Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 891 Microcosm Cutting Experiment

One month later.

Hundreds of small starships with a scale of less than 5,000 meters sailed out of the small universe port.

They are the main starships of the small universe cutting plan - [Space Cutting Ship].

Following closely behind is a giant structure that is several times larger than [Kuafu].

It is the key device of this small universe cutting experiment - the white dwarf-class small universe traction device.

That is, the second generation of [Kuafu].

It can "hold" the small universe that has just been cut off to prevent it from completely leaving the large universe.

Under Zero's control, these starships quickly entered the curvature navigation state.

In order to avoid unknown influences on the area where human civilization is located, their destination is a relatively dense area of ​​star systems 1,000 light years away.

According to detection, there are five star systems of different sizes in the selected ten-light-year area.

These five star systems were selected by the Academy of Sciences as "indigenous" members of the small universe because they have a relatively rich variety of resources.

Of course, rich resources also have certain disadvantages - three of the star systems have bred primitive life forms with a high degree of intelligence.

There is no doubt that no one cares about the opinions of these life forms.

They don't even have the means to observe the starry sky, and it is difficult for them to even find out what they have experienced.


Another month has passed.

The [Space Cutting Ship] with a speed of 10000c and the white dwarf-class [Kuafu] successfully arrived at the target area.

Cutting the microcosm is a delicate job.

Just like [Spacetime Trap] and [Space Annihilation], the cutting work of a large range of space must also be carried out at key spacetime nodes.

For this selected spherical space with a diameter of ten light years, Lv Yongchang and a group of academicians have carried out countless measurements.

There are a total of 493 spacetime nodes.

It just corresponds to 493 [Space Cutting Ships].


Human Union Microcosm, Spacetime Research Center.

Academicians such as He Bilin and Lin Yongnian all have nervous expressions on their faces.

The four words "uneasy" are clearly expressed.

After all, this is the first experiment of cutting microcosms in human civilization.

Only Lv Yongchang is out of place.

At this time, he was sitting in his seat, looking at the picture in the holographic projection with a calm expression.

Nothing else, only self-confidence.

He was fully confident in his calculation results!

"Professor, a total of 493 [space cutting ships] have arrived at the scheduled nodes and have completed self-inspection."

He Bilin's voice was short, clearly showing his inner tension.

Lv Yongchang did not respond immediately.

He lowered his head and checked the various data again in the holographic projection in front of him. After ensuring that there were no errors, he whispered:

"Start cutting!"


Target star field.

The moment the order was issued, the antimatter reactors inside the space cutting ship began to increase their output power.

Even if it has become a seventh-level civilization and has dark matter-energy conversion technology, antimatter reactors are still a good choice for small starships with low range requirements.

As for large starships with high range requirements, dark matter reactors are added on the basis of antimatter reactors.

Pure energy flows into the space cutting device along the energy path.

This is a device based on space cracks and space shields - it can produce more stable, controllable and stronger space cracks.

The deep black color appeared from the front of the [Space Cutting Ship] and quickly spread to the surroundings.

It was like a black "film" that was constantly expanding!

In the end, they successfully wrapped the spherical space with a diameter of ten light years.

In a sense, this is like an enhanced version of the space shield.

However, its power is much greater than the space shield.

Coupled with the amplification effect of the special space-time node, the depth of the cracks it produces is also far greater than the space shield.

So far, the first step of the small universe cutting work has been successfully completed.

At this moment, this ten-light-year area cannot be called a small universe.

The reason is also very simple.

Just like the space shield, once the space cutting ship stops working, this "film" that blocks the two spaces will quickly dissipate.

If you want to make this small universe completely independent, you need the help of the white dwarf-level [Kuafu]!

In the Space-Time Research Center, Lu Yongchang also issued the second order at the right time.

The antimatter reactor and dark matter reactor of the white dwarf star Kuafu, which had been waiting on the side, started working at the same time.

Under the infusion of a large amount of energy, a powerful grand unified field appeared near Kuafu!

The big universe is full of dark matter, and the small universe originating from the big universe is no exception.

The target of the grand unified field is the dark matter in the small universe.

By pushing these dark matter, the movement of the small universe itself is driven, so that it can be separated from the big universe!

When it successfully escapes from the big universe, Kuafu will quickly change the direction of the unified field, changing the original thrust to pulling force, so as to firmly pull this small universe near the big universe.

Two months ago, 5,000 light years away.

A strong space-time fluctuation flashed in the vast starry sky.

Suddenly, the space-time fluctuation quickly subsided, and a huge silver-white life form appeared in the visible universe.

Yes, it is the silicon ray civilization!

After leaving the "Enroget Civilization", the silicon ray rushed to its "home" without stopping.

To be precise, it was the star field where its microcosm was located.

For the next cross-galactic voyage, in theory, it should fill its somewhat empty microcosm as soon as possible.

But in its expectation, the "Enroget Civilization" will need at least a thousand years to successfully upgrade to the seventh-level civilization and complete the corresponding material reserve work.

Therefore, after getting the microcosm, it was not in a hurry at all, and even took the microcosm to wander around during the last peaceful time.

By the way, some "pleasing" star systems were stuffed into it.

It was just the last commemoration of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Until just now,

it suddenly received a tachyon message from the "Enroget Civilization".

What? ! It has successfully upgraded to the seventh-level civilization? ! And all preparations for the galactic voyage have been made? !

What a joke? !

The moment the silicon ray received the message, the whole fish was dumbfounded.

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