Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 875 I smell the scent of carbon-based life

A huge creature, whose body length even exceeds the diameter of Mars, quietly lurks in front of the Earth.

The size of the Earth reveals its identity as the flagship of civilization.

Similarly, the silicon ray also reveals its true face to humans.

The long, flexible tail is covered with sharp bone-like structures.

One can imagine the result of this tail over 2,000 kilometers long whipping the Earth.

Looking at the huge mouthparts with black light in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang swallowed hard.

Here comes the question.

How to disguise yourself as a silicon-based civilization in front of a silicon-based creature?

Waiting online, very urgent.

The atmosphere has been set to this point, he can't go up and tell people that the Enroget civilization is actually a carbon-based civilization, and [Ten] was wrong at the time, right?

Lv Yongchang glanced at the slightly open mouthparts again and gave up this suicidal idea.

It seems that the silicon ray civilization has a bad temper.

He didn't want to take the risk!

"Zero!" Lu Yongchang deliberately lowered his voice, "Bring all the scientific research robots up."

"Control them..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly got stuck.

This... How can I control these scientific research robots to behave like a silicon-based civilization?

Lu Yongchang thought of a quick solution: "The behavior pattern refers to humans, and the information exchange method is a mixture of sound and microcurrent."

"From now on, we are the Enrojet civilization, a combined civilization where carbon and silicon coexist."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"Got it, professor." The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the door of the command center quietly opened, and scientific research robots lined up in neat formations and entered one after another.

Then, these scientific research robots came to the control consoles one by one, imitating human behavior habits, and made serious moves one by one.

For Zero, this is not a difficult task - there are tens of billions of human behavior models in its database, and this model data will continue to increase with the growth of the population.

Not to mention imitating humans in the command center.

Even if it is to directly create an illusory robot civilization, it is not a problem.

Lv Yongchang naturally planned to do so. Under his command, not only the command center, but also the entire fleet, including the small universe, hundreds of millions of machines woke up at the same time and joined the ranks of humans.

This alone is not enough.

He first sent a greeting message to the huge silicon-based creature that was lying in front of the fleet, and then hurriedly added various "basic settings" to Zero's database.

The main feature is a one-stop full-service.

[Dear Silicon Manta Civilization, we are the Enroget Civilization. ]

[I pay my highest respects to you and thank you for your help. ]


For this level of civilization, Lv Yongchang has only one communication principle: follow the heart.

As the saying goes, flattery never wears out.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

Just praise!

You can't say good things and make mistakes, right? !

That's what they said, but... the actual situation is a little wrong.

The silicon ray civilization didn't care much about these flattering words.

On the contrary, the black light in its mouthparts became stronger and stronger, and its tail covered with spikes was aimed at the flagship [Earth].

[Enroget Civilization, you are not a silicon-based civilization! ]

[I smell the scent of carbon-based life in your warship! ]

As soon as these words came out, both sides were shocked.

Needless to say, Lu Yongchang was looking at the holographic projection with an incredible look on his face.

You can smell this tm? Are you born in the Year of the Dog? !

Although he complained, he knew in his heart that this was probably a translation problem, and the original intention was probably to discover the existence of humans through some detector.

As for the other existence that was shocked, it was naturally [Ten] inside the Empire's mother planet fortress.

At this time, [Ten] was trying his best to explain to the silicon ray civilization.

The content of the explanation was naturally the various performances of the "Enroget Civilization" during the test.

It's true, I'm crying.

Silicon Ray naturally believed in [Ten]'s explanation.

Therefore, Silicon Ray was also confused and confused at this time.

What exactly is going on?


[Respected Silicon Ray Civilization. ]

[Enroget Civilization is a civilization composed of silicon-based civilization and carbon-based civilization. ]

[We were born on different planets in the same star system. After a long dispute, we put aside our prejudices and worked together to become an interstellar civilization. ]


In order to ensure the authenticity of this history, Lv Yongchang even sent the civilization chronicle to Silicon Ray Civilization.

As for the source of the chronicle...

It is naturally Enroget Civilization. Isn't this a ready-made template? !

It's all a vest, so it shouldn't be too much to modify the civilization chronicle again?

After receiving the information, Silicon Ray Civilization carefully checked this well-formed civilization chronicle.

I can't find it, I can't find any flaws at all.

Whether it is the coordinates of the star system, the parameters of each planet, or the events of all sizes that occurred within the civilization... everything looks so real!

The confusion in the heart of the silicon ray is even greater.

Silicon-based civilization and carbon-based civilization form a recombinant civilization...

Not to mention it, the entire silicon-based civilization has never discovered such a strange thing!

How to judge this?

[The Tenth Empire] didn't mention this situation when it left!

After thinking for a while, it put away its antimatter cannon and retracted its tail that was pointing at the flagship of the Enroget civilization.

[Wait a minute, this situation is very rare, I need to discuss with other alliance members before making a decision. ]

The silicon ray swayed its body and looked around.

Then... it turned its eyes to the flagship [Earth].

For some reason, Lv Yongchang actually saw embarrassment from the hideous face of the silicon ray.

[Um... do you still have stars? ]

[I just came out too hastily and forgot to bring the small universe...]

[The energy consumption of intergalactic tachyon broadcasting is a bit high, and my own energy reserves may not be enough...]

Lv Yongchang:...


He suddenly worried about the correctness of the decision to join the silicon-based alliance.


More than ten minutes later.

Looking at the four dim stars in front of him, whose energy had been mostly extracted, the silicon ray sighed heavily.

[This is our last reserve of stars...]

Looking at the message sent by the Enroget civilization, the silicon ray sighed again.

It was just a level 6 civilization, and it was already very good to be able to take out four stars on the spot.

It kept comforting itself in its heart.

Then, it dived into one of the stars with some disdain.

Under the dull eyes of Lv Yongchang and others, a small arc of sparks splashed on the surface of the star.

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