Passing through the black hole region at the center of the Andromeda Galaxy is just an "insignificant" episode in the entire voyage.

This allowed Lu Yongchang to once again confirm the strength of the thigh behind him - wouldn't he dare to attack easily without seeing a civilization as strong as the sweeper?

More than sixty years later, the Earth's calendar is 10,100 years.

It is 8,000 light-years away from the AGBH-01 and AGBH-02 binary black hole regions.

In just two hundred years, human civilization has almost completed its journey across the Andromeda Galaxy!

When Lu Yongchang discovered this, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Humanity today is only a quasi-level seven civilization.

From this perspective... when humans become a level seven civilization, will the Andromeda Galaxy be too narrow and crowded?

No wonder the Tenth Empire chose to continue the expedition...

This is almost inevitable if we want to ensure the continued progress of civilization!

The reason is simple.

All scientific research must be based on the observation of various real phenomena.

For example, the phenomenon of the merger of double black holes hides the secret of promotion to a seventh-level civilization.

If you want to master more profound technologies, you will inevitably need more extreme and complex "celestial events".

This is also the fundamental reason why the Sweeper civilization built the ring cosmic accelerator.

"Professor, Tachyon Broadcasting has received a new signal, the frequency band is..."

Electronic synthesized sounds interrupted Lu Yongchang's reverie.

Looking at the bright white text appearing in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with surprise.

This frequency band... is a general communication frequency band established by the neutral faction!

The human fleet finally received information from level six civilization in this frequency band!

[Are the rumors true? 】


[We only heard about it...]

Scattered information gradually emerged in the holographic projection.

Lu Yongchang couldn't help but frowned.


"What rumors?"

He murmured quietly.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, another line of information finally appeared in the blue holographic projection.

[The merger of double black holes is about to happen. I hope... we can share observations and research results and jointly promote to a seventh-level civilization. 】

[Second. 】

[Agree. 】


Lu Yongchang's expression changed slightly, and a storm suddenly arose in his heart!


Do these sixth-level civilizations actually know the information revealed to him by the Silicon Ray Civilization? !

And it’s still a rumor from unknown sources?

Lu Yongchang, who was used to life in the Milky Way, suddenly felt alarm bells ringing in his heart!

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Although he has witnessed with his own eyes many scenes of advanced civilizations making progress together, he still cannot completely believe in the "grand occasion" of this kind of cooperation among civilizations after experiencing countless life and death crises.

Lu Yongchang's expression changed rapidly.

For a moment, he thought about turning around and leaving this land of right and wrong.


Promotion to the seventh-level civilization is another important threshold that cannot be bypassed for today's humans!

His consciousness sank into the technology tree space.

Looking at the fog that had dissipated at the top of the sixth-level technology tree, and the extremely bleak technology that symbolized the cornerstone of the seventh-level civilization, Lu Yongchang sighed deeply.

It was completely consistent with his original guess.

[Basic understanding of dark matter]

This is the threshold technology for level seven civilization.

But today's cursors are extremely dim, and their brightness does not even reach 10%.

In other words, Lu Yongchang couldn't even overclock his own quantum brain to forcefully analyze it.

After exiting the technology tree space, Lu Yongchang was silent for a while.


He suppressed the worry in his heart: "Zero, keep moving forward!"

The hope of human civilization to quickly advance to the seventh level of civilization can only be pinned on these two black holes.

If there is any driving force behind this incident...

All we can say is that this is an unabashed conspiracy against level six civilization!

Earth calendar year 10120.

It is 127 light-years away from the collision area of ​​the AGBH-01 and AGBH-02 binary black holes.

Unnamed star outside the system.

Following a strong fluctuation in time and space, a fleet of five hundred starships appeared in this relatively empty area.

This strong fluctuation in time and space immediately triggered the alarm of [Alcott Civilization].

"Warning! Abnormal space-time fluctuations detected!"

"Warning! Received tachyon information from an unknown civilization!"


In the [Earth] command center, before Lu Yongchang and others could breathe a sigh of relief, sirens sounded one after another.

Translated information quickly appeared in the giant holographic projection.

[Unfamiliar sixth-level civilization, this is the territory of Alcott Civilization, please leave immediately! 】

At the same time, accompanied by increasingly strong warnings, strange-shaped warships appeared around the fleet, tightly surrounding the human fleet.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, Lu Yongchang quickly issued the order after being briefly stunned.

"Develop a defensive formation immediately!"

"Open the small universe port and release the battleships and planetary fortresses!"

At the same time, he quickly edited the response tachyon information in the holographic projection in front of him.

[Alcott Civilization, we are the Enroget Civilization under the Silicon Alliance. 】

[Please believe that we have no malicious intent. 】


In short, first reveal your identity and pull out the banner of the Silicon-based Alliance and the neutral faction!

I don’t know whether it was the warships that appeared out of thin air from the small universe port or the identity of the Silicon-based Alliance that shocked this level 6 civilization. Those warships that looked like pieces of disc-shaped mud stacked together stopped their encirclement and quickly retreated.

In the nameless star system, [Orcott Civilization].

In Orcott’s complex neural network, a wave of higher and higher neural signals appeared.

Through the senses of the sub-body, it clearly observed the appearance of those "invaders".

What an ugly warship!

This was its first reaction.

But the next moment, it was deeply shocked!

That is... small universe technology? !

The other party is a level 7 civilization? !

It frantically issued an order to the sub-body: Retreat! Retreat immediately!

Then, a tachyon message appeared in front of it.

The moment it saw the message clearly, it seemed that another bomb exploded in its neural network!

Silicon-based Alliance!

The other party is the seventh-level civilization of the Silicon Alliance! !

Inside the civilization flagship, the bloated Olcott strengthened the retreat order for the sub-body!

At the same time, it trembled slightly and edited the response to the other party's tachyon information.

[Enroget Civilization...]

No, cross it out.

[Dear Enroget Civilization, we have no intention of being your enemy. ]

[Please forgive our rude behavior, we are willing to pay some price. ]


The main theme is a humble one.

ps: Thanks to Nanpai Chen Sanshao for the great god certification!

Thank you, big guy!

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