Milky Way, which was once so huge that it could not be expanded, it has become the Andromeda Galaxy.

It has become a tiny dim light spot that is barely detectable.

Milky Way (red circle)

The rise and fall of human civilization is all gathered in that small dim light spot.

The Milky Way chapter is over.

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