Member Li's question attracted everyone's attention.

Every researcher present looked at Lv Yongchang with trepidation.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and slowly shook his head.

"The changes in the sun are most likely not caused by this civilization."

Before Member Li could breathe a sigh of relief, Lv Yongchang continued in a deep voice: "I suspect that the sun was tampered with by another advanced civilization."

The head of the council suddenly shrank his pupils, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "What?! There is another one?!"

After a moment of surprise, Member Li regained his usual calmness, but deep in his eyes, he could still see a little trepidation and uneasiness.

"Yongchang, can you tell me what you based your judgment on?"

Hearing Councillor Li's question, Lv Yongchang slowly raised his head and explained solemnly: "It's very simple."

"The power source of the Hall thruster is actually not very advanced."

"Or in other words, in the universe civilization, the Hall thruster should be the lowest level of propulsion."

"The basis for my judgment..."

"At least we have initially mastered the Hall thruster."

The faces of everyone present changed slightly.

It sounds unpleasant, but it does make sense.

Even if humans living on their home planet can master the Hall thruster technology, then how advanced should those extraterrestrial civilizations that have the ability to navigate the star system have? !

Seeing the uncertain look of the councillor, Lv Yongchang chuckled: "You don't have to be so pessimistic."

"There is still good news."

"At least, the technology level of this extraterrestrial civilization found on the moon is not much different from ours."

Member Li was stunned for a moment, and a bitter smile appeared in his eyes: "That's all I can think of."

"But... if the sun is targeted by another advanced civilization, then wouldn't we..."

Lv Yongchang's expression became more and more relaxed.

"Member, there's no need to worry so much."

"Although it sounds a bit harsh, in the eyes of advanced civilizations, we are just a bug."

"Will you pay attention to the movements of a nest of ants at your doorstep?"

The councillor looked at Lv Yongchang in front of him with a look of astonishment, and for a moment he couldn't accept his statement: "You mean, we humans... are just a nest of ants?"

"... Maybe not even as good as ants."

Member Li smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If that's the case, then I won't worry about it."


After seeing off Councillor Li, Lv Yongchang returned to the office alone.

At the moment he closed the door, he sighed deeply.

Will advanced civilizations really not notice human movements?

The answer is naturally no.

Humans must have been noticed by a certain advanced civilization.

Otherwise, Lv Yongchang didn't know how to explain the change in the timing of the solar anomaly.

Just like a nest of ants living quietly at the doorstep will not attract attention, but once this nest of ants begins to expand its territory and declare its power, it will inevitably attract a lot of attention.

Even, it will bring about a catastrophe.

But what exactly is the reason that humans are remembered by more than one civilization?

Lv Yongchang fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and a piece of history emerged in his mind.

On August 20 and September 5, 1977, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched from the United States.

The two probes are responsible for the mission of the outer planets.

As early as 2012, studies have shown that Voyager has entered interstellar space, that is, outside the solar system.

The plutonium battery inside the Voyager continued to operate until five years ago, that is, in 2025.

After the battery was exhausted, humans no longer received any information from the Voyager. In other words, from five years ago, whether the Voyager still existed in interstellar space has become an unknown.

Inside the Voyager, there are two gold-plated records and a diamond phonograph needle.

The records contain a lot of human information, greetings in 55 human languages ​​and some world classics.

In addition to this information, the records also contain photos of planets in the solar system, as well as the specific coordinates of humans and the earth!

Once the two Voyagers are intercepted, all the information of human civilization will be exposed to other civilizations!

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang's face suddenly became ugly.

According to the time speculation, the accident of the Voyager probe has become a foregone conclusion!

The catastrophe facing the earth and mankind is the consequence of what the United States did in 1977.


A few months ago.

The moment when the glory of nuclear fusion just shone on the land of Xia.

In an artificial planet fortress that is countless light years away from the solar system.

One of the jobs of Sweeper 9527 is to look through the data sent from various detectors in the Milky Way.

Countless detectors send various data to the main civilization all the time, most of which are useless information.

For example, supernova explosions, black hole annihilation, or celestial body collisions, these are all irrelevant information.

He needs to find useful information from countless chaotic data.

As for what is useful information...

"Sir, we found a planet with exposed coordinates at the edge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way."

Hearing the information reported by his subordinates, Sweeper 9527's visual organs shook slightly.

"Oh? Orion Arm? Such a barren location can actually give birth to civilization?"

Sweeper 9527's tone was full of surprise.

The Orion Arm is not one of the four main spiral arms of the Milky Way,

which means that the materials in it are extremely scarce.

The edge of the Orion Arm... can even be said to be a remote place!

Sweeper 9527 couldn't imagine such a barren environment.

At least, he had never been to such a place.

"Yes, this civilization has published all its specific location and information."

Hearing this, Sweeper 9527's visual organs trembled again.

Heh... Another young civilization that has just started.

So naive.

"Hehe... In this case, execute the procedure."

Soon, an application was handed to him.

"Apply for a star-eating device for cleaning."

Sweeper 9527 slid the application carelessly and threw a round ball emitting black light to the Orion Arm.

At the moment when he threw out the Star Eater, his visual organs casually glanced at the observation instrument in front of him.

"Wait! They have mastered controlled nuclear fusion, turn up the power of the Star Eater!"

Seeing the power of the Star Eater being turned up, Sweeper 9527's visual organs trembled again.

It was a close call.

He almost made a mistake.

If this cleaning mission fails, his bonus this year might be cut in half, right?

While thinking, he made a mark on the observation panel in front of him.

"Cleaning success."

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