In the biological laboratory, after Lv Yongchang proposed the concept of the Lost Zerg, Mao Zhengzhi and others once again devoted themselves to busy research work.

It is extremely difficult to transform a carbon-based life living on the surface of a planet into a semi-silicon-based life form that can cross the starry sky.

Even though human civilization has now become a level 7 civilization, this research still has considerable challenges.

As for Lv Yongchang, after determining the basic research plan for the Lost Zerg, he returned to the Spacetime Research Center to continue his unfinished research work.

In this way, two years passed in a flash.

Earth calendar year 11702.

The fleet also gradually approached the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy.

In the empty and dark universe, the silicon rays and the human fleet have left the superluminal curvature state one after another - the hundreds of years of sailing have almost exhausted their own fuel.

Two distorted spacetime structures slowly emerged in the universe, which is the port of the microcosm.

Transport ships lined up in neat formations and sailed out of the small universe port of human civilization, bringing necessary supplies and energy to the 500 escort warships staying outside.

In contrast, the silicon ray was not so troublesome.

It directly took out a blue giant star that released strong radiation from its own small universe, and then plunged into it.

With increasingly strong fluctuations, the energy inside the star quickly "flowed" into the body of the silicon ray, relieving its fatigue from the journey.

Just like the maintenance and repair work of the human fleet, absorbing a blue giant star also takes a lot of time.

The silicon ray was obviously not prepared to "dive" inside the blue giant star for so long.

As a "small" wave emerged on the surface of the blue giant star, which was enough to swallow up the earth, the silicon ray poked its head out of it.

It curiously cast a look at the Enroget fleet on the side.

Under the watchful eyes of the silicon ray, one by one, the "silicon-based" Enroget people walked out of these transport ships, and performed maintenance and repair work for the escort warships of the outside world in an extremely efficient manner.

Looking at the busy and harmonious scene, the silicon ray could not help but reveal a hint of envy and joy in his eyes.

From the moment it was born, it was a lone "fish".

The life among the same race was only a mirage for it.

A faint memory slowly emerged in the core of the silicon ray's mind.

More than 100,000 years ago, when the Tenth Empire arrived in the Andromeda Galaxy.

At that time, it was still in the sixth-level civilization and learned for the first time that there were other silicon-based creatures in the universe.

It was like a ray of light that penetrated the darkness and directly illuminated its "fish" life.

But... the good times did not last long.

When the silicon ray joined the silicon-based alliance and successfully promoted to the seventh-level civilization, the Tenth Empire decided to continue the expedition.

Faced with the olive branch thrown by the Tenth Empire, the silicon ray chose to stay in the Andromeda Galaxy.

It was this choice that made it return to its original lonely life.

Until 80,000 years ago.

The Silicon Alliance merged into the neutral faction, and the Tenth Empire became one of the leaders of the neutral faction. It took a small step out of the lonely world. When the news reached the Andromeda Galaxy, many neutral civilizations expressed different degrees of goodwill to it.

But... none of them were silicon-based creatures.

The huge difference in the basis of life made it difficult for it to integrate into those neutral civilizations.

In this way, it continued to endure a lonely life for 80,000 years.

Until the emergence of the Enroget civilization.

It was because of this that it changed its original attitude of playing badly and relied on the equipment left by the Tenth Empire to directly confront the Sweeper civilization.

Watching the Enroget civilization grow step by step and become a level 7 civilization in a very short time, the Silicon Ray was filled with joy.

This is a vibrant and lively civilization, which even made the Silicon Ray's mind, which had been dormant for a long time, become active!


The good times are still not long.

Like the Tenth Empire, the Enroget civilization also embarked on the road of expedition.

Although there are many external factors behind it, the silicon ray is not surprised by this result.

This may be the commonality of all vibrant civilizations.

After experiencing the last lesson, the silicon ray also thought silently for hundreds of years.

In the end, it made a decision-this time, it must embark on the road of expedition together!

It no longer wants to endure the lonely life of a "fish" alone!

A strong space-time fluctuation interrupted the silicon ray's memories.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of human civilization, which had just completed the material supply work.

[Little guy, pay attention, it seems that someone is coming. ]

Feeling the ultra-high speed of nearly 50,000c, the spirit of the silicon ray suddenly tensed up.

It slightly opened its mouthparts, and the dark matter cannon in it flashed a faint black light.


In the human union microcosm.

The moment the alarm sounded, one academician after another put down his work and rushed to the command center of [Earth].

Lv Yongchang looked at the tachyon communication from the silicon ray civilization, and his face became serious.

50000c speed, this is already in the category of fifth-level curvature.

There is no doubt that the visitor belongs to the eighth-level civilization.

At this critical time, this unannounced behavior directly triggered the danger alarm in Lv Yongchang's mind!

Could it be the sweepers?

Have they decided to break up with the neutral faction?

This conjecture immediately came to Lv Yongchang's mind.

While thinking, he clicked a few times on the holographic projection in front of him and sent a tachyon message with a dictionary to the direction of the signal source.

As usual.

First, state your identity, pull out the banner of the Silicon Alliance and the Neutral Faction, and then ask the other party's intention.

Like human civilization, the silicon ray also sent an inquiry message to the other party.


After a short wait, a tachyon message appeared in front of the silicon ray and human civilization.

[Silicon ray, I know you. ]

Although the seventh-level civilization cannot be called the top existence, it is also a top-ranked civilization in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Therefore, the content of the message did not cause Lv Yongchang to be surprised.

But the dictionary that came with the message made Lv Yongchang's face suddenly change!

That was a dictionary information that had existed in the human civilization database for a long time!

It was not the dictionary of the Sweeper Civilization, nor the universal dictionary of the Silicon Alliance...

It was the dictionary information used by [Painting]!

The other party is the Pastoral School!

Lv Yongchang subconsciously held his breath.

[Little guy, don't worry. ]

[The other party is a pastoral civilization, they will not conflict with the Silicon Alliance. ]

The message sent by the Silicon Ray was full of confidence.

Looking at the white text on the projection, Lv Yongchang suddenly showed a bitter smile that was uglier than crying.

Things are getting serious.

Compared with the Sweeper Civilization, he is actually more "afraid" of the Pastoral Civilization.

After all, human civilization still has the life of a two-dimensional creature in its hands!

If this is discovered...

Lv Yongchang couldn't help but shudder.

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