Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 913: Rush to the rescue of M87!

At the moment when the four-dimensional creatures launched their attack, the high-power tachyon broadcast from the Secor flagship also successfully spread throughout the entire neutral faction territory.


It obviously did not have the expected effect.

A large number of space-time fluctuations appeared in the territory.

But only a very small part of the space-time fluctuations were heading towards the battlefield.

In short, only a few level 7 civilizations chose to rush to the battlefield, and the first reaction of most level 7 and level 6 civilizations was to flee to areas far away from the battlefield!

The Pastoral Faction, which noticed this scene, became more and more fierce in its offensive!

As they said, the neutral faction is just a group of shapeless loose sand!

Even if these civilizations participate in the war, it will not have much impact on the war situation in the M87 galaxy!

The Secor civilization did not put all its hopes on these neutral faction's "allies".

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the neutral faction's territory.

The energy supply network formed by thousands of blue giant stars connected to each other is fully extracting the energy inside these blue giant stars.

Coupled with the zero-point energy reactor, the majestic and pure energy flows along the thick energy channel toward an artificial planet comparable in size to an ice giant.

This planet has only one function: to initiate a wide-area tachyon broadcast across superclusters.

With the continuous influx of energy, this super-large-scale tachyon broadcast device gradually entered the working state.


A low vibration came from the solid surface of the artificial planet.

The next second.

A wide-area tachyon broadcast with extremely high energy level spread out from the artificial planet to the surrounding areas!

The encrypted tachyon signal carried the information, first flying over the Virgo Cluster, and then across the Laniakea Supercluster.

Finally, it decayed to an imperceptible state in the edge area of ​​the Laniakea Supercluster.

This is a tachyon broadcast covering the entire Laniakea Supercluster.

The only audience of the broadcast are members of the Silicon Alliance.

And the ultimate goal of the broadcast is the [Tenth Empire] far away in the Hercules Supercluster.

Due to the limitation of the number of stars and the level of technology, it cannot directly transmit information to the target area.

But it is not a big deal.

A few minutes later.

Several wide-area tachyon broadcasts with similar energy levels appeared in the edge area of ​​the Laniakea Supercluster!

Like a relay race, these tachyon broadcasts quickly flew out of the Laniakea Supercluster and transmitted to more distant areas.

Virgo Cluster, Eye Galaxy.

Virgo Cluster, M86 Galaxy.

Hydra Cluster, NGC 3309 Galaxy.

Centaurus Cluster, NGC 4694 Galaxy…

With the transmission of wide-area tachyon broadcasts, more or less abnormal movements appeared in each galaxy!

What? ! The Pastoral Party took action against the Silicon Alliance? !

What? ! The reason for the action was actually fear of the development potential of a level 7 kid in the Silicon Alliance? !

What? ! ! That kid developed to a quasi-level 8 civilization in 10,000 years? ! !

Can this be tolerated? !

One call, a hundred responses!

Under the influence of the mutual assistance and group style of the Silicon Alliance, the members of the Silicon Alliance, who had originally stayed quietly in their own territory and had no intention of participating in the war between the Pastoral Faction and the Sweepers, all stood up!

One after another, huge fleets set sail urgently, and the fluctuations caused by the super-large-scale wormholes spread to the surrounding areas!

For those who are a little closer, the seventh-level civilization took the "ride" of the eighth-level civilization and set off together.

For those who are a little further away, the eighth-level civilization went to the meeting alone!

At this time, the wide-area tachyon broadcast is still transmitting to more distant areas.

M87 galaxy, the border area of ​​the neutral faction.

After suffering a series of "critical hits", the incomplete Secor fleet finally came to its senses and launched a comprehensive counterattack against the four-dimensional creatures.

A large number of dark matter cannons and space weapons spread in this area.

However... due to the Secor fleet's lack of knowledge of the fourth dimension, they cannot upgrade themselves or their weapons and ammunition.

Therefore, these attacks are seriously insufficient to kill four-dimensional creatures.

It is called scraping for short.

And the attack of four-dimensional creatures on the Secor civilization...

The attack launched from the fourth dimension easily bypassed all the shields and armor of the warships - all real damage, no water at all.

Of course, after the war started, the human fleet and the silicon rays were not idle.

Although their attacks were like small water guns, not even scraping, they won in the heart.

Seeing that the casualties of the Secor fleet exceeded 70%, the war was about to fall into an absolute disadvantage. A strong wave of space-time fluctuations finally crossed the long star road and came to this chaotic battlefield.

Countless tachyon broadcasts hovered in the battlefield!

[Dear Secor civilization, the neutral Shima civilization came to support! ]

[This is the neutral Kalin Star civilization! ]

[Neutral, Biris civilization! ]


[Secor, hold on! ]

They are the neutral civilization of M87 who chose to come to support!

Unlike the Secor civilization, these neutral level 7 civilizations have some war experience!

Before they actually arrived at the battlefield, countless dark matter cannons and space rifts came roaring in!

The power of these attacks was not strong, and they were not even as strong as the attacks launched by the human fleet.


The advantage is the large number.

This area gathers the neutral civilizations of the entire M87 galaxy!

Although most civilizations chose to flee, and only 20% chose to support, it is still a number that cannot be underestimated!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change!

Under the attack of ultra-high-density dark matter cannons and space weapons, even four-dimensional creatures had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge - they temporarily gave up the final pursuit of the Secor fleet.

The Secor fleet also got a brief respite.

[Damn it, damn it! ]

The spherical shadow structure slowly floated in the universe.

A four-dimensional creature looked at the dense fleet around him and shouted angrily: [The movement is too loud! The branch has sent an inquiry message! ]

[This... How could this little movement attract the attention of the branch? ! ]

[The Secor civilization launched an inter-galaxy cluster tachyon broadcast! Damn it! ]

[The nearby galaxies and galaxy clusters have shown different degrees of abnormality! ]

[According to the information from the branch, there are already eight-level civilizations rushing to the M87 galaxy! Preliminary judgment, they are basically members of the Silicon Alliance! 】


The communication channel of the four-dimensional creature suddenly fell silent.

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