In an instant.

A sudden change occurred!

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

Under Zero's remote control, all the curvature missiles self-destructed after starting short-distance jumps!

The violent explosion and flames immediately flooded the star field where the White Dwarf Fortress was located.

Under the cover of the explosion and fire, these civilized fireships broke away from the main fleet and scattered in all directions.

According to the plan of the Academy of Sciences, the [Dandelion] will use the curvature engine to travel quickly to a thousand light-years away, and then switch to the antimatter engine for traditional acceleration.

When the starship speed reaches 0.5c, they will enter a dormant state and fly towards the target area purely relying on inertia.

It's wonderful to imagine.


The reality is cruel.

The moment the [Dandelion] left the main fleet, the White Dwarf Fortress, which had been staying put, moved for the first time!

The originally soft blue-white light gradually became stronger, and an unknown wave spread out around it with it as the center of the ball!


The calm ocean of time and space instantly overturned!

The [Dandelion], which had just entered the super-light curvature state, reappeared in the visible universe due to a curvature engine failure!


"A space-time tsunami has been detected! The intensity of the tsunami...has exceeded the detection range!"

"[Dandelion] has escaped from the super-light speed curvature state."

"The warp engine is trying to restart...restart failed!"

"Warning!! The warp drive is damaged!!"

Not only the [Dandelion], but the curvature engines of the entire Human Alliance Fleet were all scrapped under this wave of time and space fluctuations without warning!

For a time, the command center was filled with alarm messages.

"Space-time trap?!"

Such similar attack methods made Lu Yongchang couldn't help but exclaim.

Looking at the detection data in the holographic projection, he felt as if his heart had skipped a beat.

He had never even thought about a space-time trap of this magnitude, let alone seeing it!

The intensity was so high that it directly destroyed all the warp engines of the People's Alliance!

The scope is so wide that it covers the vast star field with a radius of ten light years!

After being shocked, Lu Yongchang's heart sank.

[Dandelion Project] failed!

It is impossible for a civilization's spark ship that has lost its ability to sail at faster than light speeds to escape from the sweeper civilization!

Another plan failed.

"Professor, do you want [Ten] to take action?"

Zhao Zijie's voice was full of anxiety: "If we don't use the imperial fortress, we may not have a chance..."

"Wait a minute!" Lu Yongchang shouted, "The Imperial Fortress is the last trump card. Once it is used, we will have no way out!"

He glanced at the holographic projection beside him.

What is shown in the projection is the operating status of several stars in the small universe.

He gritted his teeth with a ruthless look on his face.

"Attention all!"

"The flagship enters and escorts [Kuafu] to the front line of the battlefield!"

"Fleet, prepare for impact!"

When Zhao Zijie heard this, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.


"Which weapon are you planning to use?"

"Such a close distance...our fleet will also be implicated!"

"There is no way out!" Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed coldly, "Tell [10] that once the supernova explodes, it will immediately leave the small universe!"

"If we let it stand in front of the human fleet, we might still have a slight chance of winning!"

[Gemini Starburst], located at the top of the sixth-level civilization technology tree, is the advanced technology of [Starburst].

The principle is quite simple.

Takes two stars of equal mass and flings them towards the enemy.

The moment two stars collide and merge, fusion in the star's core is triggered, resulting in a supernova explosion.

The power is more than twice that of [Starburst].

It is currently the most powerful weapon in human civilization and can easily destroy an entire star system.

After the relevant theoretical breakthrough, human civilization has not applied it in actual combat, nor has it conducted any experiments - it is so powerful that it will even have a considerable impact on its own fleet.

Test data shows that even the radiation protection layer provided by [Nus] cannot withstand this level of attack!

But it's different now.

Human civilization has a ready-made bunker—the fortress left by the [Tenth Empire]!

To a certain extent, it is a professional counterpart.

Regarding Lu Yongchang's proposal, [Ten] naturally has no objections - once something happens to human civilization, it and [Ten] will definitely not end well.

The effect of [Spacetime Trap] is still there.

The fire of the antimatter engine suddenly lit up in the dim universe.

The huge flagship [Earth] and the small universe traction platform [Kuafu], accompanied by the main battleship, slowly sailed towards the White Dwarf Fortress.

The offensive was suspended, and the White Dwarf Fortress also closed its four shields, revealing its blue and white hull.

Just like before, it was still hovering quietly in front of the People's Alliance Fleet.

It is like a cat that has caught a mouse, playfully watching the death struggle of human civilization.

As soon as human civilization uses up all its methods, it will wipe out human civilization in one fell swoop!

As time passed slowly, the distance between the two parties became closer and closer, and Lu Yongchang's heartbeat became violent.

"Open the small universe port and release the stars!"

When [Kuafu] and [Earth] arrived at the target area, Lu Yongchang let out a roar!


Powerful space-time fluctuations suddenly appeared in this turbulent space-time area!

A bright fireball grew from small to large, and quickly squeezed out of the "small" small universe port!

Both the White Dwarf Fortress and the human fleet seemed insignificant in front of it.

Under the influence of the Grand Unified Field, it rushed towards the tiny White Dwarf Fortress quickly!

This is not over yet!

The next moment, another fireball appeared out of thin air and rushed forward at a faster speed!

In just a few seconds, the two huge fireballs touched!

The stellar core reaction catalytic device began to operate.

Dazzling light instantly appeared on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy!


"Do it!!"

Another strong space-time fluctuation.

A huge dark gray planet, much smaller than a star, suddenly appeared between the human fleet and the two stars.

Although the scale of human warships today is very large, it is obviously not enough in front of the ice giant.

Under Zero's adjustment, the Imperial Fortress blocked the front of the human fleet!

[Twin Star Explosion], officially launched!

Two stars that were very close to each other rotated towards each other and flew quickly towards the White Dwarf Fortress in front!

A huge bridge made of hot plasma appeared between the two stars, like a dazzling ribbon, gorgeous and dazzling!

Space and time shook violently!


A supernova explosion occurred!

The violent flash of this moment illuminated the entire Andromeda Galaxy!

Immediately following, there was an unparalleled gamma-ray burst! !

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