Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 908 [Vacuum Zero-Point Energy]

The central region of the M87 galaxy.

One hundred thousand light years away from the Neutralist safe zone.

There was a wave of space-time fluctuations, and a dozen twisted spherical-like gray shadow structures appeared in the visible universe.

The gray shadow structure floats slowly, and encrypted tachyon information is transmitted to the surroundings.

[Quark Fortress has been destroyed, and the Sweeper M87 Division has fallen into decline. 】

[But we also paid a heavy price...]

[For the successful implementation of the annihilation plan, this price is acceptable. 】


After a long silence, new tachyon information continued to arrive.

[Not long ago, the starship of the Secor civilization left the safe area. 】

[Leaved the safe area? Where did they go? 】

[According to our investigation, those starships briefly left the M87 galaxy. 】

[Leaving the M87 galaxy... Could it be that the Silicon Alliance is doing something small? 】

[Some time ago, a high-priority assistance message came from Andromeda. Could it be related to this matter? 】

[It's possible... just to be on the safe side, go take a look. 】

[However, the war with the Sweepers is not over yet, we...]

[We have established a large enough advantage, not to mention, reinforcements from the surrounding small galaxies are constantly arriving, so nothing will happen. 】

The time and space that had just returned to calm began to fluctuate again.

Those dozen gray shadow structures disappeared into the visible universe again.

other side.

The United Fleet, inside the small universe.

Sitting in the office, Lu Yongchang is still repeating the boring data verification work.

No clue.

Within the quasar structure, there are no phenomena related to dimensional changes at all!

Lu Yongchang frowned, with a rare expression of frustration on his face.

Could it be that there is a deviation in the research direction?

The cornerstone technology of the eighth-level civilization is not dimensional technology?

After experiencing countless failures, he couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

As time passed, this thought became more and more important.

Wrong! It must be the wrong direction!

Lu Yongchang stood up subconsciously, waved his hand and "threw" the holographic projections filled with calculations stacked in the office into the corner.

He needs to change his thinking!

This is easy to say, but difficult to actually do.

Brand-new holographic projections unfold one after another, and hundreds of years of observation data continue to emerge in them.

Lu Yongchang raised his hand and started calculating again in front of him.

At first, his movements seemed very stiff and slow.

This is normal. It is not easy to change the direction of thinking after a long period of thinking inertia.

But as time goes by, the movements in his hands are becoming smoother!

"A little more..."

A murmur with some doubt and confusion sounded in the office.

The blue light of the holographic projection shines on Lu Yongchang's face.

His face was haggard, but his eyes were bursting with unprecedented excitement!

"A little more!"

Lu Yongchang repeated again in a low and hoarse voice.

This time, his voice was extremely sure, and the original hesitation and confusion had completely dissipated!

Just now, during the data verification process, Lu Yongchang suddenly discovered an extremely exaggerated "error"!

The energy released in the quasar jet is a full 5% more than the theoretical situation!

Moreover, as the mass of the quasar increases, the magnitude of the increase in "error" also increases rapidly!

This can no longer be said to be an error, this is simply a revolutionary discovery!

As for why it was not discovered before...

On the one hand, under the inertia of past thinking, just like studying the collision of double black holes, everyone's attention has been focused on the changes in space and time around the quasar structure.

On the other hand, due to the battle between the sweepers and pastoralists near the quasar, the mass of the quasar has been growing, which has greatly affected the research process.

Part of the increased mass is the wreckage of the Sweeper battleship, and the other part is the large amount of three-dimensional matter released by the dimensional creatures when they return to the third dimension.

Lu Yongchang must calculate this part of the irregularly growing mass - this can be done through the observation and calculation of the surrounding space-time distortion phenomenon.

Looking at the two curves that were growing apart in front of him, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and calmed down his inner excitement.

The mysteries contained in quasars have been revealed to him!


Where does this energy generated out of thin air come from? !

This is a quasar!

Now, the energy it emits every second is enough to destroy a galaxy!

How could such majestic energy appear in the universe so quietly? !

For a moment, Lu Yongchang even suspected that there was something wrong with the law of conservation of energy.

Just as Lu Yongchang was about to continue studying the mystery, a slight fluctuation came from the depths of his mind.

There are changes in the technology tree!

Tech tree space.

The first thing that caught the eye was the mottled and weird background space.

Although there was no text in it, and it had nothing to do with the technology tree itself, his intuition told him that the mottled background space definitely contained an extremely large amount of information!

Just like a picture of blue sky and white clouds, the amount of information contained behind it is unimaginable!

The purpose of entering the technology tree space this time was not this background structure. Therefore, Lu Yongchang's eyes only stayed on this mottled background for a short moment.

He raised his head and looked towards the top of the technology tree.

Deep joy arose in his heart!

The fog at the top of the technology tree still dissipates!

The cornerstone technology that symbolizes the eighth-level civilization is shining with a faint light, barely illuminating the dim technology trees around it.

[Endless Energy: Preliminary Mastery of Vacuum Zero Point Energy]

Lu Yongchang subconsciously held his breath.

Vacuum zero point energy!

It turns out to be vacuum zero-point energy!

As early as the age of the earth, this most ideal endless energy source was proposed.

If the vacuum is compared to the undulating sea of ​​energy, then the positive and negative particles are the ripples on the sea of ​​energy.

Even in an empty vacuum, pairs of virtual particles and virtual photons will continue to be generated.

To put it simply, in the vacuum, a pair of positrons and negative electrons will suddenly appear, and then the pair of positrons and negative electrons will annihilate each other to form virtual photons, and the virtual photons will continue to generate positrons and negative electrons, and so on...

This is the vacuum fluctuation phenomenon realized by the Casimir effect!

(Casimir effect experiment: Place two parallel uncharged metal plates in a vacuum. According to classical mechanics, there cannot be any force between the two plates except universal gravitation. But at a gap of ten nanometers, the Casimir effect Can generate an atmospheric pressure, 101.3 kPa).

The phenomenon of vacuum fluctuations also proves the existence of vacuum zero-point energy!

Since there has not been much progress in research in this area, it was gradually abandoned and forgotten by the Academy of Sciences.

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